How long to bake chicken pieces at 350

How long to bake chicken thighs at 350°F is what you need to know to make a delicious dish. You don’t have to be a good cook; all you need is a recipe with an accurate method to prepare this dish.


Though chicken thighs are easily accessible for a low price and huge daily consumption, you should not mess up this tasty ingredient. Especially when cooked in an oven, your chicken can be a disaster if you miss the time. It is kind of wasteful!

Therefore, follow me to the next section to find out more about how to make your baked chicken thighs the best dish.

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350

What Are Chicken Thighs And Why You Should Bake Them At 350°F?

You may know what chicken is, but what exactly is the chicken thighs part, anyway? Learn more about it so it can reduce your choosing time while at the grocery store.

What Are Chicken Thighs?

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
If chicken thighs are cooked properly, it becomes more tender and juicier than other parts.

A chicken (or turkey) consists of 04 parts: breast, wing, drumstick, and thigh. Based on color, people call the breasts and wings white meat, while drumsticks and thighs are called dark meat.

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Chicken thighs are the upper part of chicken leg quarters. When cooked, this part will become juicy and have a richer and more intense flavor than white meat.

Is It Better To Bake Chicken Thighs At 350°F Or 400°F?

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
After all, whether it is 350 °F or 400°F, you can flexibly adjust the temperature to fit your interest.

You also wonder about this question, right? There are various recipes with different instructions, confusing you with having the suitable recipe for your dish. Let me help you figure it out.

I can say that either 350°F or 400°F does work, but baking at 350°F will be easier for you to monitor the doneness and lower the risk of drying chicken thighs out (2).

Reasons Why You Should Bake At 350°F

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
350°F is the popular temperature for safe cooking, but some people may find 375 or 400 more suitable.

There are some convincing reasons for you that chicken thighs should be baked at 350°F.

First of all, roasting chicken parts at 350°F is a straightforward and conventional technique that any cook can easily rely on when starting baking. For example, cooking chicken legs at 350 in an oven for the right duration is the easiest way to make a perfect dinner.

In chemical terms, with the advent of the Maillard reaction, the fusion of proteins and sugars together unlocks a new kind of molecule that creates an irresistible taste in various foods right under the heat of 350°F.

In addition to chicken thighs, you can also use this temperature to bake chicken breast. The required time to bake chicken breast at 350°F might be a bit different, though. 

And in reality, it is simply a moderate temperature that works well with many recipes. Many home cooks have found the right timespan to roast a chicken at 350°F and have had great success with it. This temperature is hot enough to cook food fairly but not so intense that it burns or dries things out quickly.

Chicken Thigh’s Nutrition Profile

People prefer dark meat over white meat for its tenderness and addictive flavor, so they are often consumed in large portions. Chicken thighs have a good source of protein and deliver many calories and fat.  

Let’s take a look at its nutrition below for a serving of baked chicken thighs (1):

  • Portion Size: 100 gram (3.5 oz)
  • Calories: 231g 
  • Total Fat: 15g (saturated fat: 4.1g)
  • Cholesterol: 132 mg
  • Sodium: 332mg
  • Carbohydrate: 0g
  • Protein: 32g

Percentile of this low carb product:

Main FactorPer 100%Calories45%Fat69%Carbs0%Protein94%

How Long Does It Take To Bake Chicken Thighs At 350°F?

According to USDA, the approximate time for baking chicken thighs at 350°F (~177°C) is from 40 to 50 minutes. Given the fact that there are many recipes showing differences in the timing, you should bake your chicken thighs at least for 40 minutes.

To be sure, use a thermometer to check the internal temperature of the chicken thighs. You will know that it’s fully cooked when the temperature reaches 165°F.

But that is not all for how to bake a chicken at 350°F. You must also know what type of chicken thighs you have, so you will adjust the timing a bit before putting it in the oven.  

Bone-In And Skin-On Chicken Thighs

As mentioned above, chicken thighs are dark meat, which contains a high-fat content and density. Generally, it will take longer to cook chicken thighs with bone-in or skin-on.

Preheat your oven to 350°F, place the chicken in with the skin-side down, then bake bone-in chicken thighs uninterrupted for 45 or 50 minutes.

In the last few minutes, insert the thermometer into the thickest part to check the temperature.

Boneless, Skinless Chicken Thighs

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Boneless chicken thighs are quicker and more convenient to cook.

With boneless chicken thighs, it’s even easier. It is expected to bake for 25 – 35 minutes to get it done. Check the temperature by using the thermometer until it reaches 165°F.

As it takes less time and is easy to make, this type of chicken is often a go-to cooking menu for busy people. Moreover, some people may not like the fatty skin on it, so they prefer to remove it and get straight to the tender lean meat.   

Frozen Chicken Thighs

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Frozen chicken thighs may not have the same nutrients and quality as the fresh ones.

This type of chicken thighs will take longer than the fresh one to cook. For the frozen chicken thighs, you will bake them for 50 – 60 minutes. You should check the internal temperature carefully when cooking them, or your chicken may look cooked on the outside while the inside still remains undercooked.

It would be better if you thaw the frozen ones in advance before baking them. The thawed chicken thighs will take about 40 – 50 minutes to be fully cooked.

Chicken Thighs In Aluminum Foil

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Using the foil to bake your chicken thighs can both help your dish be tastier and easily clean the baking sheet.

Foods wrapped in aluminum foil will take longer (usually a few more minutes) to be fully cooked. The silver surface reflects infrared light, which slows down the cooking process.

 Another downside to this way is that the foiled chicken thighs are not brownish as the unwrapped ones. 

However, baking wrapped foods will add more moisture and flavorful quality as the juice is locked inside the foil while steaming. But you need not to wrap it too tight to make room for the chicken thighs in the foil so it can be heated evenly.

How To Season Chicken Thighs Before Baking

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Making a good spice mixture can add more flavor to chicken thighs.

Based on your interest, you can choose to make a spice mixture that suits your appetizing most. However, here is the list of must-have ingredients to season baking chicken thighs:

  • 3 Pound chicken thighs ( 6 – 8 pieces)
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 2 teaspoons onion powder
  • 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning (optional)
  • 2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon paprika 
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon parsley or dried thyme leaves
  • Cooking spray

Let’s season your chicken thighs properly with help from this tutorial.

Watch this video: Crispy Baked Chicken Thighs

Let’s Follow These Instructions To Bake Your Favorite Chicken Thighs!

In this section, I will instruct you steps to bake chicken thighs properly and accurately. You can take them as references. There are 2 main ways to bake these chicken thighs. 

Baking Chicken Thighs In The Oven

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Most people prefer cooking by oven because it is easy and speedy.

The oven is one of the must-have equipment in your kitchen. Sometimes, I feel thankful for the invention of this electronic oven to make human life so convenient and to be able to make baked chicken thighs deliciously. Let me show you how to use it for baking tasty chicken thighs.

Step 1: Preheat The Oven

Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) because it may take a while for the oven to settle to the right temperature. So, this step will help the food to be exposed to heat immediately.

Step 2: Prepare The Baking Sheet.

Line the large baking sheet with aluminum foil and top that with the cooling rack for oven safety. Spray the cooking oil around, but make sure to use the non-stick cooking spray.

Step 3: Prepare The Seasoning Mixture

You can rely on the ingredients list above or your seasoning recipe. Put all the spices you have: garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, etc., into a bowl, and mix them well.

Step 4: Coat The Chicken Thighs With Spice Mixture

After cleaning, let them dry for a while. You can add chicken thighs into the spice mixture bowl and mix them or place them on the rack and brush the mixture evenly on both sides of the chicken.

Step 5: Put The Chicken Thighs In Oven And Bake

Bake seasoned chicken thighs in the preheated oven at 350°F (175°C) for about 45 to 50 minutes (less for boneless chicken and more for frozen one) until they are cooked through. Check the doneness with a thermometer (aim for the internal temperature of 165°F).

Follow this guide accurately, and you will find that baking an extremely delicious chicken is not that hard.

Watch this video: Juicy Baked Chicken Thigh in The Oven

Baking Chicken Thighs In The Air Fryer

Air fryer-fried chicken thighs are just as delicious as oven-baked ones. Let’s check out the easy steps below!

Step 1: Preheat Air Fryer To 350°F

Leave the air fryer preheated for 5 minutes. It depends on your preference; you can also raise the temperature to 375°F or 400°F.

Step 2: Prepare The Seasoning

The seasoning recipe is the same as when using the oven for baking. With all the ingredients you have, stir the spice mixture in a bowl. However, for the air fryer, it requires no oil in the mixture.

Step 3: Coat The Chicken With Seasoning

Coat the chicken thighs with olive oil first, then the spice mixture. Oil will help to lock the spice on the chicken thighs and add more fragrance to the dish.

Step 4: Arrange The Chicken Thighs In The Air Fryer Basket

Try to arrange the chicken thighs in the basket in a single layer. Cook the chicken thighs uninterruptedly in the air fryer for 12 minutes, then flip and continue cooking the other side for another 10 minutes. Skinless chicken requires 2 – 4 minutes fewer.

Step 5: Check The Doneness And Rest Before Using

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Bake chicken thighs with an air fryer require less preparation and effort than an oven, but the quality is still great.

Use the thermometer to check if the internal temperature reaches 165°F. After the cook is done, rest it for 5 minutes, and top with fresh cilantro, thyme, or parsley.  

Tips For Buying And Storing Your Chicken Thighs Perfectly

You might not be able to make delicious chicken dishes without knowing some helpful tips. While chicken thighs are a kind of budget food, you should know clearly how to buy, store and cook them to avoid wasting them.

Tips For First-Timers To Buy Chicken Thighs At Market.

There are varied options when it comes to boy chicken at grocery stores. However, it may ruin your perfect dinner if you choose old and smelly chicken meat.

  • Pick your products from prestigious or high-quality brands.
  • Choose fresh and organic products to make sure they are new to use. To check if they are fresh, carefully look for chicken thighs that have a light pink texture and firm, springy flesh with no odor or bloody spots.
  • Make sure to pick up the packaged products that are wrapped in intact plastic paper and double-check before heading to the check-out line.

Know more tips to buy high-quality and fresh chicken thighs for your favorite chicken dishes!

Watch this video: Everything You Need To Know About Buying Chicken At The Grocery Store

Tips For Chicken Thigh Storage

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Make sure to store your chicken thighs properly to avoid wasting the food.

This is really important to know because if you do it wrong, it can be signìicantly bad for your health. Let’s help yourself with the tips for chicken thigh storage below.

  • Never leave the raw or thawed chicken thighs at room temperature for more than 2 hours. This can encourage the growth of bacteria such as Salmonella or Listeria.
  • If you want to freeze uncooked chicken thighs, place them in airtight containers or wrapped with a plastic bag and mark the use-by-date (3). Chicken thighs can be frozen for up to 3 months.
  • Once you thaw chicken thighs, they should be used within 2 days. Defrosted chicken thighs can be stored for up to 4 days in the fridge.
  • After cooking chicken thighs, let them cool, then wrap them well and place them on the top shelf of the fridge.
  • Cooked or leftover chicken thighs can be stored within 2 days. They can be used cold with chicken sandwiches or salads.

Tips For Preparing The Chicken Thighs During Baking

These tips are worth knowing for you, I guarantee. Cooking is not only about talent; it also involves tips and cooking secrets to create the best dishes for your family. 

Pat Dry Chicken Thighs Prior To Cooking

This is the necessary step you should take before coating spice on chicken thighs. Pat dry them with a paper towel helps reduce the moisture content. If you skip this, the moisture will release more during baking, and it decreases the quality of your chicken thighs.

Rub Directly The Seasoning On Chicken Thighs

Instead of sprinkling or brushing on chicken sides, you rub the seasoning on both sides of the chicken by hand (with gloves on, of course) so it can penetrate the meat better.

Extra Crispy Content By Broiling

If you want extra crispy on the skin, broil the skin during the last few minutes (1 – 3 minutes) of baking. Pay attention to it, or the spices will burn quickly.

Similar Size Helps Cook Evenly

You may not notice this as important, but it is better to know. You should choose chicken thighs of similar size so they can be cooked evenly at the same time.

Add Topping For Saving More Time And Creating A More Visually Appealing Dish

You can add a layer of chopped vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, okras, peas, etc., under chicken thighs. The flavor of chicken’s fat can add more flavor to vegetables. Moreover, you can save more time instead of cooking them separately.

Add Lemon Juice To Baked Chicken Thighs

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Learn by heart these tips to make impressive chicken thighs for your family and friends.

For extra flavor to your dish, serve with lemon wedges. The baked chicken thighs might be greasy to you, and lemon helps to reduce the grease on the palate.

What To Do About Undercooked And Overcooked Chicken Thighs? 

During baking, you might face some trouble with having your chicken thighs undercooked or overcooked. How to fix these troubles? Don’t you worry: With the solutions I provide below, they will not be a big deal to you anymore.

How To Check If Your Chicken Thighs Are Undercooked

There are 2 ways for you to check the undercooked condition of chicken thighs:


How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
It is necessary to cook food with the support of a thermometer. It will make your dish better.

Use a thermometer to check the temperature: if it’s under 165 °F, then you need to cook more. Remember to insert the thickest part to get an accurate result.


How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Without a thermometer, you can traditionally check the juice and the coloring inside.

Another way to test the doneness is piercing. You make a rip on chicken thighs by using a fork or a knife to check the meat inside. When the juice runs clear, then it is cooked.

Or if there is any sign of the pink coloring on the chicken thighs inside, they should be returned to the oven to get more heat until it is fully cooked.

Remember to give some effort to baking chicken thighs; avoid eating them raw just because you don’t want to reheat them. 

There Are 4 Ways To Save Your Overcooked Chicken Thighs

Ok, this can occasionally happen when you forget to check the timing and then let all chicken thighs be overcooked. Here are some ways to rescue this problem.

Simmer It In A Sauce

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
One of the best ways to rescue your overcooked chicken thighs is by adding more moisture.

The sauce is a kind of miracle to the food and beverage, where it can make everything better. Overcooked chicken thighs tend to be so dry and tough, but the sauce can salvage your taste by imparting more moisture and flavor to the dish.

Make Hamburgers Or Sandwiches

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Overcooked chicken might be tough to chew; however, mixing it with salad and bread will give you an amazing appetizer.

Don’t you always have vegetables on hamburgers and sandwiches? Make chicken thighs into small portions (or de-bone them to slice easier) and place them under the salad and tomatoes. So yummy!

Whip Up A Salad

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
The fresh vegetables served with chicken thighs can be quite deliciously appealing to you.

Like a chicken hamburger or sandwich, you can cut the chicken into pieces and let whole pieces mix together with tomatoes, egg, cabbage, avocado, etc., to make a healthy and delicious salad dish.

Shred It For Soup

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350
Overcooked chicken thighs? Let’s spice up your mood by taking this chicken thigh soup.

You can also apply the leftovers to make this dish. Slicing or shredding chicken thighs into bite-sized pieces and cooking with chicken broth. This is the best liquid to moisture the dry chicken that you have. 

What Should I Serve With Baked Chicken Thighs?

It is better that you serve your baked chicken thighs with more side dishes. Not only will they increase your appetizer but also help to balance your nutrition consumption. Don’t miss these common dishes on your fancy meal.  

Sweet Potato Fries

Chicken and Potato Fries, a match made in heaven, you know! Serve your delicious baked chicken thighs with potato fries to make your dinner more jaunty. If you have children, I am sure they will absolutely love it.

Roasted Squash With Pomegranate And Goat Cheese

Are you craving it right now? This dish is like music to my ear. This colorful and fancy dish seems to be complicated to make, but it is easier than you think. Why don’t you try this lovely dish and serve it perfectly with your baked chicken thighs?

Slow-Cooker Garlic-Herb Mashed With Cauliflower

Baked chicken thighs already taste so delicious, but they make you a bit tired of the meaty flavor. So let’s consume them with zero-cal garlic herb mashed with cauliflower. Give it a try!  

Enrich Your Menu With These Delicious Chicken Thigh Recipes

What are the popular dishes to cook with chicken thighs? Now, this is your playground to be creative, as there are various options for you. Let’s pick one dish and start making your own, mister and miss chef!

Lemon Garlic Chicken Thighs With Potatoes

Lemon and garlic go well with any kind of protein. They are normal ingredients but can make your chicken thighs become an elegant dish.

This mixture is often served when you saute the meat in a frying pan, but you can adjust by rubbing this mixture on the chicken before baking.

Fresh Rosemary Chicken Thighs

Another unpretentious dish that can bring 100% satisfaction to your taste. Rosemary is always well-known for pairing well with roasted meat due to its aromatic quality. Add these fragrant herbs to your baked chicken thighs, and everything will become extra delicious.

Let’s make this stunning and fancy rosemary chicken thighs dish for your family and friends.

Watch this video: Simple Rosemary Lemon Chicken Recipe

Instant Pot Chicken Marbella

Chicken Marbella originated in New York in the 70s and remained one of the top favorite dinners to local people for decades. This dish has such a priceless taste that you should not skip out.


Should you have any more questions on this topic, let’s learn more about popular questions that people often ask. They might be helpful to you!

Should chicken thighs be covered while baking?

It depends. If you want your chicken thighs extra crispy, leave them uncovered. On the other hand, some people like to bake them in foil or parchment for a moist, juicy, and tender texture.

How do I bake chicken thighs without drying them out?

You can keep your chicken moist by seasoning it in a saltwater brine for about half an hour before baking. Alternatively, you can wrap chicken thighs in aluminum foil to help trap the moisture under the foil and prevent them from drying out.

Chicken thighs and chicken breasts, which is healthier?

They both are the best of a chicken and deliver different nutritional values. However, white meat, which includes chicken breasts, is healthier than chicken thighs for having lower fat and calories.

Can I eat baked chicken thighs on a diet?

Chicken thighs have a high rate of fat, but you can eat them on a diet if you cook them in the right way. Many recipes can limit fat intake and lower the addition of oil or chicken skin.

Is baking healthier than other methods of cooking?

Baking is not as healthy as boiling or steaming, but it is better than grilling or frying as it requires little or no oil added to the product. However, in terms of fat intake, baking seems to be at a disadvantage because grilled food usually contains less fat.

How long does it take to bake chicken thighs at 375°F and 400°F?

If you heat the oven to 375°F (190°C), cook the chicken thighs for about 30 – 40 minutes. And if you bake at 400°F (204°C), then it will take about 25 – 30 minutes to be fully cooked. In the end, always make sure to check the internal temperature at 165°F.

So You Know How To Bake Chicken Thighs At 350°F

Overall, chicken thighs are tasty yet have a great source of nutrition. They can be healthy if you prepare and cook them properly. If you start baking your chicken thighs at 350°F, adjust the timing to 40 minutes on average.

I believe after reading this post, you can find a perfect method to bake your favorite chicken thigh dishes. They are not that hard to cook, but you need to pay attention to important factors such as temperature and timing. And remember, avoid eating undercooked chicken.

Thank you for reading! I hope to see you more in the future.

How long to bake chicken pieces at 350



How Long To Bake Chicken Thighs At 350°F

    4 from 5 votes

    Course: Main CourseCuisine: American




    Prep time



    Cooking time






    Total time





    Baked chicken thighs are a truly delightful treat that everyone can enjoy. Learn how to bake perfect chicken thighs at 350 today to impress your friends and family.


    • 3 Pound 3 chicken thighs ( 6 – 8 pieces)

    • 2 teaspoons 2 olive oil

    • 2 teaspoons 2 garlic powder

    • 2 teaspoons 2 onion powder

    • 2 teaspoons 2 Italian seasoning (optional)

    • 2 teaspoons 2 salt

    • 1 teaspoon 1 paprika

    • 1 teaspoon 1 black pepper

    • 1 teaspoon 1 parsley or dried thyme leaves

    • Cooking spray


    • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
    • Line the large baking sheet with aluminum foil and spray the cooking spray on top. You can also place an oven-safe cooling rack on the baking sheet if you have one.
    • Put all the spices you have: garlic powder, onion powder, salt, pepper, etc., into a bowl, and mix them well.
    • Add chicken thighs into the spice mixture bowl and mix them well. Or you can place the chicken on the baking sheet and brush the spice mixture on both sides.
    • Bake the thighs for 45 to 50 minutes.
    • Check the internal temperature of the chicken with a thermometer. If it reads 165 degrees F, the thighs are cooked.


    • If you use frozen chicken thighs, add about 10 minutes to the cooking time. On the other hand, you only need to cook boneless thighs for about 35 minutes.
    • You can also use an air fryer to cook the thighs. Preheat the air fryer to 350 degrees F, then cook each side of the chicken for about 12 minutes.
    • Always pat the chicken dry before seasoning.
    • Broil the thighs for about 3 minutes after baking if you want extra crispiness.

    Nutrition Facts

    6 servings per container

    • Amount Per ServingCalories458
    • % Daily Value *
    • Total Fat 19g 30%
      • Saturated Fat 4.9g 25%
    • Cholesterol 203mg 68%
    • Sodium 972mg 41%
    • Potassium 584mg 17%
    • Total Carbohydrate 1.9g 1%
      • Dietary Fiber 0.4g 2%
      • Sugars 0.7g
    • Protein 66g 132%

    • Calcium 41%
    • Iron 3%

    * The % Daily Value tells you how much a nutrient in a serving of food contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.

    Is it better to bake chicken at 350 or 400?

    The reason why baking chicken breast at 400 F is better than 350 F is that cooking them at a high temperature will require fewer minutes and will garner more color.

    What temperature do you cook chicken pieces?

    The Food-Safe Temperature for Chicken The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) recommends cooking whole chicken and parts of chicken (like the breasts, legs, thighs, wings and giblets), ground poultry, and stuffing to 165 degrees F.

    Is it better to bake chicken at 350 or 375?

    There is no better or worse when it comes to baking your whole chicken at 350 or 400 degrees, baking your chicken at 350 degrees is considered to be the traditional temperature to cook a whole chicken that ranges between 2.5 to 3lb which will take about 60-75 minutes.

    Can you bake chicken at 350 for an hour?

    Place the chicken in a baking dish. Spread a liberal amount of olive oil on the skin; not only is olive oil good for you, but the layer that it leaves behind makes the skin crispy. Put it in the oven at a temperature of 350 degrees for an hour and a half to two hours, or until the skin is browned and crispy.