How do you find the general solution of a differential equation

Steps for Finding General Solutions to Differential Equations Using Antidifferentiation

Step 1: Rewrite the given differential equation in the form {eq}f(y)\text{d}y = g(x)\text{d}x {/eq}; that is, rewrite the given equation so that all occurrences of {eq}y {/eq} are on one side of the equation and the {eq}x {/eq}'s on the other side of the equation.

Step 2: If necessary, simplify your work after Step 1 before integrating.

Step 3: Integrate both sides of the equation. That is, evaluate both of the integrals in the following equation: {eq}\int f(y)\text{d}y = \int g(x)\text{d}x + C {/eq}.

Step 4: Simplify both the left and right-hand side of the equation after Step 3, and solve the equation for the function {eq}y {/eq} as a function of {eq}x {/eq}. That is, express the final answer in the form {eq}y=f(x) + C {/eq}.

Step 5: (This step only applies if, in addition to a given differential equation, we are given an initial condition of the form {eq}f(x_0)=y_0 {/eq}). If an initial condition {eq}f(x_0)=y_0 {/eq} is given, then use this information to find the value {eq}C {/eq} from Step 4, and then update your expression in Step 4.

Vocabulary for Finding General Solutions to Differential Equations Using Antidifferentiation

  • Separation of Variables: This is the method of solving a differential equation provided by the step-by-step procedure above.
  • Antidifferentiation: By the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, the antiderivative (as a function) is the inverse function of the derivative. If {eq}y=f(x) {/eq}, then it is common to write the antiderivative as

{eq}y=F(x)+C {/eq}.

  • Initial condition: Given a differential equation, and initial condition is a side condition of the form {eq}y(x_0) = y_0 {/eq}.

Now that we have reviewed a step-by-step procedure for solving differential equations by using separation of variables and antidifferentiation, let's hone our skills by working through three examples.

Example 1 - Finding General Solutions to Differential Equations Using Antidifferentiation

Use antidifferentiation to determine the general solution to the differential equation {eq}\dfrac{dy}{dx}=\dfrac{6x}{y+2} {/eq}.

Step 1: Rewrite the given differential equation in the form {eq}f(y)\text{d}y = g(x)\text{d}x {/eq}.

We can write the given differential equation in the form {eq}(y+2)\text{d}y = 6x \text{d} x {/eq}.

Step 2: If necessary, simplify your work after Step 1 before integrating.

The expressions in Step 1 are already simplified, so let's proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Integrate both sides of the equation.

We have {eq}\int (y+2)\text{d}y =\int 6x \text{d}x {/eq}. Both of these integrals can be solved using the power rule; this leads to {eq}y^{2}/2 + 2y = 6x{2}/2+C. {/eq}, which simplifies to {eq}y^{2}/2 + 2y = 3x{2}+C. {/eq}.

Step 4: Solve for {eq}y {/eq} as a function of {eq}x {/eq}.

From Step 3, we have {eq}y^{2}+2y = 3x^{2} + C {/eq}, and this can be viewed as a quadratic in the function {eq}y {/eq}; that is, we can use the quadratic formula on the equation {eq}y^{2}/2 + 2y - (3x^{2}+C) = 0 {/eq} in order to obtain {eq}y=-2\pm \frac{2^2 - 4\cdot \frac{1}{2}\cdot (-(3x^{2}+C))}{2\cdot \frac{1}{2}} {/eq}. This can be rewritten as {eq}y=-2 \pm 2\sqrt{1+\frac{3x^{2}+C}{2}} {/eq}.

Example 2 - Finding General Solutions to Differential Equations Using Antidifferentiation

Find the solution to the differential equation {eq}\frac{\text{d}y}{\text{d}x} = 4x^{3}e^{-y} {/eq} subject to the initial condition {eq}y(1)=3 {/eq}.

Step 1: Rewrite the given differential equation in the form {eq}f(y)\text{d}y = g(x)\text{d}x {/eq}.

Multiply both sides of the equation by {eq}\text{dx} {/eq} and divide both sides of the equation by {eq}e^{-y} {/eq} in order to obtain {eq}e^{y}\text{d}y =4x^{3}\text{d}x {/eq}.

Step 2: If necessary, simplify your work after Step 1 before integrating.

There is no simplifying necessary in this case, so let's proceed to integrate in Step 3.

Step 3: Integrate both sides of the equation.

The integral on the left-hand side of the equation in Step 1 is {eq}\int e^{y}\text{d}y = -e^{-y} {/eq} (once again, we'll add the constant {eq}C {/eq} to the other side); by using the power rule, the integral of the right-hand side of the equation in Step 1 is {eq}\int 4x^{3}\text{d}x=x^{4}+C {/eq}.

Step 4: Solve for {eq}y {/eq}.

To solve the equation {eq}e^{y} = x^{4}+C {/eq} for {eq}y {/eq}, let's take a natural logarithm of both sides to obtain {eq}y = \ln (x^4 + C) {/eq}.

Step 5: Use the initial condition to solve for {eq}C {/eq} and then update your expression for the function {eq}y {/eq}.

We have {eq}y(1) = 3 {/eq}, so plugging this into our equation obtained in Step 4, we have {eq}3 = \ln (1^4+C) = \ln(1+C) {/eq}, so solve for {eq}C {/eq} to obtain {eq}C=e^{3}-1 {/eq}. Plugging this value of {eq}C {/eq} back into our expression obtained in Step 4 gives us {eq}y=\ln (x^{4}+e^{3}-1) {/eq}.

Example 3 - Finding General Solutions to Differential Equations Using Antidifferentiation

Use antidifferentiation to determine the general solution to the differential equation {eq}\dfrac{dy}{dx}=\dfrac{2^y}{x^2+1} {/eq}.

Step 1: Rewrite the given differential equation in the form {eq}f(y)\text{d}y = g(x)\text{d}x {/eq}.

Divide both sides of the given differential equation by {eq}\text{d}x {/eq} and divide both sides of the equation by {eq}2^{y} {/eq} in order to obtain {eq}2^{-y}\text{d}y=\frac{\text{d}x}{x^{2}+1} {/eq}.

Step 2: If necessary, simplify your work after Step 1 before integrating.

There is no need to simplify, so let's proceed by integrating in Step 3.

Step 3: Integrate both sides of the equation.

The integral of the left-hand side is {eq}\int 2^{-y}\text{d}y = -\frac{2^{-y}}{\ln 2} {/eq} (it may help to use a U-substitution {eq}u = -y {/eq} when evaluating this integral). The integral of the right-hand side in Step 1 is {eq}\int \frac{\text{d}x}{x^{2}+1} = \text{arctan} (x) + C {/eq}.

Step 4: Solve for {eq}y {/eq}.

To solve for {eq}y {/eq}, let's multiply both sides of the equation {eq}-\frac{2^{-y}}{\ln 2} = \text{arctan}(x) + C {/eq} by -1, and then multiply both sides by {eq}\ln 2 {/eq} to obtain {eq}2^{-y} = - \ln 2 (\arctan (x) + C) {/eq}. Take a base 2 logarithm of both sides, and then multiply both sides by -1 to obtain {eq}y= -\log _{2} (-\ln 2 (\arctan (x) + C) {/eq}.

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What is meant by the general solution of a differential equation?

The general solution of the differential equation is the correlation between the variables x and y, which is received after removing the derivatives (i.e., integration) where the relation includes arbitrary constants to represent the order of an equation.

What is general solution and particular solution of differential equation?

A particular solution of differential equation is a solution of the form y = f(x), which do not have any arbitrary constants. The general solution of the differential equation is of the form y = f(x) or y = ax + b and it has a, b as its arbitrary constants.

What is the general solution of a first order differential equation?

A first order differential equation is an equation of the form F(t,y,˙y)=0. A solution of a first order differential equation is a function f(t) that makes F(t,f(t),f′(t))=0 for every value of t. Here, F is a function of three variables which we label t, y, and ˙y.

What is the general solution of a linear differential equation?

A general first-order differential equation is given by the expression: dy/dx + Py = Q where y is a function and dy/dx is a derivative. The solution of the linear differential equation produces the value of variable y. Examples: dy/dx + 2y = sin x.