How much weed can u get for $5

How much weed can u get for $5

How much should I be paying for weed? This is a question that I get asked quite frequently. The question is simple enough, but the answer is much trickier. The truth is, there is no one answer that covers everyone. There are a lot of different factors that go into the price of weed. So, I’ll do my best to break it all down for you so you can have a better idea of how much you should be paying.

You’re going to need to know how to much you’re actually getting to know if you paid the right price. I highly recommend picking up a digital scale on Amazon – they’re less than $10.

You can use the links below to skip around the page, but I hope you’ll enjoy the entire article.

Factors Affecting the Price of Weed
Time of Year
Recreational vs Medical
Price of Weed by Quantity
Gram – 1.0
Eighth – 1/8 (3.5 grams)
Quarter – 1/4 (7 grams)
Half Ounce – 1/2 (14 grams)
Ounce – O (28 grams)

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Factors Affecting the Price of Weed

The following factors can have a profound impact on the price of your weed. The more of these factors stacked against you – the more money you’re going to pay. After we talk about these factors, I’ll break down the price according to quantity.

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This factor is obviously huge. I live in Colorado so finding inexpensive cannabis is no problem. I recently picked up a terrific eighth of bud for $23.25 including tax. Of course, prices vary. You’ll see some dispensaries charge $50+ for an eighth. If you live in an area where marijuana is illegal then don’t even think about getting prices this good. If you live somewhere it’s illegal you have to realize that whoever is selling to you is going to markup the price based on the fact they could go to jail for selling it to you.

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This is an obvious factor, but still worth mentioning. The truth is, crappy weed isn’t nearly as prevalent as it once was. I remember in high school smoking what we called regs. It was gross weed grown in Mexico that was full of seeds. Is that stuff still around? I hope not, but let me know in the comments if you’ve come across it recently. For the purpose of this article I am only going to talk about good quality weed, because I just don’t come in contact with the regs and mids of yesteryears.

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The more people who are selling in your area the better deal you typically find. That’s why smaller towns with only a few dealers can charge more. The closer you get to a large city the lower the price – typically. The same is true with dispensaries. 

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Time of Year

Outdoor cannabis plants are harvested starting around September and for the next few months depending on the climate. Around this time, you may notice a significant decrease in the prices of weed. The priciest part of growing cannabis inside is the cost of electricity for lights. Since outdoor cannabis costs much less to grow so it can be sold at a more competitive rate.

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Recreational vs Medical

I saved this one for last because it only affects the few states that have legalized recreation marijuana (hopefully the number continues to rise). But, I did want to quickly note that prices for medical marijuana are significantly reduced compared to the prices that recreational dispensaries charge.

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Price of Weed by Quantity

Please remember that prices are going to vary so I’m going to use number ranges instead of exact amounts. Also, these are the prices for good weed. Lesser quality weed could cost much less.

You’ll notice that the more you buy the cheaper the prices get. Weed is just like most goods – you get a discount for buying in quantity. Also, dispensaries have deals all the time to get weed much cheaper. I’m listing full retail prices without deals considered.

These prices are for the United States since it’s what I’m familiar with. If you’re from another country I would love to hear how the prices match up. The dispensary prices are based on Colorado recreational dispensaries.

If you aren’t familiar with the weight measurements used below make sure to check out my article about marijuana weights. As previously stated, you’re gonna want to pick up a cheap digital scale so you can make sure you got the correct weight. 

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Gram – 1.0

This is typically the smallest amount of weed that you’re gonna buy. Because it’s considered a small amount you’ll end up spending more. At a dispensary, you’re looking at $10-15. On the street, you’re probably looking at $15-20. In all my years of smoking I’ve never paid more than $20 for a gram.

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Eighth – 1/8 (3.5 grams)

At a dispensary, you’re going to pay between $35-50 per eighth with select strains costing more. On the street prices typically run between $40-60. If you have enough of the before mentioned factors against you then you could be looking at up to $70. Any more than that is too high of a price as far as I’m concerned.

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Quarter – 1/4 (7 grams)

Dispensaries are normally around $70-90 for a quarter. That same quarter is going to run $80-$120 on the streets.

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Half Ounce – 1/2 (14 grams)

This is the point that you typically start seeing bigger discounts. This is also the point that you have to live in Colorado to purchase this much from a recreational dispensary (visitors are limited to 7 grams). Update: The laws have changed in Colorado so visitors are allowed to purchase up to one ounce from a recreational dispensary. 

Some dispensaries charge the quarter price all the way up, but many give you a discount. Expect to pay $120-150 at a Colorado rec dispensary. On the streets it’s typically around $140-180.

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Ounce – O (28 grams)

You can find dispensary deals for $99 ounces, but it’s typically pretty low quality. A good ounce in a dispensary will typically cost $200-300. An ounce on the street usually runs $250-$350.

There are plenty of other measurements like kilos, pounds, half pounds, etc; but if you’re looking to buy that much then you should already have a solid grasp on the prices in your area.

Terms like dime bag, nickel, and dub have mostly become antiquated terms, but some people still use them. For a more detailed breakdown of the dime bag check out one of my other articles: How Much Is A Dime of Weed? + Dub Sacks and Nickel Bags

Let me know in the comments how these numbers stack up to your experiences. As always, I encourage everyone to use fake names and email addresses when leaving a comment below.

A few other articles you might enjoy:

  • Can Weed Go Bad? + Storage Tips
  • Can You Donate Blood If You Smoke Weed?
  • Eighth of Weed: Weight in Grams, Prices, & What 1/8 Looks Like