How to get cat pee out of carpet reddit

Posted by2 years ago


How to get cat pee out of carpet reddit

One of my cats ( male and neutered) was prematurely taken away from their mother before it could fully develop proper toilet habits. (We were lied to about its age when we got it.) Its It's taken a liking to peeing on the carpets and it absolutely stinks. We've tried numerous ways of cleansing the carpets to rid of the smell but its persisted. Has anyone got any advice which has worked for them?

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Tenants long before us must've had cats because there's a certain area along one of the walls that reeks of cat pee. We have no pets - never have, never will. The owners of the condo we rent will not replace the carpet unless they sell the place (they're not going to sell) and the prior tenants had "the carpet treated for doggie smell" (according to my landlord).

I've tried baking soda and vinegar, baking soda, vinegar, I've tried natures miracle, I've tried spot cleaning with a spotbot and some arm and hammer pet spray. Nothing. What can I do?

This may be a bit basic for this group but thought I’d ask. The house we moved into, the previous owners had cats and one for sure made a pee pas out of the corner of one of the bedrooms. Gross. I have tried a at home carpet cleaner, vacuum crystals, vinegar and water and baking soda, and a hand held cat urine remover.

Does anyone have any good methods for removing or cleaning this section of carpet or am I doomed to have professionals in/cut out the carpet. It’s newish carpet and if it were not for this one corner the carpet would be lovely. If anyone has any methods they have tried with success I’d love to hear! Thanks!

Fully agree with what this person said. I wouldn’t try to scrub it or add more random chemicals/solutions to it. You could make it worse/force the stain in deeper by scrubbing.

I’ve used enzyme cleaner before and it works very well, but you will need a wet vac as mentioned.

If your wet vac fails you can try to pull the stain up using baking soda. Make the stain area damp (not soaking) with water or vinegar then make a pile of baking soda on top. The baking soda will absorb the moister and pull out the stain. It can work very well, but it’s hard to get the dampness to baking soda ratio right.

Best to do enzyme cleaner and wet vac if can.

If the cat is still alive, here are some options. (If OPs cat isn't alive, my condolences. Others who still have aged cats may benefit.)

Another tack is to look at kitty's situation. If she's in pain while peeing, she will avoid the litter box. If you have not had her checked for UTIs, it's vet time. Another thing is how comfy the litter is. Does it bother her feet? Maybe get a softer litter. Check her toe beans to make sure they're not red or irritated.

The height of the box could be a factor. Creaky cats cannot be bothered to get into a tall box. Get a shallower one. If the box needs more frequent cleaning, that might help. I had an aged cat who gladly got in the box but was too dotty to get all the way in, so she'd have her front feet in and pee on the floor. I got a plastic ceiling tile like you'd use in offices. It was 2 feet by 2 feet and 1 inch deep. The box went in that and was shoved towards the corner. The cat would put her front feet in her box and pee outside the box. Since she was standing in the panel, the panel worked as an auxiliary litter box.

Dotty senile cats may forget. It's worth putting several in the house, especially on the areas where she's peed before.

The nuclear option is to get a bunch of cheap Ikea throw rugs and some waterproof liners. Put the waterproof liners down on the carpet and put the cheap Ikea rugs on top of the carpet.

Hi, I worked in the pet industry for quite a while and there are a few ways of cleaning. Look for a bioenzyme based spray. Don't use ammonia based products.

For my carpets I have a rug doctor style vac, depending on how bad the urine is you may want to wash the carpet first with plain COLD water. once it starts extracting clear mix sodium percarbonate with water and pour into effected areas. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes then extract and wash again. Carpets will be good as new.

Note:hot water will set the stains in most carpets. Also be mindful of it getting into your underlay, makes it more difficult to get out

First off, investigate why your cat was peeing outside his box. He may have a UTI, not have enough litter boxes(1 cat should have at least 2), the litter box may be too small or stinky, etc. So a vet trip may be in order. Deal with the core issue or you could end up with a bigger problem down the road.
Cat pee has a half life of 6 years. Baking soda, peroxide, vinegar may help with the stain, but not with the uric acid. This uric acid is a scent your cat smells that entices him to repee there. The uric acid needs to be neutralized with a commercial enzyme cleaner. Uric acid is not water soluble, so cleaning with other diy stuff won't help. I would buy an enzyme cleaner like nok out, urine off, anti icky poo, nature's miracle, etc. Resolve, while a cleaner is not enzyme based, so it will not work for anything other than the stain. Spraying enzyme cleaner on will not suffice. You have to pour it on to reach the carpet pad, and subfloor. You almost can not use too much. And leave it it needs to sit, work, and dry. Cat pee is notorious for not being able to get out all the way and you may smell it later, especially on humid days. I would try multiple treatments. Letting it dry completely between enzyme treatments is important. If that doesn't work, you may have to remove the carpet and pad, replace or seal the subfloor with killz, and recarpet.

How do you get dried cat urine out of carpet?

Sprinkle the baking soda over the affected area. ... .
Drizzle this solution over the baking soda and then use a toothbrush or nail brush to work it into the carpet..
Allow to fully dry, and then vacuum up the sediment..

Is cat urine hard to get out of carpet?

Anyone who has owned a cat knows that cat urine is an especially strong odor that is difficult to remove from carpets. Even well-trained cats have been known to leave cat urine on the carpet, sometimes out of anger, due to a health problem, or disgust at a dirty litter box.

What home remedy gets cat urine smell out of carpet?

Use an old towel to absorb as much of the cat pee as possible and throw it away when you're done. Sprinkle baking soda over the affected area and let sit for about ten minutes. Pour some vinegar on the baking soda and let it fizz for a few seconds before blotting the liquid with a fresh rag.

Can cat pee smell be washed out?

Regular laundry detergent as well as other typical cleaning supplies, such as baking soda, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide, can make the smell go away, but this temporary. Some people recommend adding baking soda or vinegar to the wash.