How to clear cache on an app

‘How to clear app cache on iPhone‘ to make my device run faster’ is a query often heard from iPhone users. In this post, I am going to show how to clear cache on iPhone or iPad and clean out all the junk and memory-clogging files to free up more space and boost the speed of the device. Before I go to show the ways to clear app cache iPhone, let me first explain what is app cache.  

What is app cache and why do you need your iPhone clear cache app?

For the sake of enhancing user experience, every time we use an App on our iPhone or iPad, it collects information and stores it in a reserved memory space called Cache. This stored information can be retrieved quickly from the cache for future use. For example, Safari uses a cache to store information about the sites you visited, and will use them later on in order to speed up your browsing experience.

Even though this is crucial when it comes to making the site faster, these cache files generated through everyday usage are eating up your iPhone storage as time progresses and reduce the running speed and efficiency of your device. Cached browsing data aren’t the only files that eat up your iPhone’s storage space. Cache data could also be scripts, images, and other media files that are automatically generated by the apps. An increase in the number of installed apps with time and an increase in the frequency of use of apps may cause the accumulation of more cache files resulting in the use of additional storage space of your iPhone making the device slower. No matter which iPhone you use, regularly deleting cookies, hidden junk files, and clearing cache on your iPhone are not only a great way to make your iPhone clean and free up more space but also to boost its running speed. Moreover, if you clear app cache iPhone, app cookies, junk files, and temporary files it will free up system recourse and sometimes you will find it would fix many battery issues and improve battery life in case your iPhone Battery is draining fast.

In this tutorial, I am going to show how to clear app cache on iPhone which will help you to make your device function a lot faster and more efficiently.

How to clear app cache on iPhone in Safari browser?

Safari, being the default web browser on iOS devices, is one of the most commonly used browsers on iPhone. The Safari app stores information in the Cache memory so that it can be accessed quickly. Compared to other apps it has, therefore, the most cached memory. Follow the steps below on how to clear app cache on iPhone in the Safari browser:

How to clear cache on an app

1. Go to Settings;

2. Scroll down and tap on the Safari app tab;

3. Scroll down the new screen showing settings for ‘safari’ and tap the ‘Clear History and Website Data’ option;

4. This will not only clear the app cache iPhone but also remove history, cookies, and other browsing data in Safari;

5. Now your Safari browser should be just like the new one;

iPhone clear app cache without deleting app

One of the most common ways for your iPhone clear app cache without deleting app is to uninstall the app entirely and then reinstall it.

Almost all the apps that are installed on your iOS device occupy some memory space in addition to their download size. There is no option on iPhone or iPad to clear the cache of an individual app other than Safari and you cannot clean its memory space unless you uninstall the app entirely from your device. When you uninstall an app from your iPhone, everything you have in that application, including the cache and preferences will be deleted.

Find below how to delete cache on iPhone or iPad generated by the apps using the ‘Usage’ option in Settings by deleting the biggest space eater app and then reinstalling it:

How to clear cache on an app

1. Go to Settings > General > Storage & iCloud Usage;

2. In the top section (Storage), tap Manage Storage;

3. You should now see a list of all your apps, along with the memory they each take. Select the app, which takes up a lot of space on your iPhone. Reinstalling every app might take a long time. So you can view how much space is taken up by each app and reinstall only the biggest “space eaters”;

4. Take a look at the entry for Documents & Data. If you find an app is taking up more than 500MB, it’s worth deleting the app to clear your device space;

5. Tap Delete App, then head to the App Store to re-install it. This will be a clean install without all the data and documents;

How to clear cache on iPhone by restarting your device

It is found that occasionally restarting your iPhone is a good way to free up more memory space for use by important apps.

Follow these steps to restart your iPhone for your iPhone clear cache app:

1. Hold down the Sleep/Wake button (on the top or at the top-right of the device) until “slide to power off” appears;

2. Swipe the power off slider;

3. Wait until the device has fully powered down, then press and hold the Sleep/Wake button to turn on the iPhone;

How to clear app cache on iPhone by using a third-party app

By uninstalling and reinstalling apps it may be quite easy for your iPhone clear cache app without deleting app but if this is required to be done across a dozen apps it would be a long journey. Therefore, a more efficient way to clear app cache iPhone and data on the device is to use a third-party iOS app. There are various apps available that can help you quickly get rid of files on your iPhone, you don’t need. These apps are normally downloaded onto your Mac or PC and then connected to your iPhone or iPad to clear Caches on the devices. PhoneClean by iMobie is one such powerful iOS cleaner app capable of eliminating 30 types of junk files including caches. Follow the steps below on how to clear app cache on iPhone with the help of ‘PhoneClean’ to make space on your iPhone:

1. Attach the iPhone to your Mac or PC using the USB Cable;

2. Open ‘PhoneClean’ and click Scan;

3. Once the scan is complete, click Clean;

You may also like to read this post: How to Wipe an iPhone – here’re 3 easy methods

Frequently asked questions

Before I conclude let me also address some queries related to how to clear cache on iPhone apps often asked by cell phone users.

How do I clear my app cache on Android phone?

To do this,

  1. Go to Settings;
  2. Tap ‘Storage’;
  3. Tap ‘Internal Storage’ under ‘Device Storage’;
  4. Tap ‘Cached data’;
  5. Tap ‘OK’ when asked if you are sure to clear all app cache;

How do I clear cache on my iPhone?

In order to get rid of the app cache on iPhone, you must ‘offload’ them. Here’s how to clear cache on iPhone apps:

1. Go to Settings;

2. Tap on General;

3. Tap on iPhone Storage;

4. Click the app you’d like to clear from the list of apps on your phone and tap Offload App;

5. You’ll get a message informing you that the app will be deleted, but its documents and data will remain. Tap Offload App;

How to clear app data on iPhone?

1. Go to settings;

2. Tap on General;

3. Tap on iPhone Storage and see the storage usage of all apps on your iPhone;

4. Click the app whose data you want to clear;

5. Tap on ‘Delete App’ to uninstall the app and erase all its data;

Will clearing the cache delete pictures?

By clearing the cache, you only remove the temporary files in the app cache and not other app data like settings, downloaded photos, conversations, etc. So clearing the cache of the Camera app won’t delete any of your photos.

You may also like to read this related post: How to delete Cookies on iPhone


Now that you know how to clear app cache on iPhone, you can use any of the aforementioned options to clear the useless cache files generated through everyday usage on your iPhone to boost up running speed and efficiency of your device.

We have seen that the longer we use our iPhone, the slower it gets because caches generated through everyday usage are eating up our iPhone’s storage. It is, therefore, healthy to clear app cache iPhone once every few months or so, because we don’t always use the same websites forever and the stored information might just be slowing down your device.

Apps are encouraged to use as little memory as possible so that the system may keep more apps in memory or dedicate more memory to important apps that truly need it. There is a direct correlation between the amount of free memory available to the system and the relative performance of your app. To ensure there is always enough free memory available, you should minimize your app’s memory usage and be responsive when the system asks you to free up memory. When the system dispatches a low-memory warning to your app, respond immediately. Low-memory warnings are your opportunity to remove references to objects that you do not need. Therefore, use the warnings to clear the cache on iPhone and release images.

If you’ve any other suggestions relating to how iPhone clear cache app without deleting app, share them with your fellow readers in the comment section below.

Can you clear cache on an app?

Open device Settings, and select Apps. Find the app you want to clear app data for, tap it, and select Storage. Tap Clear cache to delete all cached data for the selected app. Repeat the process for other apps to continue clearing hidden app cache.

How do you clear cache on all apps?

Here's how to clear app cache:.
Go to the Settings menu on your device..
Tap Storage. Tap "Storage" in your Android's settings. ... .
Tap Internal Storage under Device Storage. Tap "Internal storage." ... .
Tap Cached data. Tap "Cached data." ... .
Tap OK when a dialog box appears asking if you're sure you want to clear all app cache..

How do I clear my cache on my iPhone?

Clear your cache in Safari on iPhone.
Tap , then tap ..
Tap Clear in the bottom-right corner, then choose how much of your browsing history to clear..

What does removing app cache do?

Clearing App Cache removes all the temporary stored files the application uses when you open it next time.