How come i got my period twice this month

Updated on: 21 July 2020, 14:12 pm IST

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Imagine a situation where your periods have just ended and within a span of just 10 days, you start bleeding again. Yes, we are talking about getting your periods twice in a month. Don’t be alarmed because this situation is quite rare.

In fact, when we asked Dr Bilsi Mittal, a gynaecologist at Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai, whether a woman can get her periods twice in a month, she promptly replied YES.

But, she also added that “Nowadays it is a little normal due to many factors but if it continues to happen for months altogether, then you must get yourself checked as this could be an indication of a bigger problem.”

According to Dr Mittal, there are multiple reasons that can lead to this problem and the age of the woman also has a major role to play. No points for guessing, hormones are the biggest culprits here. Here are 10 reasons why you might be getting your period twice in one month:

1. You might be pregnant
“If the woman is in her reproductive age then there are high chances that she might be bleeding because she is pregnant. Intermittent bleeding happens in pregnancy and it is quite normal”, says Dr Mittal.

2. You might have PCOS
Yes, if you are dealing with PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome then there is a chance that you might get your period twice in a month. Says Dr Mittal, “PCOS is all about hormonal imbalance and hormones have a direct implication on your periods. Not just two periods in one month but no period at all can also be a situation for some ladies. At times, when there is weight gain due to the disorder then that also affects the ovulation cycle and hence bleeding is observed.”

PCOD/PCOS could be to blame for your frequent periods. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. You might have polyps or fibroids issues
Dr Mittal suggests that fibroids can play a major role here. When either polyps or fibroids form along the uterus lining, then it can impact the period cycle.

4. Your thyroid is not functioning the way it should
“In some of my patients I have seen that their thyroid is not functioning properly and due to that there is a major hormonal imbalance in their body due to which they are getting two periods in a month,” says Dr Mittal.

5. You might have missed a dose of your oral contraceptive pills
Oral contraceptive pills or birth control pills are nothing but hormones according to Dr Mittal. She says, “If a woman is taking them regularly and she missed it then it that can lead to a hormonal disturbance in their body and bleeding might take place.”

Missing a dose of your birth control pill can wreak havoc on your body. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

Also read: Forgot to take your birth control pill? Here’s some important advice from a gynaecologist

6. You might have an infection down there
“Well, this bleeding might not be menstrual bleeding but if your cervix is unhealthy or you have precancerous growth down there then there are chances of bleeding”, says Dr Mittal.

7. You might be hit by a premenopause
According to our gynaecologist, this is seen with women who are above 40 and is absolutely normal. Frequent bleeding is a normal phenomenon in women attaining menopause.

8. You might be stressed out
“Majorly happens with young women nowadays. Due to their hectic work lives, their hormones go for a toss. Plus, unhealthy habits make their case worse leading to two periods in a month. But this is only normal when it happens once or twice. If it is frequent then they must go and talk to their doctor,” says Dr Mittal.

Heavy stress can screw up your period cycle. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

9. You might be exercising too hard
Exerting our body beyond its capacity will always have repercussions and one of them is having two periods in one month. “Vigorous exercise and crash dieting are the worst thing that you can do to your reproductive health. It should always be a gradual process and it should be balanced so that your body can adapt”, says Dr Mittal.

10. You might be travelling way too much
“In this case there are a lot of factors that are at play like weather change, eating habits, sleeping pattern, stress levels, etc. All of them disrupt your hormonal balance – hence you might end up bleeding twice in a month,” concludes Dr Mittal.

Getting your period twice in one month can be surprising, not to mention annoying and uncomfortable. And if you’ve never experienced this before, you also might find yourself worried that something concerning is going on in your body.

Getting two periods in one month isn’t always a cause for concern—your body may be following its normal menstrual cycle, which can range in length between 24 and 38 days. So, if your cycle is less than a month long and you have your period at the beginning of the month, you may see it appear again toward the end of the month.

But aside from the length of your cycle, there are many other reasons why you might experience bleeding twice in a month. In some cases, you may be experiencing bleeding tied to a health condition rather than actually getting your period twice. Here are some of the common causes:

You’re Pregnant

Irregular bleeding during pregnancy occurs for some women, and it’s possible to mistake irregular bleeding for your period. If you get your period twice in one month and are sexually active, you may want to take a pregnancy test to see if you’re experiencing irregular bleeding as a result of being pregnant.

You Have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is a condition in which the female reproductive organs get infected after bacteria move into that area of the body from the vagina or cervix. One of the symptoms  of pelvic inflammatory disease is irregular uterine bleeding, in which you may experience bleeding between menstrual cycles.

You’re Experiencing a Thyroid Disorder

Both hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) can cause your menstrual cycle to become shorter, meaning you may have two periods within one month. Both conditions can be diagnosed with a blood test and treated with medication.

You Have Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in the uterus. They’re typically benign but may contribute to heavy bleeding between periods. If you mistake this bleeding for your menstrual cycle, it might appear as though you have two menstrual periods in one month.

You Didn’t Take Your Birth Control on Schedule

Forgetting to take your birth control on schedule can throw your hormones out of whack in a way that may lead you to experience irregular bleeding. Your cycle will typically return to normal after you resume taking your birth control medication according to schedule.

You’re Under a lot of Stress

Feeling really stressed recently? This could be the reason why your period came twice in a month, as stress can shorten your menstrual cycle. Stress can lead you to miss your period as well.

You Have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition in which your reproductive hormones become imbalanced. Irregular bleeding is a common symptom of this condition.

Getting your period twice in one month usually isn’t anything to worry about if it happens just once or you know you have a shorter cycle. But if this is happening repeatedly each month and is different from your normal cycle, you’ll want to see your healthcare provider to find out what’s going on.

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