How to start a synthesis essay example

Essays depict the standpoints of a writer on a certain topic or issue. An essay often presents a point and either convinces a reader to agree or disagree to a certain subject matter. An effective essay does what it is intended to do when a reader is convinced of the writer’s stand point. You may also see what are the parts of an essay?

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Common college essays include writing a synthesis essay. Examples of synthesis essay can be found in the page and made available for your reference. The examples can also be downloaded via the download link button below the sample in order to get a closer look.

Student Synthesis Essay


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What Is a Synthesis Essay?

A synthesis essay is a written discussion which explains the writer’s view regarding a topic which considers different sources and relates them to the writer’s own position.

Sample essay outlines shown on the page provide for further information regarding the structure of an essay and how an essay is made. Be sure to check out the samples closer by clicking on the individual link buttons underneath each sample.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay

In writing a synthesis essay, the following points should be considered:

  • Establish what the purpose for your essay is.
  • Carefully read and select the sources for your essay.
  • Formulate a thesis to decide on your position regarding your essay subject considering the material that could support your main argument from the sources you have read. You may also see personal essay examples & samples.
  • Make an outline of your essay listing each argument and sub arguments that would build up or support your main argument showing relationships between your sources and your own thesis. You may also like essay writing examples & samples.
  • Be sure to document your sources. Make a list of work citations to credit any material you quote or summarize.

Short essay examples in the page can be made basis in the making of your own essay. Just click on any sample link to access the file for download.

Argumentative Synthesis

Explanatory Essay Sample

Technology Synthesis

What Is the Purpose of a Synthesis Essay?

Synthesis essays are used in different papers. Point is, a synthesis essay is used in creating a relationship between different sources and getting supplemental information from them to support the writer’s view point or make a coherent plan or proposal templates.

Essay examples in doc seen on the page offer more information regarding an essay. They are made available for your review by clicking on the individual link buttons under each sample.

Tips for Writing the Synthesis Essay

Here are a few tips in writing an effective essay :

  1. Summarize – the simplest way in presenting a synthesis essay is summarizing all relevant sources to supplement the point you are taking
  2. Two-face – the two-face approach is comparing the similarities between sources and then contrasting the differences. You may also see tips for writing an effective essay.
  3. By example – you can prove any of your points by citing examples or quoting them directly but properly crediting the source at the same time. You may also like analytical essay examples & samples.
  4. Compelling reasons – made by stating your thesis and then providing reasons of its truth with evidence from sources

Concept essay examples showcased on the page can help you in getting a better understanding of how a synthesis essay is structured and what it actually looks like. Click on any example to get full access of the sample file.

How to start a synthesis essay example

Having a good understanding of what you are about to write allows you to come up or research on the tenets of a synthesis essay. Synthesis is the process of collectively finding the different relatable element and utilizing them to create something original and authentic. Difficulties arise when you do not incorporate external sources to achieve synthesis. The time needed is relative as it is fully dependent on the length of the essay.

Crafting an interesting synthesis essay requires an understanding of the write-up. Our guide will offer you guidance to comprehend what a synthesis essay is, and eventually, you will have a different attitude towards writing a synthesis essay. Keep in mind that for every argument put forward, there must be a reaction behind it, especially from constructive criticism. Combining both the original perception and the counterargument gives out a new standpoint. In the long run, as long as you follow the definition of what a synthesis essay is, you will be able to craft your own creative work.

A synthesis essay may be difficult to write depending on the context. First off, you need to research through competent sources or utilize any source previously provided. The main aim is to gather the key factual points that give sense to your work and lay them down into perspective. Not only will the main points define your stance about the argument, but they will also give the reader reasons to comply or argue against your standpoint. Make sure in each argument raised; you manage to follow them up with the support resource you used. In the conclusion part, provide an executive summary of the whole essay, highlighting key points and giving a picture of your thought process, which will eventually highlight the concrete nature of your synthesis essay.

How to start a synthesis essay example

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Proper Structure of a Synthesis Essay

A well-defined structure should be followed to write a competent synthesis essay, as a way of ensuring that you convey the message efficiently and precisely to the target audience. Just like any other essay, the work needs to start with an introduction. Remember not to exceed a single statement when writing introductions, since it will provide a summary of what the reader is to expect as they read through your work.

The essay’s body ensures an organization of points, similarities, related context, and the topic follow a logical flow of ideas. The organization should follow an outline that can be found in the content. Always start each body paragraph with a topic sentence. It is important for the writer to utilize different sources of information. Even with differences existing between the sources, clearly, indicate their similarities and differences in a descriptive and informative manner. The body paragraphs should have content that is substantial, straight to the point and lacks biasness since it can greatly weaken synthesis essay examples.

Upon completion of your paper, the conclusion offers the reader the final summary and suggestions for more comments to be made. If you are writing a background synthesis, you are recommended to craft an interpretation of the position. After this, your paper is complete and what remains is proofreading and final polishing. Proofreading helps in correcting grammatical and punctuation errors, and ensuring no plagiarism can be found in your work to maintain its originality. Ensure that you utilize either the APA or MLA formats to structure your essay. At, we make work easier for you. Please do keep in mind that examples of synthesis essay used should be structured according to the required outline to ensure it follows a logical flow of ideas.

Hot Synthesis Essay Examples

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How to start a synthesis essay example

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How to start a synthesis essay example

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How to start a synthesis essay example

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Here is a synthesis essay example:

Do adults feel threatened by adolescents?

“In most cases, a teenager criticizes the understanding of a particular situation by an adult. This issue can be traced back to several generations, as the struggle between adults and the youth not bound to end anytime soon. Another issue is the stereotyping of the kids by adults based on their dressing styles, which adds up to the gap created between the two generations.

According to Thomas Hine, an author of "Goths in Tomorrow land," adults take the youths away from sections of the community that would have helped them ease the existing gap. Most adults attest that teenagers of this generation vaguely understand the culture, while the youth have a huge grudge against adults due to their lack of involvement in the adult society.

With the increased misunderstanding between the two generations, a gap has grown between them. Many teenagers spend most of their youthful time trying to identify and associate with people who understand their mindset. During such a period, many teenagers give up on important aspects of their lives due to not having enough knowledge to know what they are doing is negatively affecting them. Adults do not ease up the situation and help bridge the gap since they view kids not being able to understand them. The gap keeps on growing since most adults do not put up the effort to bring together or bridge the gap between the two generations. Additionally, many adults make the mistake of not involving the young generation in key decisions because of their difference in dress codes

How the adults remain, close-minded has greatly contributed to the disparity between the two generations. Adults are mostly to blame since they have a more understanding of the world. They also should understand that teenagers present themselves as immature and irresponsible. Most adults have their personal opinion that young people are responsible, only that they choose not to. How they use their dressing codes happens to be quite a powerful medium in widening the gap between the two factions. However, is that the reason for gothic-dressed youngsters becoming adults is extremely scary? Or being feared at the prospect of becoming the adults with the existing disadvantages that scares them the most?

Youngsters also try to assert themselves quickly, and this ends up frightening the adults. The body alterations are simply not doing the sufficient best in order to show to the adults that such weird creatures are close to becoming adults themselves — the body alterations in producing more restrictions and respect and have been counter-productive.

Even though youngsters may feel that they are showing off their ability to come up with their own identity, it has become counter-productive to the efforts of becoming important in the eyes of adults. Even though others make the mistake of not giving free rein to youngsters straightaway, the problem rests within both sides. In the end, the youth of today are being pressurized into keeping the emotions in check and not being able to come out with free opinions. Youngsters are now guarding the psychic space more closely than ever before, as adults are starting to control every aspect of life.”

Example Synthesis Essay Topics

Here is a list of synthesis essay topics:

  1. How do social media platforms affect the ways individuals communicate and behave?
  2. Is the violence in online video games a propagator of aggressive behavior in real life?
  3. Should abortion be legal in America?
  4. How does the Nature vs. Nurture debate affect personal growth and development? Which argument seems more feasible?
  5. What is the relationship between sociological imagination and minorities in the U.S?
  6. Does the American Dream also apply to foreigners and immigrants to the U.S?
  7. Is there any correlation between incarceration and citizens at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP)?
  8. Is it morally right to separate the art from the artist? If yes, do you refrain from indulging in their art?
  9. How does practicing euthanasia interfere with the place of morality in health?
  10. What is the relationship between culture, chauvinism, and misogyny in the U.S?
  11. Does America enlighten other nations on the derogatory effects of racial discrimination?
  12. How has the history of slavery continued to affect the psychological well-being of African-American today?
  13. Does the culture of “selfies” influence individuals’ affiliation with vanity and narcissism?
  14. With the culture of online dating, are people still finding romantic love in real life?
  15. How are minority workers treated in the workplace?

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How do you write an introduction for a synthesis essay?

How to write an introductory paragraph for a synthesis essay:.
Identify a strong position vis a vis the topic written about. ... .
Test your position by writing a draft thesis statement. ... .
Write at least one but better two more sentences expanding on (elaborating about/writing in more detail about) your position..

How do you start a synthesis writing?

How to Write a Synthesis Essay.
Choose a topic you're curious about. Brainstorm a few ideas for your synthesis essay topic, prioritizing the subjects you feel passionate about..
Do your research. ... .
Outline your point. ... .
Write your introduction. ... .
Include your body paragraphs. ... .
Wrap it up with a strong conclusion. ... .

How do you start a synthesis sentence?

Phrases that begin the work of synthesis.
Source A asserts that… ... .
According to both A & B….
The combined conclusions of sources B & C seem to indicate that….
The evidence shows that….
Source B is correct that….
Source C makes a convincing case when she argues….
I agree with Source A's conclusion that….

What is a synthesis statement example?

For example, when you report to a friend the things that several other friends have said about a song or movie, you are engaging in synthesis. However, synthesizing is much more than simply reporting. Synthesis is related to, but not the same as, classification, division, or comparison and contrast.