How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Steps to link an Instagram account to a Facebook page and switch to business/professional Instagram account

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Written by Laze Trajkov
Updated over a week ago

In order to allow the EmbedStories platform to collect your Instagram stories, you will need to connect your Instagram profile with a Facebook page. This is an official API requirement of the Facebook/Instagram platform.

To fetch Instagram stories first, you need to provide permissions to your Facebook account. Keep in mind that you must have admin rights over the Facebook page you are trying to connect to the Instagram profile.

Depending on the Interface of your Facebook page, we provide you with 2 options on how to connect your Facebook page to your Instagram account.

Important: Your Facebook account need to have the admin role to manage the Facebook page that you want to connect with an Instagram profile.

Here are the steps on how to connect an Instagram profile with a Facebook page for users who have the new Facebook interface:

Step 1: Open your Facebook page and click 'Page Settings' in the bottom left corner

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Step 2: In the left-hand menu choose Instagram and click 'Connect Account'

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Step 3: A popup will appear where you need to login to your Instagram profile and once you log in, follow the steps to convert the Instagram profile to a Business / professional profile.

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Once finished you will receive a success message 'You've switched to a business account on Instagram'.

Step 4: Go back to EmbedStories, and in the Accounts page and click 'Refresh' (if you've just created an account in the setup process then you can click 'Refresh Accounts' in the Select Source page, as shown below.)

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Once the page refreshes, it will show your Instagram account in the table.

Step 5: To create your Instagram stories widget and start generating the stories just select the profile and click 'Create widget'

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

That's it.

Now your Instagram account is converted to a business account and connected with the EmbedStories platform that will start generating all your Instagram stories.

If you use an old Facebook Page interface, then the steps are all similar, only the navigation to the settings section defined in Step 1 is on a different position - top-right corner, as shown below:

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

All other steps are the same as in Option 1.

You can switch your Instagram account to a professional or link it to a Facebook page, by using the Instagram app interface. Here are the official tutorials:

Set Up a Business Account on Instagram

How do I link or unlink my Instagram account to my Facebook profile?


For any additional help, feel free to chat with us.

Looking to connect Facebook and Instagram to share access to your Instagram profile or Facebook page?

Before you give out your login details - please don’t - there’s a much better way. Not only that, you can also easily cross-post between Facebook & Instagram and run ads on both platforms.

All it takes is a few settings. We don’t know why Facebook made it so complicated, but our guide makes it easy as pie. 🥧

Prefer a video? No problem, watch our step by step in the video below:

What Are the Benefits of Linking Facebook with Instagram?

There are a bunch of benefits to linking your business’s Instagram and Facebook pages. It makes managing your social media smoother and provides a slicker experience for your customers:

Helps You Build Consistency 

If you manage both pages in the same place, you can ensure your messaging is consistent across the platforms. You can plan posts that sync with each other and ensure that your branding is consistent. 

Connected pages help you build trust amongst your audience and potential customers. If they see you posting similar content on both platforms, they will think of your brand, whichever social platform they are scrolling! You have double the opportunity to get in front of potential customers. 

You Reach a Wider Audience

Not everybody uses both platforms, and the algorithms don’t show your posts to every one of your followers each time you post something. On average, only 35% of your followers will see your posts.

If you share your posts on both Instagram and Facebook, you have more opportunities to gain visibility. Someone may miss a post on Instagram but see it when they check Facebook. 

Collect Analytics in One Place and Run More Effective Ads

When all the data from both your Facebook and Instagram accounts is in one place (in this case Facebook Business Manager), it makes it easier for you to spot trends amongst your customers. 

You have more data to base your ad spending decisions on. This means you can create better informed ads that your audience will respond to. Woop! You also have better visibility over your budget. 

You can create audiences for your Facebook Ads using data from your Instagram followers and their engagement with your Instagram profile. 

Lastly, running ads on Instagram itself is extremely limited. Only Facebook Ad Manager gives you all the options for audience targeting, conversion and more. Put simply, if you’re not running your ads through Facebook Ad Manager, you’re missing out on a lot of optimization opportunities - costing you loads of money.

It’s Easier to Schedule Posts 

When you link your Facebook page with your Instagram page, you can plan and manage your posts from one place. You’ll save time as you don’t have to add content to post on two separate apps. 

Seamless Interactions With Customers

The other advantage of connecting your Instagram page with Facebook is you can manage all the DMs from both platforms in one place. 

The Facebook inbox allows you to use filters and label messages to make it simple to see what needs to be prioritized. It also makes it easy for you to set up automated responses. 

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Automated Responses via Facebook

(Looking to connect your FB page from your Instagram App? Just click here to scroll down).

Connecting your accounts is quick and straightforward if you know how to do it. If you don’t, it can cause some confusion and frustration. There are two ways to connect Instagram to your Facebook page from Facebook. 

You can do it directly through your page from Facebook Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager. 

1) Linking Instagram directly from your Facebook page

1. Open Facebook and login to your account

2. Open you page, and on the left-hand side, where it says ‘Manage Page’, click ‘settings’

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Select Settings

3. In the bottom left, you will see a tab where it says ‘Instagram’ —> click

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Select Instagram

4. You will see a window that says ‘Connect to Instagram’

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Connect Instagram

5. Click on the blue box that says ‘Connect Account’

6. This will take you to a new window where you need to login to Instagram

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Login with the Instagram Account you want to connect

7. Once your login credentials are accepted, you will be redirected back to Facebook

8. Voila! Your Instagram and Facebook business pages are connected 

2) Linking Instagram through Facebook Business Suite or Business Manager

The other option to connect the accounts is through Facebook Business Suite or Facebook Business Manager.

Whether it’s Business Suite or Business Manager depends which one is active for your Facebook account.

You can check this easily by going to Which one loads?

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Do you see Facebook Business Manager like on the left? Continue by clicking here.

Do you see Facebook Business Suite like on the right? Continue below.

2.1. Connecting through Facebook Business Suite

To connect Instagram to Facebook via the Business Suite: 

1. Start by logging into your Facebook Business Suite

2. Make sure the Business that is connected to your page is selected on the left

3. Click on ‘Settings’ in the bottom left-hand corner

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Settings, all the way down on the left

4. Then select ‘Business Assets’

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Select Business Assets

5. You will be given the option to ‘Add Assets’ 

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Add Assets

6. Choose ‘Instagram Account’

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Choose Instagram Account

7. You will be taken to the Instagram login page

8. Login 

9. You will be redirected back to Facebook, where your Instagram account has been added. 🙌

2.2. Connecting through Facebook Business Manager

If you are on Facebook Business Manager, the process to connect your Instagram is as follows:

1. Head to your Business Settings in FB Business Manager

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Business Settings in Facebook Business Manager

2. Go to Instagram Accounts on the left (under Accounts)

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Select Instagram Accounts

3. Click on “Add” and login to your Instagram account

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

4. Once you've logged in, you're done. However, one bonus tip. If you want to run ads on Instagram, you should also connect your Ad account to this Instagram account.

5. On the same screen, click on “Connected Assets”

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Select Connected Assets

6. On the screen, click on “Add Assets”

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Click on "Add Assets"

6. Select your Ad Account(s) you want to connect to Instagram and click “Add”. That’s done!

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Confirm which ad accounts to connect by hitting "Add".

That’s done! 🥳

If you prefer to link your Facebook and Instagram accounts directly from Instagram, you need to make sure you use a Business Instagram Profile. 

You can double-check this by: 

1. Tapping the 3 black lines in the top right-hand corner of your app

2. Click on ‘Settings’

3. Click on ‘Account’

4. At the bottom in blue, you will have the option to ‘switch account type’ 

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Switch Account

5. If you currently use a personal Instagram account for your business, you can switch to a Business Account. 

You can always revert back to a personal account. The downside of having a business account is that it’s always public, so this does not work for private accounts. 

Now, we want to link your Instagram Business Account to your Facebook page: 

1. Open Instagram and login to your account

2. Click on ‘Edit profile’

3. Where it says ‘Public business information’ click on ‘Page’

4. It will open a window that offers to ‘change or create page’ 

5. If you don’t have an existing Facebook page, you can create one; if you do, you can link it by logging into your Facebook account.

6. Once you enter your Facebook credentials, you will choose which page (if you manage more than one page) you want to link to that Instagram account

7. You will then be taken back to Instagram, where your page should now be linked. Woo hoo! 

You can double-check the page shows under ‘Public Business Information’ .

If you want to make sure all your Instagram posts will also be shared on your Facebook page go to:

Settings - Account - Sharing to other apps

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Select Facebook and turn on the toggle to share all Instagram posts automatically to Facebook.

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

How do I Give Someone Access to Manage My Facebook & Instagram?

Giving someone access to your Facebook page is complicated if you do it manually, and there are several different ways to do it. 

You can learn more about that in this post.

The easiest way to give someone access is with Leadsie! Ask your agency or freelancer to create a request link via Leadsie.

You click the link, log in to your Facebook account, and confirm the assets you want to give them access to.  

Boom, they can start managing your Facebook, Instagram accounts immediately. 🙌

Bonus Tip: Use the Facebook Creator Studio to Plan Posts on Instagram AND Facebook

Another great benefit of connecting your Facebook page with your Instagram Account is using the Facebook Creator Studio to plan and schedule all posts across the platforms.

Access the Facebook Creator Studio here. 

Some benefits of using the Creator Studio: 

  • You can manage both Facebook and Instagram inboxes in one place
  • You can also manage comments on your posts from the Creator Studio 
  • You get insights about your posts’ performance on both channels
  • You can plan and schedule posts and stories and view them in a calendar
  • You can create different variations of posts so you can A/B test them
  • You get in-depth analytics of how each post performed 
  • All posts are saved so you have a content library and can edit and reschedule old posts
  • You receive a summary of your estimated earnings 

Setting up Facebook Creator Studio to cross post to Instagram

Of course, Facebook doesn’t make it easy here either!

In order for you (and other people you give access to) to schedule and manage posts across Facebook and Instagram, you may need to connect your Instagram account one more time:

1. Go to this link or hit the Instagram icon at the top of the Creator Studio

2. If it already shows your Instagram account here, you’re good to go!

If you see this screen or the account you’d like to manage does not appear, follow the next steps:

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

3. Hit “Connect Your Account” and confirm the following screen.

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

Log in with your account.

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

That’s it! You’ll now see a list of all your Instagram posts and the likes / comments.

Once it’s all linked, you only need to create content in the Instagram section of the Creator Studio for your posts to get cross-posted. 

You can find the Instagram section of the Creator Studio by clicking the icon at the top here:

How to link your instagram to facebook business page

If you prefer to manage your content from your mobile, you can download the Creator Studio app. The only downside to this is that you can only manage Facebook content from the app, not Instagram content. Why? Because Facebook’s favorite thing is to make our lives complicated! 

Give Access In Two Clicks

Now you’ve linked your Instagram and Facebook pages, it should make it much easier to manage and track the performance of your organic posts and ads on both platforms. 

If you want to give access to the person managing your social media, get them to sign up to Leadsie and you can grant them access in 2 clicks. It’s as simple as that! 

Get a free 14 day trial by popping in your email below.