How soon after implantation bleeding can i take a test

When you're trying to get pregnant, your senses are on high alert for any indication that you're officially a parent-to-be. One of the earliest pregnancy symptoms can be implantation bleeding, which happens when the fertilized egg implants into the lining of the uterus. About one-third of pregnant people will experience implantation bleeding, according to the American Pregnancy Association, and it often resembles a light period. Here's everything you need to know.

When Does Implantation Bleeding Occur?

Only about one-third of people experience implantation bleeding in early pregnancy. If it happens to you, it will occur 10 to 14 days after fertilization, says Lauren Barlog, M.D., assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health at Rutgers NJ Medical School. "It typically occurs around the time of your next expected period."

In fact, because of the timing, some people might confuse implantation bleeding for a light menstrual period. They don't realize what it is until a pregnancy test comes up positive, says Zev Williams, M.D., Ph.D., chief of the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at Columbia University Medical Center.

What Does Implantation Bleeding Look Like?

Implantation bleeding will probably look different than your normal monthly period. The color usually ranges from light pink to dark brown (period blood is typically red), and it doesn't contain any clots. Also, implantation bleeding is usually lighter than a menstrual period. Some people don't even notice it at all—or they see a small amount of blood when they wipe. In some cases, implantation cramping can occur along with the bleeding.

How Long Does Implantation Bleeding Last?

Typically, implantation bleeding appears for a day or two (though some people only bleed for a couple of hours). Rather than consistent blood flow, it might be off-and-on.

How Soon After Implantation Bleeding Will You Get a Positive Pregnancy Test?

If you think you're experiencing implantation bleeding, what's the best course of action? Take a pregnancy test, says Dr. Barlog. Every test has a different threshold for sensitivity, but the absolute earliest you should take one is about four or five days before your expected period, says Dr. Williams. Otherwise there might not be enough pregnancy hormone (hCG) to give a positive result. If the pregnancy test is negative, repeat it in a few days.

When Should I Visit the Doctor?

Implantation bleeding isn't cause for concern, but if you're experiencing unusual spotting, it's important to recognize when symptoms might require a visit to the doctor. "If you are spotting but also have pain that's concentrated on one side, rectal pain, or a history of infertility or tubal disease, you should see a doctor immediately," says James Segars, Jr., M.D., director of Reproductive Science and Women's Health Research, and a professor of gynecology and obstetrics at Johns Hopkins Medicine. "These are signs that you could have a tubal or ectopic pregnancy, when the fertilized egg implants somewhere other than the uterus, usually within the fallopian tubes."

And you also should see your doctor if you've had bleeding or spotting between periods for several months, because you may be dealing with other conditions such as fibroids or polyps.

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If you’ve ever wondered, “how long after implantation can you test for pregnancy?”, here’s everything you need to know, plus lots of tips for first time moms!

If you’re a first time mom looking to become pregnant, some of the first things you’ll want to know are how early pregnancy can be detected and how soon you can take the test. For most, the anticipation and nervousness around taking a pregnancy test is incredibly challenging.

But, for the best results, you’ll probably need to wait longer than you’d like.

After implantation, there’s a bit of a lag before a pregnancy test can register the changes in your body. Eager first time moms might just jump the gun.

So, how long after implantation can you test for pregnancy?

Here’s everything you need to know plus early pregnancy signs and symptoms and tips for new moms.

How soon after implantation bleeding can i take a test

After an egg is fertilized, it travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. Once there, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall.

This process is known as pregnancy implantation.

Once the Fertilized egg implants, the pregnancy hormone, hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin), is released. hCG collects in the urine and bloodstream and can then be picked up on a home pregnancy test.

This implantation process typically takes 6-8 days.

Here’s How Long After Implantation You Can Test for Pregnancy

How soon after implantation bleeding can i take a test

For the most accurate results, you should wait until after your first missed period to take a pregnancy test. But if the suspense is just too much, you can try taking a pregnancy test 1-2 weeks after intercourse (be sure to take the test in the morning). This is because the body needs time for the pregnancy hormone to build up enough to be detected.

This happens 7-12 days after an egg successfully implants. So it’s possible to pick up some faint hCG levels on a home test at this point.

However, there’s still a high likelihood of a false negative result. If you do get a negative test result, be sure to check again a bit further down the road. The amount of hCG will increase as your pregnancy progresses and become much more detectable.

It’s also possible to receive false positives. This is referred to as a chemical pregnancy (the implanted egg is unable to grow properly so the pregnancy doesn’t progress). This is rare, but if you have a positive result, you should follow up with a blood test at your doctor’s office to confirm the pregnancy. You’ll also likely establish prenatal care at this time.

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Signs of Successful Implantation

How soon after implantation bleeding can i take a test

After implantation, there are a few signs you may experience to help you know you’re ready to take a test. However, these signs also mimic some of what you may experience with your monthly period. Bear this in mind, but if your body feels different from the norm, it’s worth paying attention to and possibly taking a test.

Implantation bleeding

Some women have light bleeding and spotting after successful implantation. This can be mistaken for the start of your period, but there are some key differences.

The main difference is that implantation bleeding is very temporary, lasting no more than a couple days.

It’s also different in color. Blood from implantation is usually a brownish color or light pink rather than deep or bright red like menstrual blood.

You also won’t experience heavy bleeding or clots.

If you’re hoping you’re pregnant, but don’t experience implantation bleeding, don’t fret. Only about 1/3 of women will have it.


Cramps can accompany implantation bleeding similarly to your period. However, they are typically much milder and last for just a short period of time.

Sore Breasts

Many women experience sore breasts around the time of their period. But, this can also be a sign of pregnancy.

When pregnant, the body has elevated estrogen levels and decreased levels of progesterone. This imbalance signals lots of changes in the body to prepare for carrying a baby. One of which is increased blood flow. You’ll likely feel it in your breasts and other parts of the body, too.

If you don’t normally experience sore breasts and start to feel some tenderness, feel more full, or see more pronounced blood vessels under this skin, this could be a sign of pregnancy.

Increased Basal Body Temperature

If you’re looking into technical questions like “how long after implantation can you test,” you may also be interested in basal body temperature charting.

Those who use a basal thermometer to track their cycle may be able to detect early pregnancy. Most women experience a slight increase in basal body temperature 12-14 hours after ovulation (but, it can take up to 3 days).

If you’ve charted your temperature and notice your temperature doesn’t shift back down, this could be a sign of pregnancy. BBT and progesterone levels will stay elevated throughout pregnancy.

If you’re not pregnant, BBT should drop to normal levels just before your period.

Missed Period

One tell-tale sign of pregnancy is a missed period. This is the surest way to know whether there was successful implantation of an egg.

If you’ve waited this long after implantation, a disrupted menstrual cycle is a sure sign you should take a pregnancy test.


How long after implantation does hCG rise?

The body is signaled to produce hCG as soon as a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, but may not be detected right away. hCG levels can typically be detected on home pregnancy tests starting 7-12 days after implantation. Levels of hCG will continue to increase as a pregnancy progresses.

Can you test positive 24 hours after implantation?

It’s very unlikely to test positive 24 hours after implantation. hCG levels are generally undetectable that soon. For the most accurate results, plan to test a couple days after your missed period or 1-2 weeks after intercourse, at the earliest.

What are the signs of successful implantation?

Successful implantation can result in implantation bleeding (light bleeding or spotting), mild and temporary cramps, sore breasts, and elevated basal body temperature. The surest sign of implantation is a missed period.

The Bottom Line

How long after implantation can you test for pregnancy? Here’s the bottom line:

  • If you test for pregnancy too soon after implantation you may receive inaccurate results.
  • hCG levels can be detected as early as 7-12 days after implantation, but for the most accurate reading, wait until after your first missed period. If you just can’t wait, test 1-2 weeks after intercourse at the earliest.
  • If you test early and receive a negative result, be sure to test again after your missed period.
  • Confirm a positive pregnancy test with your doctor to rule out chemical pregnancy (though this is extremely rare).

If you’re a new mom and eager to become pregnant, don’t get discouraged! The best thing you can do is relax and be patient.

If you have concerns about your fertility, your doctor can help you determine if there are any issues preventing pregnancy. In many cases, it’s just a matter of timing!

RELATED: Is pregnancy calculated from conception or last period?

Want More?

If this post on pregnancy implantation and testing was helpful to you, be sure to check out:

  • These important tips for first time mom labor
  • Easy pregnancy workout ideas
  • Creative ways to announce a pregnancy
  • Fun baby gender predictions to try
  • Memorable gender reveal ideas
  • The best baby registry checklist, ever!

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How soon after implantation bleeding can i take a test