How can you see others who viewed your facebook story

Are you getting a “1 other person viewed this story” on Facebook story?

Here’s the full sentence, “1 other person viewed this story. As it was shared to Public, a person you aren’t friends with saw it”.

Back on March 28, 2017, Facebook launched stories where users can upload a photo or a video (that lasts for 24 hours) for their friends to see.

This is similar to Snapchat Stories (the original creator of Stories).

Over the years, other social media platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more, has hopped on the bandwagon.

With stories, users can share a moment of their life with their friends and family seamlessly.

Users can also check who viewed their Stories by looking at their viewer’s list.

However, there are some confusing terms in the viewer’s list such as “Other Viewers” on Facebook Stories.

If you happened to come across that term (e.g. x other person viewed this story), you might be wondering what it means.

At the end of the day, you want to be able to know who seen your stories.

In this article, you’ll learn what “Other Viewers” mean on Facebook stories, how to see them, and more.

  • What Does “Other Viewers” Mean on Facebook story?
  • How to see “Other Viewers” on Facebook
  • How to get rid of “Other Viewers” on Facebook
  • Does “Other Viewers” mean that I’m blocked?

Other Viewers are the people who’ve viewed your story that isn’t friends with you on Facebook.

For example, if it says “3 other people viewed this story”, it means that 3 people that you’re not friends with have viewed your story.

“Other viewers” will only show if you’ve changed your story’s privacy setting on Facebook to “Public”.

By default, your story’s privacy setting will be set to “Friends” only.

“Friends” only means that only your friends on Facebook can view your story.

If you happened to change it to “Public”, anyone on Facebook or Messenger will be able to see your story.

That being said, if someone who is not your friend on Facebook views your story, they will be put under “Other Viewers”.

How can you see others who viewed your facebook story

If you changed your story’s privacy setting to “Public”, people that you’re not friends with on Facebook will be able to view your stories.

These users are categorized under “Other Viewers”, and you won’t be able to see their profiles.

Ironically, users under “Other Viewers” are anonymous.

There’s also a privacy setting called “Custom” where you can choose who can view your story.

If you only want to show your story to a selected group of friends, you can select this option.

However, this setting does not allow the public to see your story, so “Other Viewers” won’t show up.

How to see “Other Viewers” on Facebook

How can you see others who viewed your facebook story

Unfortunately, you cannot see “Other Viewers” on Facebook because the app does not show it.

According to Facebook, if your story’s privacy setting is set to “Public”, you’re only able to see the followers who viewed your story, but not their specific names.

If your story’s privacy setting is set to “Public”, everyone will be able to view your story.

People who’ve viewed your story that you’re not friends with on Facebook will be listed under “Other Viewers”.

However, their names will be anonymous.

In other words, the users under “Other Viewers” will be hidden from you.

This limitation has displeased many users as they are unable to see who the “Other Viewers” are.

There’s even a petition (created by Wendy Williams) that demands Facebook show the “Other Viewers”.

You can sign the petition if you support the change.

How to get rid of “Other Viewers” on Facebook

How can you see others who viewed your facebook story

To get rid of “Other Viewers” on Facebook, you need to change your story privacy to “Friends” the next time you post a story.

The reason why “Other Viewers” appears on your Facebook story views is that you’ve changed your story’s privacy setting to “Public”.

If you’ve changed your story’s privacy setting from “Friends” to “Public”, users who are not friends with you on Facebook will be able to see your story.

These users will be categorized under “Other Viewers” (e.g. 1 other person viewed this story).

If you want to prevent strangers from viewing your stories, you need to modify your privacy settings.

Here’s how to get rid of “Other Viewers” on the Facebook app:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile > Add Story.
  2. Add a photo/video.
  3. Tap on “Privacy” at the bottom left of your screen.
  4. Change your privacy setting to “Friends”.

After changing your privacy setting to “Friends”, stories that you post in the future can only be seen by your friends.

In other words, people who are not friends with you cannot see your stories.

Hence, this will prevent “Other Viewers” from showing up on your story views.

Does “Other Viewers” mean that I’m blocked?

How can you see others who viewed your facebook story

Yes, “Other Viewers” on your Facebook story views can mean that you’re blocked.

However, that’s extremely unlikely.

“Other viewers” are people who viewed your story that you’re not friends with on Facebook.

When you’re blocked on Facebook, you won’t be able to see the person’s posts, stories, and you’ll be removed as a friend.

Neither can the person see your posts or stories.

However, if the person saw your story and blocked you right after, you’ll see “1 viewer” on your story views instead.

You won’t be able to see the person’s name.

If the person unblocks you, adds you on Facebook, and you accept it, their name will re-appear on your story views.

This theory has been tested using 2 accounts, and it’s proven to be true.


Knowing who viewed your stories is important because of privacy and safety reasons.

Unfortunately, if you changed your privacy setting to “Public”, you won’t be able to see the people who viewed your stories that you’re not friends on Facebook with.

Facebook has yet to display who the “Other Viewers” are, so you can only see your friends that viewed your story.

Here are the main takeaways from the article:

  • If you changed your story’s privacy setting to “Public”, everyone on Facebook and Messenger can see your story.
  • “Other Viewers” are people that are not friends with you on Facebook.
  • You cannot see “Other Viewers” as Facebook deliberately hid them.
  • In the event that someone blocks you right after they viewed your story, you’ll see “1 viewer” in your story views as their profile will be hidden from you.

All in all, it’s highly recommended that you set your privacy setting to “Friends”.

Otherwise, strangers will be able to view your story, and you won’t be able to know who they are.

Further Reading

What Does Bump Mean on Facebook? And How to Use It

Why Is The “Add Friend” Button Not Showing on Facebook?

How to Schedule Tweets on Twitter For Free

How can I see anonymous viewers on Facebook stories?

Go to Facebook and go to the Stories section at the top of your feed. Click Your Story to open it. Click the Viewers option at the bottom left and then you can see the list of the viewers' names.