How much water should a 170 lb man drink

Many sources of information say that humans need 8-12 glasses of water daily to stay hydrated and thrive. Some people take that rule literally and end up in a urologist’s office complaining of urinary urgency, frequency and leakage. Clearly, the 8-12 rule is not appropriate for everyone!

Why do humans need so much water?

Water is a vitally important part of our bodies that promotes optimal organ and cellular function. It also regulates temperature, transports nutrients and waste, provides joint lubrication, and facilitates thousands of chemical reactions that occur within our bodies.

More than half (60%) of our body weight is water. Two-thirds of which is within our cells, and one-third of which is in the blood and tissues between cells. For a 165-lb. man, that translates to 100 lb. of water weight. For a 125-lb. woman, that translates to 75 lb. of water weight.

Water intake comes from beverages AND food.

Many foods have a high water content and can be a significant source of water intake. In general, the healthier the diet (the more the fruit and veggie intake) the higher amount of dietary water. For example, melons, citrus fruit, peaches, strawberries and raspberries are about 90% water, with most fruits over 80% water. The same is true for vegetables, with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, radishes and zucchini comprised of about 95% of water, with most veggies over 85% water.

Our body needs water “equilibrium,” with water intake balancing water losses. Most people need a total of 65-80 ounces daily, although this can vary greatly depending upon one’s size, the ambient temperature and level of physical activity. Water losses are both “sensible,” consisting of water in the urine and stool, and “insensible,” from skin (evaporation and sweating) and lungs (moisture exhaled).

Again, water intake comes from beverages and foods consumed, with many foods containing a great deal of water (particularly fruits and vegetables, as mentioned). So the 65-80 ounces includes both beverage and food sources.

However, caffeinated beverages (such as coffee, tea, colas, energy and sports drinks and other sodas) as well as alcohol both have diuretic effects, causing you to urinate more volume than you take in. So, if you consume caffeine or alcohol, you will need additional hydration to maintain equilibrium.

How much water do I really need?

The formula that doctors use for figuring out daily fluid requirements is 1500 cc (50 ounces) for the first 20 kg (44 lb.) of weight, and an additional 200 cc (7 ounces) for each additional 10 kg (22 lb.) of weight.

So for a 125-lb. woman, the daily fluid requirement is 2250 cc (75 ounces). For a 165 lb. man, the daily requirement is 2600 cc (87 ounces). It’s important to remember that these fluid requirements include both beverages and food. If one has a very healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, there will be less need for drinking water and other beverages.

The other important factors with respect to water needs are ambient temperature and activity level. If you are reading or doing other sedentary activities in a cool room, your water requirements are significantly less than someone exercising vigorously in 90-degree temperatures.

How will I know if I’m well-hydrated?

Humans are extraordinarily sophisticated and well-engineered “machines.” Your body lets you know when you are hungry, ill, tired and thirsty. Paying attention to your thirst is one of the best ways of maintaining good hydration status.

Another great method is to pay attention to your urine color. Depending on your hydration status, urine color can vary from deep amber to as clear as water. If your urine is dark amber, you need to drink more as a lighter color is ideal and indicative of satisfactory hydration.

Advantages of staying well-hydrated include:

  • Avoids dehydration and all its consequences (this is pretty obvious)
  • Dilution of urine helps prevent kidney stones
  • Dilution of urine helps prevent urinary infections
  • Helps bowel regularity
  • Maintains hydrated and supple, less wrinkled skin
  • Helps keep weight down because of the filling effect of drinking; also, thirst can be confused with hunger and some people end up eating when they should be hydrating

The only disadvantage to staying well-hydrated is that you may urinate a lot, which is not good for those with overactive bladder symptoms.

Written by Dr. Andrew Siegel

  • How To Drink More
    • How to build more water consumption in a day?
  • Factors
    • Which factors influence water needs?
  • Benefits
    • What are the health benefits of drinking adequate water?
  • Related Resources
    • Related Resources - How Much Water Should You Drink Based on Your Weight?

How much water should a 170 lb man drink

The old formula “one size fits all” seems to be outdated in the current scenario.

The old formula “one size fits all” seems to be outdated in the current scenario. Currently, the size, weight, activity level, or area of living can influence your water need. In general, you should try to drink between half an ounce to an ounce of water per day for each pound you weigh. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds you should drink between 75 to 150 ounces of water a day. If you live in a hot climate and exercise a lot, you need to drink around 150 ounces of water. Alternatively, if you live in a cold climate and lead a sedentary life, you would require less water.

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have recommended daily fluid intake for healthy individuals living in a temperate climate, which is:

  • Around 15.5 cups (125 ounces) of fluids for men
  • Around 11.5 cups (91 ounces) of fluids for women

There is a quick way to check if you are dehydrated or not:

  • If the urine is clear or very light yellow and has little odor, you are well-hydrated
  • The darker and more aromatic the urine, the more dehydrated you are
  • You do not feel thirsty, you probably are well hydrated

How to build more water consumption in a day?

To build more water consumption in a day, you should try these tips:

  • Drink small amounts of water throughout the day. Drinking water all at once is not good.
  • Keep a glass of water next to your bed to eliminate dehydration once you wake up
  • Keep a glass of water on the work desk
  • Switch one glass of soda or coffee for one glass of water
  • Carry an insulated sports bottle and remember to fill it up periodically
  • Rely on your thirst and drink water when you are thirsty

Which factors influence water needs?

Factors that influence water needs include:

  • Exercise: Any physical activity that leads to excess fluid loss, you need to drink extra water to regain the lost fluid. It is necessary to drink water before, during, and after a workout. The intense or long workout needs a sports drink to replace the lost minerals in the blood.
  • Environment: Hot or humid weather can make you sweat more resulting in dehydration.
  • Overall health: Fever, vomiting, or diarrhea can result in loss of body fluids and electrolytes. Replenishing the lost fluids by drinking water or oral rehydration solutions. Conditions like bladder infections or urinary tract stones might require you to increase the fluid intake.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding: Pregnant or breastfeeding women require additional fluids to maintain the water level in the body.

What are the health benefits of drinking adequate water?

Water is an important constituent of the body and makes up to 60% of the body weight. Every cell in the body requires water to function efficiently. The health benefits of water include:

  • Allows proper functioning of the kidney
  • Boosts the metabolism of the body and helps in losing weight
  • Maintains the temperature of the body
  • Gets rid of wastes through sweating or bowel movements
  • Lubricates and cushions the joints
  • Protects sensitive tissues
  • Prevents the formation of kidney stones
  • Helps in hydration of the skin and prevention of acne
  • Lowers the risk of bladder cancer and colorectal cancer

How much water should a 170 lb man drink


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How much water should a 175 lb man drink a day?

Multiply by 2/3: Next you want to multiple your weight by 2/3 (or 67%) to determine how much water to drink daily. For example, if you weighed 175 pounds you would multiple that by 2/3 and learn you should be drinking about 117 ounces of water every day.

Is 64 oz of water a day enough?

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.

How much water should a 165 lb man drink?

For a 165 lb. man, the daily requirement is 2600 cc (87 ounces). It's important to remember that these fluid requirements include both beverages and food. If one has a very healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, there will be less need for drinking water and other beverages.

Is a gallon of water a day too much?

Can drinking a gallon of water a day be harmful? For most people, there is really no limit for daily water intake and a gallon a day is not harmful. But for those who have congestive heart failure or end stage kidney disease, sometimes water needs to be restricted because the body can't process it correctly.