How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


Avg. Base Hourly Rate (USD)

The average hourly pay for a Radiation Therapist is $32.00


What is the Pay by Experience Level for Radiation Therapists?

An entry-level Radiation Therapist with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $26.49 based on 5 salaries. An early career Radiation Therapist with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $30.12 based on 15 salaries. An …Read more

What Do Radiation Therapists Do?

A radiation therapist usually works in a hospital or other medical environment and assists an oncologist. The therapist will often provide radiation therapy treatments to patients with cancer. The radiation therapy may also go over various materials, such as CT scans, to help determine where treatment is needed.

Graduation from an approved radiation therapy school is required. The therapist should be licensed to practice. The radiation therapist will operate applicable equipment, such as …Read more

What is the highest pay for Radiation Therapists in Miami?

Our data indicates that the highest pay for a Radiation Therapist in Miami is $46.31 / hour

What is the lowest pay for Radiation Therapists in Miami?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for a Radiation Therapist in Miami is $28.54 / hour

How can Radiation Therapists increase their salary?

Increasing your pay as a Radiation Therapist is possible in different ways. Change of employer: Consider a career move to a new employer that is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Education: Gaining advanced degrees may allow this role to increase their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing Experience: If you are a Radiation Therapist that oversees more junior Radiation Therapists, this experience can increase the likelihood to earn more.


Based on 190 income tax records

How much do Radiation Therapists make?

The average total salary for a Radiation Therapist is $65,000 per year. This is based on data from 190 TurboTax users who reported their occupation as Radiation Therapist and includes taxable wages, tips, bonuses, and more. Radiation Therapist salary can vary between $27,000 to $91,500 depending on factors including education, skills, experience, employer & location. Read more

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Based on income reported to the IRS in box 1 of W-2.

From consenting TurboTax customers

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Radiation Therapist salary by location

Radiation Therapist salary by company

Moffitt Cancer Center, Florida

11 income tax records

Adventist Health, Florida

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Radiation Therapist demographics in Florida

Effective Tax Rates for Radiation Therapists in Florida

190 full-time salaries from 2019


The average salary for a radiation therapist in Florida is $65,000 per year. Radiation therapist salaries in Florida can vary between $27,000 to $91,500 and depend on various factors, including skills, experience, employer, bonuses, tips, and more.

This data is exclusive to Mint Salary and is based on 190 tax returns from TurboTax customers who reported their occupation as radiation therapist.


Total salary amounts here include total taxable wages, tips, prizes and other compensation. Salaries here are not representative of the total population and may reflect different levels of experience or education. Learn more


Total salary ranges shown here exclude outliers.

Salarissen voor een Radiation Therapist in Florida

Bijgewerkt op 8 okt. 2022

US$ 35 /uur

Gemiddeld basissalaris

66 salarissen

GemiddeldUS$ 1.708BereikUS$ 1.708 - US$ 1.708

Hoe nauwkeurig ziet US$ 35 er volgens u uit?

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Gemiddeld basissalaris in (USD)


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida



Radiation Therapist - per uur

Bereik: US$ 36 - US$ 48

How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


US$ 67.200 - US$ 78.000 Bereik

How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


Health First

Radiation Therapist - per uur


US$ 27 -US$ 34


per uur

How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


US$ 84.793 - US$ 90.916 Bereik

How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


Mayo Clinic

Radiation Therapist - per uur


US$ 35 -US$ 38


per uur


Radiation Therapist - per uur


US$ 32 -US$ 34


per uur

How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


US$ 183.308 - US$ 197.534 Bereik

How much does a radiation therapist make in florida


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Salarissen voor Radiation Therapist in Florida

Veelgestelde vragen over salarissen voor een Radiation Therapist

Het gemiddelde salaris voor een Radiation Therapist in Florida is US$ 35 per uur. Schattingen van salarissen zijn gebaseerd op 66 salarissen die anoniem bij Glassdoor zijn ingediend door werknemers in Florida met Radiation Therapist als functie.

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Where do radiation therapists get paid the most?

Geographic profile for Radiation Therapists:.

How long does it take to become a radiation therapist in Florida?

Becoming a radiation therapist takes between two and four years to obtain your desired degree. An associates degree takes two years to complete, and a Bachelor of Science in Radiation Therapy takes four years to complete.

Is a career in radiation therapy worth it?

Yes, becoming a radiation therapist is worth pursuing. Radiation therapists are in high demand, are paid well, and provide a service that actively helps many people. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, radiation therapy employment is expected to grow 9% by 2028, faster than average employment growth.

Is radiation therapist a hard job?

Radiation therapy can be challenging, just like any other medical career. Yet, most of the challenges can be resolved through education and experience. Let's go over some of the challenges you may experience as you enter the field.