How many days after intercourse to take pregnancy test

If you’ve had unprotected sex recently, then you’re probably thinking about taking a pregnancy test. And you’ve probably got a few questions about them. Like ‘How long do I need to wait before taking one?’ and ‘How do I make sure I’m getting the most accurate results possible?’ To answer those questions (and more), we spoke to Dr. Anna Whelan, an OB-GYN and maternal-fetal medicine fellow at the Women and Infants Hospital of Rhode Island. 

Rule of thumb: For the most accurate results, wait a minimum of two weeks after having unprotected sex to take a pregnancy test, said Dr. Whelan. That’s true for both at-home and blood tests. That’s because your body needs time to build up hCG, the hormone that’s produced during pregnancy. And the one that’s analyzed in pregnancy tests. If you take a pregnancy test too early, there’s a chance you could get a false negative. 

How accurate are pregnancy tests?

To test for pregnancy, you have two options. And they’re both precise. 

An at-home test is 97% to 99% accurate when used correctly (more on that below). A blood test, performed at a doctor’s office or lab, is around 99% accurate.

If you get a positive result at home, call your doctor. Your provider can help you confirm the pregnancy. But it’s rare to get a false positive result. So even if the lines on the test are faint, it still means you’re pregnant.  

A blood test, ordered by a doctor, is your other option. Note: A blood test can detect lower levels of hCG than an at-home test can, but it can take longer to get results due to lab processing, said Dr. Whelan. After getting a positive result at home, it’s common for a doctor, at your first appointment, to order a blood test to confirm the results. Your doctor might also order a blood test if you’re experiencing bleeding or abdominal pain, which can be symptoms of a potential miscarriage. 

How can I make sure the pregnancy test results are as accurate as possible? 

Experts recommend you:

  • Take the test in the morning: That’s when hCG is most concentrated in your urine,  said Dr. Whelan. 

  • Read your results ASAP: Follow the instructions on the package closely. Waiting to check the results after the recommended amount of time can lead to a false positive.  (For example, a First Response Early Result Pregnancy Test will show results in three minutes). 

  • Avoid drinking too much water or other liquids beforehand: Because diluting your urine could interfere with the test’s ability to detect your hCG levels properly. 

  • Store the test correctly: Store the test between 36 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. That'll help slow down the expiration process. Speaking of which...

  • Double check the expiration date: Because the antibody coating on a pregnancy test can begin to evaporate and lose its effectiveness over time. At-home tests typically last about one to three years after manufacturing. 


Of course you’ll want to know as soon as you can if you’re pregnant. But to get the most accurate results, it’s best to wait at least two weeks after having unprotected sex before taking a pregnancy test. And if you’re confused or concerned about your test results, speak with your medical provider.

Written by: Dr. Amy Beckley, PhD, Founder and Inventor of the Proov test the first and only FDA-cleared test to check for successful ovulation at home.

Written on: 6/1/22

How many days after intercourse to take pregnancy test

Understanding how long it takes to get pregnant after sex can help you know when to test for pregnancy.

If you are trying to conceive, you have likely experienced the (sometimes agonizing) wait between trying for a baby and taking a pregnancy test. It can feel like forever!

It can also be confusing since some pregnancy tests can be used earlier than others, so it’s hard to know exactly when you should be testing for pregnancy. Understanding how long it takes to get pregnant after sex is a great place to start.

Let’s dive in!

How long does it take to get pregnant after sex?

It’s typically recommended that you don’t test for pregnancy until you’ve missed a period. You’ll usually know if your period is missed about 2 weeks after getting a positive ovulation test and having sex.

That said, some pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy even earlier so understanding how long it takes to get pregnant after sex can help know when you could start testing (although we always recommend following the instructions included with your specific pregnancy test kit).

After sex, sperm and egg often don’t meet immediately. In fact, it can take up to 6 days for egg and sperm to actually form an embryo.

After sperm and egg meet (this is called the moment of conception), the newly formed embryo starts to make its way through the fallopian tube and down into the uterus. This can also take a few days, sometimes 3-4.

Once the embryo reaches the uterus, it’s time for it to find a comfortable spot where it will spend the next 9 months. This is called implantation and it’s when the embryo attaches itself to mama.

Implantation most commonly occurs on days 7-10 past a positive ovulation test. After the embryo implants into the uterus, that’s when it starts producing hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin).

The presence of hCG in your bloodstream or urine is what confirms pregnancy. That’s the hormone that pregnancy tests measure.

Technically, an early pregnancy test could detect hCG in urine up to 6 days before a missed period, depending on what day the embryo implants on. If it implants earlier, you may get a positive pregnancy test earlier. But if the embryo implants later, you may not get a positive pregnancy test until after a missed period.

Getting a positive pregnancy test 6 days before a missed period means that you would get a positive pregnancy test as early as 8 or 9 days after an ovulation test or after having sex.

Once you get that positive pregnancy test, we always recommend following up with your doctor to confirm pregnancy and for next steps.

How many days after intercourse to take pregnancy test

Once you get a positive pregnancy test, we always recommend following up with your doctor to confirm pregnancy and for next steps.

How do I know when I can take a pregnancy test?

Again, we always recommend following the instructions included with your specific pregnancy test. Typically, you’ll want to try and wait until a missed period to take a pregnancy test.

However, we know how tempting it can be to test earlier! And of course, just because you should wait doesn’t mean that you have to.

If you have an early pregnancy test that can detect pregnancy up to 6 days before a missed period, you may be wondering when exactly you can actually start testing — it’s a little confusing!

If you know when your next period should come, you can simply count back 6 days. So if your period is supposed to come on June 15th, you can start testing for pregnancy on June 9th.

If you don’t know when your next period is supposed to come, you can count out from a positive ovulation test. Implantation occurs about 7 to 10 days after a positive ovulation test.

You could get a positive early pregnancy test about 8 or 9 days after a positive ovulation test. Once you get a positive test result, you should always follow up with your doctor to confirm pregnancy and discuss next steps.

Is there anything else I can do to increase my chances of getting pregnant?

In fact there is! Implantation can only occur if the uterus is prepared and ready to receive that embryo.

Progesterone is the hormone that is released during the implantation window (days 7-10 after a positive ovulation test) to make the uterus “sticky” enough so that an embryo can implant. Elevated progesterone levels during the implantation window can increase the chance of pregnancy.

While you cannot test for progesterone directly in urine, you can test for PdG — the marker of progesterone found in urine — with Proov Confirm. Want ovulation tests and PdG tests in the same kit? Try Proov Predict & Confirm!

How many days after intercourse to take pregnancy test

Understanding how long it takes to get pregnant after sex can help you better use the tools on your fertility journey!

How soon after unprotected can I test for pregnancy?

Two Weeks Later. Many women test according to the “two weeks” rule. This means waiting to take a test until two weeks after unprotected sex. It can provide accurate results for women who are on a predictable 28-day cycle and who ovulating once and at a regular interval.

Can I take pregnancy test after 1 week of intercourse?

If you track your period, and it's regular, most doctors recommend waiting until your period is late before taking a pregnancy test. If you don't know when your period is supposed to be, or if your period is irregular, experts recommend waiting 9 to 12 days after unprotected sex.