How much water to drink to prevent kidney stones

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who have had a kidney stone should drink enough fluids to produce two liters of urine per day in order to prevent more kidney stones from forming, according to new guidelines from the American College of Physicians.

If drinking more fluids doesn’t work, patients can try “water pills” (known as diuretics) or other drugs to reduce stone formation. But both of these recommendations are weak, since the evidence for them is moderate to low quality, the authors write.

“On average, drinking enough fluid so that you have two liters of urine per day significantly decreases your risk of having a kidney stone,” said Dr. Robert Centor, a practicing internist and Chair of the American College of Physician’s Board of Regents, which approved the new recommendation.

Kidney stones form from solid crystals, usually including calcium oxalate, and adding more fluids decreases the concentration of solids in the urine, making it harder for stones to form, he said.

“I want patients’ urine to be clear, not yellow,” Centor told Reuters Health by phone.

More than 10 percent of men and seven percent of women in the U.S. will develop a kidney stone in their lifetime, according to a 2012 study, and many who have one will have more in the future, Centor said. They can be incredibly painful and may require surgery, he said.

Researchers reviewed papers published on recurrent kidney stones between 1948 and 2014 to form the new guidelines.

There is some evidence that drinking more fluids may prevent subsequent stones without causing side effects. If that doesn’t work, taking a thiazide diuretic, which increases the amount of urine, may help. Other options include citrate, which attaches to calcium in the urine and keeps crystals from forming, or a drug called allopurinol, the authors write in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Patients should try the first two options before allopurinol, which is also used to treat gout and can cause drowsiness, diarrhea and stomach pain, Centor said.

People may need to drink more than two liters of fluids to produce two liters of urine, he said, depending on how hot the day is and how active the person is.

“You might need to drink three liters on a hot day,” Centor said.

There is also some evidence that soda intake may be related to recurrent kidney stones, the authors write.

Cutting down on dark sodas, particularly sweetened ones, may help, Centor said. Dark sodas are made with phosphoric acid, which makes urine more acidic.

Clear or yellow citrus sodas, made with citrate, may actually help prevent stones, he noted.

There are plenty of reasons to avoid sweetened soft drinks, but as far as kidney stones are concerned, people who’ve never had one don’t need to worry about cutting out soda, he said.

There are different types of kidney stones, but in general people at high risk can reduce their sodium intake, reduce animal protein, and try to get five fresh fruits and vegetables per day, said Dr. John A. Sayer, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Nephrology at the Institute of Genetic Medicine at Newcastle University in the U.K.

Anyone can get a kidney stone, but they are more common in hot climates or working environments, Sayer told Reuters Health by email.

Family history makes stones more likely, Centor said. A patient with a kidney stone will be in so much pain they will go to the emergency room, he said. At a follow-up appointment after the stone has passed, doctors can suggest strategies for preventing more.

“When a patient comes in with a kidney stone, they can’t hear me because they’re in so much pain,” Centor said.

“We don’t have a perfect treatment for preventing kidney stones, every patient is different and responds differently,” he said.

SOURCE: Annals of Internal Medicine, November 3, 2014


If you’ve ever had a kidney stone, you surely remember it. The pain can be unbearable, coming in waves until the tiny stone passes through your urinary plumbing and out of the body. For many, kidney stones aren’t a one-time thing: in about half of people who have had one, another appears within seven years without preventive measures.

Preventing kidney stones isn’t complicated, but it does take some determination.

Kidney stones form when certain chemicals become concentrated enough in the urine to form crystals. The crystals grow into larger masses (stones), which can make their way through the urinary tract. If the stone gets stuck somewhere and blocks the flow of urine, it causes pain.

Most stones occur when calcium combines with oxalate. Stones can also form from uric acid, which is a byproduct of protein metabolism.

How much water to drink to prevent kidney stones

How to avoid kidney stones

Here are the five ways to help prevent kidney stones:

Drink plenty of water: Drinking extra water dilutes the substances in urine that lead to stones. Strive to drink enough fluids to pass 2 liters of urine a day, which is roughly eight standard 8-ounce cups. It may help to include some citrus beverages, like lemonade and orange juice. The citrate in these beverages helps block stone formation.

Eat calcium rich foods: Dietary calcium binds to oxalate in your intestines and thereby decreases the amount of oxalate that gets absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted by the kidney. This lowers the concentration of oxalate in the urine, so there is less chance it can bind to urinary calcium. That leads to decreased risk of kidney stones.

Reduce sodium: A high-sodium diet can trigger kidney stones because it increases the amount of calcium in your urine. So, a low-sodium diet is recommended for the stone prone. Current guidelines suggest limiting total daily sodium intake to 2,300 mg. If sodium has contributed to kidney stones in the past, try to reduce your daily intake to 1,500 mg. This will also be good for your blood pressure and heart.

Limit animal protein: Eating too much animal protein, such as red meat, poultry, eggs, and seafood, boosts the level of uric acid and could lead to kidney stones. A high-protein diet also reduces levels of urinary citrate, the chemical in urine that helps prevent stones from forming. If you’re prone to stones, limit your daily meat intake to a quantity that is no bigger than a pack of playing cards. This is also a heart-healthy portion.

Avoid stone-forming foods: Beets, chocolate, spinach, rhubarb, tea, and most nuts are rich in oxalate, which can contribute to kidney stones. If you suffer from stones, your doctor may advise you to avoid these foods or to consume them in smaller amounts.

For everyone else, particular foods and drinks are unlikely to trigger kidney stones unless consumed in extremely high amounts. Some studies have shown that people who take high doses of vitamin C in the form of supplements are at slightly higher risk of kidney stones. That may be because the body converts vitamin C into oxalate.

Can drinking too much water cause kidney stones?

If water is continuously taken in too much quantity, it may lead to kidney stones and chronic kidney diseases.” He added that sudden dehydration may lead to acute kidney failure and unconsciousness.

Can kidney stones go away by drinking water?

Drink plenty of water Kidney stones smaller than 5mm can pass out with urine. Therefore, patients should drink a lot of water to increase the ability to eliminate stones and prevent stones from developing. With larger stones, the ability to follow the urine out is very low.

What is best to drink to prevent kidney stones?

One of the best things you can do to avoid kidney stones is to drink plenty of water every day. This will help make sure that you urinate frequently to avoid any build up of calcium or uric acid.