How to buy a house with bad credit first time home buyer

How to buy a house with bad credit first time home buyer

Getting a Mortgage with Bad Credit

If you have bad credit and fear you’ll face a loan denial when applying for a mortgage, don’t worry. You may still be able to get a mortgage with a low credit score. Of course it will depend on a few factors, so your best bet to see if you’ll qualify for a loan is to talk to a lender. Many lenders will have a conversation with you about your eligibility with no obligation to apply for a loan.

What Credit Score Do I Need To Buy a House?

First, let’s take a look at the credit score ranges from FICO:

Exceptional credit = 800 and above
Very good credit = 740 to 800
Good credit =670 to 740
Fair credit = 580 to 670
Poor credit = under 580

Even if you have low credit, there are still options for buying a home. Among other qualification requirements, mortgages will have credit score requirements. The minimum credit score you’ll need depends on the loan type. For example, the minimum require score for conventional loans is 620. But the FHA loan program allows for credit scores of 580. So if low credit continues to dog you, an FHA loan might be your best bet. But remember, lenders may also have different requirements based on other factors such as your down payment amount or income.

Another option that prospective homeowners with bad credit can take is purchasing a home with a co-borrower.

Fixing or Preventing Bad Credit

Having bad credit is not the end of the world. It still may be possible for lenders to give you a loan, provided your credit score is not too low. But be aware that you may pay a higher interest rate and more fees since you are more likely to default (fail to pay the loan back). So it’s in your best interest to improve your credit score in order to get a lower interest rate, which can save you thousands in the long run.

Mortgage lenders look at the “age,” dollar amount, and payment history of your different credit lines. That means opening accounts frequently, running up your balances, and paying on time or not at all can impact your credit score negatively. Just changing one of these components of your spending behavior can positively affect your credit score.

There are ways you can improve your credit score, such as paying down your debts, paying your bills on time, and disputing possible errors on your credit report. But on the flip side, there are ways you can also hurt your score, so remember:

  • DON’T close an account to remove it from your report (it doesn’t work).
  • DON’T open too many credit accounts in a short period of time.
  • DON’T take too long to shop around for interest rates. Lenders must pull your credit report every time you apply for credit. If you are shopping around with different lenders for a lower interest rate, there is generally a grace period of about 30 days before your score is affected.

Even if you have reversed the downward spiral of your credit history, you might need to tell a prospective lender that there may be some signs of bad credit in your report. This will save you time, since he or she will look at different loans than he might otherwise.

Why Were You Turned Down for a Loan?

If you are still having trouble getting a loan, ask your lender why. Bad credit is just one of many reasons you may be denied a loan. Other reasons you may be denied a home loan include:

  • Overextended credit cards: If you miss payments or exceed your limit, that’s a red flag to lenders.
  • Failure to pay a previous or existing loan: If you have defaulted on other loans, a lender will think twice.
  • Bankruptcy: Filed for bankruptcy in the past seven years? You might have trouble getting a loan.
  • Overdue taxes: Lenders check your tax payment record.
  • Legal judgments: If you have a judgment against you for such things as delinquent child support payments, it could harm your credit.
  • Collection agencies: Lenders will know if collection agencies are after you.
  • Overreaching: You might be seeking a loan outside what you can reasonably afford.

Next: Discuss your options with a local lender.

Last Updated: January 20, 2022

Is bad credit damaging your chance of owning your own home? A low FICO score counts against you but won’t ruin your chances altogether. With several programs for buying a home with bad credit available, you can still succeed. In this article, we’ll look at what bad credit and its consequences are. We’ll then look at how a first-time home buyer with bad credit can apply for a mortgage.

What You Need to Know About Bad Credit

Your FICO score ranges between 300 and 850:

  • 670 and above: Good to exceptional scores get the best rates
  • 580 to 669: With a fair credit score, you still have a chance of getting credit, but not at preferential rates
  • 579 and lower: Bad credit home loans usually include borrowers in this category

The Vantage Scoring model, as used by TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian, is stricter:

  • 781-850: Exceptional
  • 661-780: Good
  • 601-660: Fair
  • 500-600: Poor
  • 300-499: Very Poor

What Affects Your Score?

Take a look at the factors that have an influence on your credit score:

Paying on Time

How good you are at paying your accounts on time and in full? Late payments drop your score and may disqualify you from receiving a mortgage with bad credit.

Credit Accounts

You’ll need to have a few accounts in good standing to qualify for a good rating. Having too many, however, can damage your score. If you have five credit cards or personal loans, for example, it may look like you cannot manage your debt.

Credit Utilization

The higher your debt utilization ratio, the more significant the negative impact on your application. Lenders reason that maxed out credits show you’re not capable of managing a home loan with bad credit.

The Nature of the Debt

Having many revolving credit facilities, however, may damage your score because you can draw out whatever you’ve paid in.

What’s the Minimum Required Score?

According to Forbes, not having a high credit profile is the reason for one out of three declined mortgage applications. The average lender requires a minimum credit score of 600 – 620 to finance a home. There are, however, exceptions – you may qualify for FHA mortgage loans for bad credit with a score of 500.

Consequences of Bad Credit

Aside from making it difficult for a first time home buyer with bad credit, a low score may result in:

  • Greater difficulty in obtaining unsecured loans or credit cards.
  • High interest rates from companies willing to take the risk of providing bad credit first-time home loans.
  • Difficulty in securing a rental property.
  • Higher security deposits to secure utilities and other services.
  • Difficulty in getting a good job.
  • Being denied a cell phone contract or similar subscription service.
  • Higher insurance premiums and deductibles.

How to Buy a House With Bad Credit

Let’s say that you’ve done your research and want to buy a house with bad credit. What are your next steps?

Check Your Credit Report

Step one in obtaining low credit score home loans is to know what your FICO rating is. You may get a free annual report from any of the major bureaus. Scrutinize the information and ensure that all the entries are valid. If there are errors, contact the bureau about them. If there are accounts on there that you’ve repaid, contact the companies concerned. They may remove the listing or at least mark it as paid in full.

Improve Your Credit Score

Before asking, “Can I buy my first house with bad credit?”, try to fix your credit score. Give yourself six months, and, during that time:

  • Pay all your accounts on time.
  • Where possible, pay more than the minimum installment.
  • Try not to max out your cards and store accounts.
  • Don’t take any other credit accounts or loans.

Save a Large Down Payment

Getting a mortgage with bad credit may depend on how much your deposit is. During the six months, save as much as possible toward your down payment. Work out how much your mortgage fees, taxes, and insurance would cost you monthly. Reduce that figure by your current monthly rental and save the difference or more. You’ll be able to prove you can afford the loan and also save a sizeable down payment. The higher your down payment is, the more equity you have in the property at the start. The bank will look more favorably at your application as the loan-to-value ratio is lower.

Speak to a Housing Counseling Agency

The government funds housing counseling agencies nationwide. These agencies provide advice about:

  • Buying and renting homes
  • A reputable bad credit mortgage lender
  • Assistance programs you may qualify for
  • Budgeting
  • Dealing with potential roadblocks like foreclosures

FHA Loans

When learning how to buy a house with low income and bad credit, an FHA loan is your best bet. To qualify, you’ll need:

  • A credit score of at least 500, coupled with a 10% down payment
  • A rating of 580 to drop the down payment required to 3.5%
  • No bankruptcy events during the last 2 years (unless you can prove it was due to uncontrollable circumstances)
  • To have worked for the same company or prove an income for 2 years
  • No foreclosures within the last 3 years
  • To be up to date with your student loans and taxes
  • An owner-occupied property
  • To demonstrate that you’re working on cleaning up your credit

VA Loans

VA loans are available to veterans of the Armed Forces through approved bad credit mortgage lenders. The conditions include service of at least:

  • 181 days during peacetime
  • 90 days during wartime
  • 6 years in the National Guard or Reserves

When a service member dies in the line of duty, the spouse may also be eligible. “Can I buy a house with bad credit under this program?” is a common question. The answer is generally, “No.” Service members are required to have reasonable credit histories to qualify. The following factors may also affect eligibility:

  • Dishonorable discharge
  • Having a VA loan that went into foreclosure before
  • Not being married to the service member

Approved lenders should be able to tell you if you qualify or not. Your credit score and down payment have a significant impact on your eligibility. There are, however, a few other factors that mortgage lenders consider. Alternatively, take a look at the lenders who offer personal loans for bad credit, you may have a chance.

What Else Do Mortgage Lenders Consider?

The reason that you may be able to find a mortgage lender even with bad credit is that there are other criteria lenders consider:


Wondering how to buy a house with bad credit but good income? Your mortgage repayments should account for 35% of your salary or less.

Debt-to-Income Ratio

Your overall debt-to-income ratio must accommodate the installment and ancillary fees comfortably. This is particularly important with poor credit home loans.

Length of Employment History

Aside from the FHA and VA loans, there’s no required employment history. However, you must be permanently employed or receive a regular income. If you job-hop regularly, you’re considered a greater risk.


Finding a co-signer is the answer to how to buy a house with no money and bad credit. You’ll need to find someone willing to act as a guarantor for you. Should you not pay, they’ll be liable for the debt, so this may be a tough sell.


Trying to buy a house with bad credit is complicated but possible. Your first step is to see whether you qualify for government or down payment assistance programs. Even if you’re not eligible for these programs, there’s hope. Work on improving your credit score, proving affordability, and saving a large down payment. If that fails, try to get a co-signer on board. If nothing else works, try with credit-building loans.

What is the lowest credit score to buy a house?

Generally speaking, you'll need a credit score of at least 620 in order to secure a loan to buy a house. That's the minimum credit score requirement most lenders have for a conventional loan. With that said, it's still possible to get a loan with a lower credit score, including a score in the 500s.

Can I get a loan with a 500 credit score?

You may qualify with a poor credit score as low as 500, but you must also satisfy several other requirements to get an FHA loan guarantee. These loans require a 10% down payment (or 3.5% if your credit score is above 580), mortgage insurance, and a monthly payment for the life of the loan.

What's the easiest loan to get with bad credit?

The easiest loans to get approved for would probably be payday loans, car title loans, pawnshop loans, and personal installment loans. These are all short-term cash solutions for bad credit borrowers in need. Many of these options are designed to help borrowers who need fast cash in times of need.