How to get plaque buildup off teeth

Dental hygiene has become an important aspect of dentistry. It is important to take proper care of your teeth and save them from injuries. Proper dental hygiene ensures germ and disease-free mouth. It helps in maintaining the natural state of the teeth and protects them from decay. Regularly visiting your dentist for a routine checkup is one way of ensuring better teeth conditions. Green Tree Dental provides an all-round dental care facility for your family and friends.

What is Calculus?

Over time, the teeth are exposed to a number of substances. This builds a layer of a sticky substance above the surface of your teeth, called plaque. Lack of regular brushing of teeth can harden the deposit. This harden layer of plaque is termed in the dentistry as teeth calculus or tartar. If not treated properly the calculus can cause serious dental conditions. Once calculus is allowed to deposit on the teeth surface, it affects the gum also. It can also cause gum infections and cavities.

Effective methods of removing calculus

There are a number of methods for removing the buildup calculus and preventing it from growing further. Some of the effective ways for dental calculus removal are:

  1. Brushing your teeth– Brushing your teeth regularly is very effective in maintaining dental hygiene. A soft bristle toothbrush should be used for cleaning the remote parts of your teeth. It’s advised to brush your teeth twice in a day-once in the morning and once before bed. Brushing your teeth prevents the plaque from getting hard and turning into calculus. The habit of brushing your teeth should not be sporadic in nature. Brushing your teeth occasionally will not be effective.
    Using an electric toothbrush can be more effective in cleaning your teeth.
  2. Use Calculus removal toothpaste– For effectively eliminating the teeth calculus, a calculus-control toothpaste should be used. These toothpaste have an active element of pyrophosphates and fluoride. Fluoride in your toothpaste helps in killing the bacteria and germs present in your mouth. It is also responsible for killing the plaque causing bacteria. Lack of germs and bacteria saves your teeth from cavities and decay.
  3. More importantly, Floss– Flossing regularly helps in removing any lodged food particles from your teeth. There are certain remote parts of teeth which cannot be reached by a brush. These parts should be cleaned to ensure better mouth conditions. Flossing helps you to clean these otherwise not accessible parts. It helps in removing the plaque from the surface of the teeth. Lodged food and plaque can result in bad mouth breath. Therefore, it is advised to floss on a regular basis to keep your teeth clean and germ-free.
  4. Clean using Baking soda– A mixture of baking soda and salt is an effective home remedy for dental calculus removal. Brushing your teeth with baking soda and salt softens the calculus, making it easy to remove. The mixture should smoothly be scrubbed on the teeth by using a toothbrush. Once done, wash your teeth with lukewarm water and gargle properly. The mixture has antibacterial qualities and is highly effecting in killing mouth germs. Use the mixture thrice in a week for effective and instant results.
  5. Visit a dentist– Dental calculus takes a lot of time before being ultimately removed from your teeth. For quick removal of the same one should consider visiting a dentist. A dentist uses technologically advanced dental calculus removal processes which are both quick and effective. The process of calculus removal is known as debridement. In this process, an expert dentist uses an ultrasonic device or a hand-held scaling tool. The ultrasonic instrument uses high-frequency vibrations along with water to remove the calculus.

Visiting the dentistry near you is the best option. Once, cleaned the dentist will call you again in the future for a follow-up. Follow up is must to prevent any extra calculus from building over your tooth.

Healthy teeth are a must for a healthy and bright smile. Stained or discolored teeth can tarnish your everlasting smile. The calculus should be removed in order to ensure germ free teeth. Green Tree Dental provides a number of dental care facilities that can help you maintain your teeth.

Tartar is plaque that has hardened on your teeth. When the naturally occurring bacteria in your mouth mixes with remnants of food particles, it forms a sticky film known as plaque. If plaque is left untreated, it gets hard and turns a yellowy colour. This is called tartar but is sometimes known as calculus.

So, how do you get rid of that tartar buildup? Preventing it is better than a cure, so we would always recommend visiting a dentist or dental hygienist regularly to remove it safely. In between appointments, however, keep reading below to find out six ways to remove tartar buildup.

baking soda for cleaning teeth

1. Baking soda

Baking soda is mildly abrasive, which means it is effective for scrubbing tartar buildup from tooth enamel. 

In order to use this method, you have to make a paste to apply with your toothbrush. 

Create the paste using water, baking soda and a pinch of salt. Then, apply your paste to a toothbrush and brush your teeth just like you would with toothpaste. 

This doesn’t replace brushing your teeth. Remember to still brush for two minutes twice a day along with this technique. 

2. White vinegar

White vinegar is another effective method for combatting tartar buildup without going to the dentist. 

For this method, you need to mix white wine vinegar into a glass of warm saltwater. 

You should gargle this mixture once a day, just like you would with mouthwash. 

This can help remove the tartar buildup that has formed between your teeth and gums. 

3. Orange peel

Orange peel can be a surprisingly effective solution for removing tartar without a dentist. 

The vitamin C and antimicrobial properties in orange peel cut through tartar and plaque buildup and kill microbial growth on teeth.

One method is taking the orange peel and rubbing it along the area where your teeth meet your gums. 

Alternatively, you can make a paste consisting of the mashed bits from inside the peel and water. This can then be brushed onto the teeth and gums, just like toothpaste. 

sesame seeds for removing tartar

4. Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds are an effective way to remove tartar without going to the dentist and without damaging your tooth enamel. 

Put a handful of sesame seeds in your mouth and chew them into mush without swallowing. 

Then get a dry toothbrush and brush them around your teeth and gums. 

After you’ve brushed the sesame seeds around for a while, rinse them from your mouth with water. 

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a great way to naturally and effectively remove tartar from your teeth without visiting the dentist. Aloe vera itself has antimicrobial properties that help fight plaque. 

But, to remove tartar, you should mix one teaspoon of aloe vera gel with four teaspoons of glycerine, five teaspoons of baking soda and a glass of water. 

Then brush your teeth with the mixture. Try this method for several days and see if your teeth look whiter and clearer. 

6. Prevent it before it starts

The best thing you can do is prevent tartar buildup before it becomes a problem. 

Visit the dentist or oral hygienist twice a year. They will examine your teeth, clean them if needed and provide treatment if necessary.

As well as this, make sure you brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes. Remember to also floss and use mouthwash. Good dental hygiene is one of the best ways to prevent tartar buildup. 

Moreover, a healthy lifestyle will help you maintain healthy teeth. Avoid sugary and acidic foods and drinks because they are damaging to your teeth.

Also, avoid smoking. Smoking brings a host of risks to your health, and increasing the likelihood of tartar buildup in your mouth is one of them. 

Need help from a dentist to remove your tartar?

If you’re worried that tartar buildup is becoming a problem for you, you should visit the dentist. Contact us today to book an appointment, and we will help you.

How can I remove hardened tartar from my teeth at home?

Clean using Baking soda– A mixture of baking soda and salt is an effective home remedy for dental calculus removal. Brushing your teeth with baking soda and salt softens the calculus, making it easy to remove. The mixture should smoothly be scrubbed on the teeth by using a toothbrush.

Can you remove plaque buildup on teeth at home?

Floss is a tried and true method to scrape off the accumulated plaque in the crevices between teeth. This method, supplemented with the gargling of white vinegar water, is an excellent home solution for preventing tartar build-up in these not-so-accessible areas.