How long does a sore throat from strep last

Strep throat is pretty common and usually goes away by itself after a couple of days. Strep throat is when you have a very severe sore throat, and it is usually caused by a bacterial infection. The name "strep" is derived from the word "Streptococcus Pyogenes," which is the infection that causes the ailment.

The crazy thing about bacteria-induced infection is that it can come at any time, which means that you can't exactly tell when it will leave. Besides, it can be super discomforting, and recovery depends on a lot of factors like age, health condition, body type, environmental exposure, etc.

The providers at AFC Urgent Care Short Hills can test for and help treat strep throat. We can provide testing via a rapid test or a culture for more accurate results. Visit our walk-in center today for treatment.

Symptoms of Strep Throat

Strep throat usually comes from nowhere, and you just find yourself feeling serious pain in your throat. Swallowing becomes a difficult task, and you dread eating.

In addition to sore throat, some basic symptoms are headaches, slight fever, pains in the abdomen, swollen lymph nodes, itchy throat, nausea, and vomiting (in very severe cases).

How Long Does Strep Throat Last?

You can't tell precisely how long strep throat lasts because it sneaks up on you. Usually, it lasts between seven to ten days and goes away on its own. The symptoms are generally at a peak level between the second to fourth days, so you shouldn't be too worried when your symptoms suddenly spike up.

If your strep throat persists for more than ten days, you should really see a doctor or a health practitioner. They will prescribe the antibiotics that can be used to combat the ailment. Antibiotics work wonders if they are taken early (within the second or third day), but they should only be taken when prescribed by a licensed health practitioner.

Antibiotics are potent medications; they should not be purchased randomly. Also, you need a doctor to tell you the antibiotic to use and the dosage to take.

Can Strep Throat be Contagious?

Yes, strep throat is highly contagious because of the infection class it falls under. It can be contacted by sharing utensils and food with an individual with the infection. It could also be contracted by coming in contact with fluid droplets of infected individuals from sneezing or coughing.

Touching sensitive areas of your body, like your face, with an unwashed hand that has come in contact with the infection is also a way to contact it.


If you find out that you have strep throat, you don't need to be scared. Just have lots of rest, drink lots of hot or warm liquid to soothe the soreness, and eat lots of fruits. You should be fine in no time.

How long a sore throat wake forest nc lasts is highly dependent on the cause. When a sore throat only lasts a few days, it is considered acute. However, when it lingers and lasts for an extended period of time or for the underlying cause to be addressed, it is considered chronic.

In most cases, a sore throat is due to a common viruses and will resolve itself within about 3 to 10 days. If the sore throat is from a bacterial infection or allergies, it may last longer.

Use of at-home treatments and medication can also impact the duration of sore throat symptoms, such as pain, scratchiness, and difficulty swallowing.

Viral Infections and Sore Throats

In most cases, sore throats are caused by a virus. This includes those caused by the flu or common cold. A sore throat can also be a symptom of other types of viral conditions such as chicken pox, croup, and the measles

In the case of a sore throat which is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not required for treatment as they are typically resolved within about 10 days.

At-home treatments and prescription corticosteroids can aid in reducing discomfort from a sore throat, which will typically be gone once the underlying infection is resolved.

Sore Throats and Mononucleosis

Compared to sore throats which are caused by other types of viruses, sore throats from mononucleosis can last up to a month. The Epstein-Barr virus causes mononucleosis, an infectious viral disease.

Unfortunately, antibiotics are not an effective treatment for mononucleosis. Corticosteroids is able to help reduce the associated swelling, inflammation, and discomfort.

Sore Throats and Bacterial Infections

It is far less common for a bacterial infection to cause a sore compared to viruses. When a bacterial infection does occur, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotics (penicillin or amoxicillin). Antibiotics can help to shorten how long a sore throat lasts. They pain and inflammation may be reduced to just a day or two after you begin taking the antibiotic.

When not taking antibiotics, bacterial infections and the sore throats they cause may last anywhere from 7 to 10 days. In some cases, a sore throat from a bacterial infection may be due to a more serious illness. Be sure to follow up with your doctor if you have a sore throat lasting longer than 10 days.

Strep Throat

Strep throat is from the bacteria Streptococcus (group A streptococcus). Treatment from a doctor and antibiotics are often required in order to treat strep throat.

Once the antibiotics are started, the symptoms from strep throat should quickly be eliminated. Relief from symptoms may occur as quickly as a day or two. After starting antibiotics, the symptoms should be completely gone within about a week or less.

Sore Throats and Postnasal Drip

Another possible cause for sore throats is a postnasal drip. Some of the most common causes of a postnasal drip include the following:

  • Common cold
  • Environmental irritants, including tobacco smoke, air pollution, and allergens
  • Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
  • Sinus infection

In some cases, a sore throat which is due to a postnasal drip may be chronic. Meaning the sore throat may persist until the underlying cause is addressed.

Sore Throats and Surgery

If intubation is required during a surgery, you may experience a sore throat upon waking up. When patients are intubated, an endotracheal tube is inserted through the mouth and down the throat to the airway. Intubation helps patients to breathe with a ventilator when they are unable to breathe on their own, which is common with surgery.

In order to avoid a sore throat after surgery, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and avoid speaking. In many cases, the soreness should be gone within a day or two.

Is My Sore Throat Bacterial or Viral?

How long does it take for strep throat to stop hurting after antibiotics?

Someone with strep throat should start feeling better in just a day or two after starting antibiotics. Call the doctor if you or your child are not feeling better after taking antibiotics for 48 hours.

How can I make my strep throat stop hurting?

Gargle with 1/4 teaspoon (1.5 grams) of table salt in 8 ounces (237 milliliters) of warm water. Rest, drink fluids, eat soft foods and take pain relievers, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) to help ease symptoms.

Why is my strep throat not getting better with antibiotics?

If strep throat does not improve within two days of beginning treatment, it could indicate the presence of another infection, the spread of the strep bacteria to other areas outside the throat or an inflammatory reaction. GAS may infect the tonsils and sinuses if left untreated.

Is it normal to have a sore throat after having strep?

Since strep does NOT cause most sore throats, your doctor will make sure you have it before treating you for it. If you do, your doctor will most likely ask you to take penicillin or amoxicillin for 10 days, even though you might feel much better after a few days.