How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them

Facebook messages are a private form of communication on the social networking site. By default, anyone who has a Facebook profile is allowed to send you a message, even if he's not on your friend list. If you receive too many unwanted messages from non-friends, change your privacy settings so that only your confirmed friends are allowed to send a message. As of August 2011, Facebook doesn't allow you to stop your friends from initiating a new message conversation.

  1. Click on the "Account" link in the top right corner of your Facebook screen. Click "Privacy Preferences" from the menu.

  2. Look under the "Connecting on Facebook" section of the privacy settings screen. Click on the blue "View Settings" link.

  3. Click on the light gray icon in the "Send you messages" group. Click "Friends Only" from the drop-down menu. Only people on your confirmed friends list will be allowed to send you messages. If you want to stop someone who's currently on your friend list from messaging you, the only way to stop her is by un-friending her.

Getting annoying messages on Messenger is a nightmare, so in this article, we tell you how to remove someone on Messenger without blocking them.

Facebook Messenger is a popular instant messaging application that you can use to talk to all your Facebook and Instagram friends. It is a great platform to connect with your friends and have fun interactions.

The app has truly evolved from being a simple chat application. The new version allows you to video chat with your friends, send voice messages, texts, and even funny gifs to liven up your chatting experience. Most importantly, all these amazing features are completely free to use!

But there is a downside to this platform. No one loves getting annoying messages or spam texts from random strangers. And if you have faced something similar, you are probably wondering how to remove someone on Messenger. 

So in this article, we have written all the ways to answer how to remove someone from Messenger without blocking them so you no longer have to worry about receiving annoying messages. We also touch upon ways you can remove non-friends in bulk so you only have to interact with people you know and are friends with.


  1. How to remove someone on Messenger
  2. How to remove someone from a Messenger group chat
  3. How to remove all the nonfriends from Messenger
    • How to bulk remove non-friends from Messenger
    • How to remove non-friends from Messenger - Method #2
  4. How to remove someone on Messenger by unfriending them
  5. How to stop messenger from an automatic sync
  6. How to mute a contact on Messenger
  7. Will the person know when they are removed on Messenger?
  8. Conclusion

How to remove someone on Messenger

Unfortunately, removing someone on Messenger is not as straightforward as it actually should be. There is no direct delete button that is clearly visible to just get rid of a chat. You will have to go through the pain of finding alternate ways to do this. But lucky for you, we have covered all the different ways you can accomplish this task. 

You can follow the steps below to successfully remove someone from Messenger without blocking them:

  1. Open the Messenger app on your phone and log in to your account.
  2. Go to the People icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.

  3. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  4. Here, click on the contacts icon on the top right. 

  5. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  6. Here you’ll see the contact list from your phone synced to your Messenger along with other social media contacts.
  7. Go to the contact you want to remove and click on the info icon.
  8. Tap on the Message button, their chat will open.
  9. Here click on the info icon again in the top right corner

  10. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  11. You’ll find the block button here. Click on the button to no longer receive messages from this contact.

  12. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them

In the previous version of Messenger, you could easily remove a contact from the contact list without having to block them, but the latest version makes it a bit confusing. The previously delete contact option is now changed to block.

How to remove someone from a Messenger group chat

If you want to remove a member from a Messenger group, here’s how you do it.

  1. Open the Messenger app on your phone.
  2. Go to the Messenger group to remove the member.
  3. Click on the Members icon, you’ll find all the group members listed here.

  4. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  5. Click on the profile you wish to remove.
  6. Tap on the “remove from group” option in the profile.

  7. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them

This will successfully remove the said contact from your group but users must note that only the admin can remove members from the group. 

How to remove all the nonfriends from Messenger

At times your Messenger is filled with random messages from contacts you might not personally know. It is also possible that you have synced Messenger with your phone contacts and now you have to interact with them on Messenger. 

If you only wish to receive messages from your Facebook friends and not your contacts, there is a solution to this. You can either bulk remove non-friends from Messenger or simply remove the contacts that you don’t wish to receive messages from. Keep reading to know-how.

How to bulk remove non-friends from Messenger

Below we have explained how to bulk remove all the non-friends on Messenger.

  1. Open the Messenger app on your phone. 
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top left corner
  3. Scroll down to find the “Phone Contacts” option

  4. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  5. Here click on Manage contacts, you’ll find all your phone contacts that are added to the Messenger.

  6. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  7. Click on “Delete All Contacts” to remove these contacts from Messenger altogether.

  8. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them

There you go! Now you know how to remove all non-friend contacts in bulk from Messenger.

How to remove non-friends from Messenger - Method #2

Unfortunately, there is no direct way to remove a single non-friend contact from Messenger. You’ll most likely have to block them to stop receiving messages. Here’s how you do it.

  1. Open the Messenger app on your phone.
  2. Click on the people icon in the bottom right corner.
  3. Tap on the contact list at the top right corner of your screen.
  4. Scroll down to find the contact you want to block.
  5. Click on the info icon and then on the “Message” button.
  6. Here, click on the info icon at the top right corner
  7. Tap on the Block option to permanently stop receiving messages from this contact.

How to remove someone on Messenger by unfriending them

The best way to permanently remove someone on Messenger is to simply unfriend them on Facebook. They are no longer your friends and hence are not part of your friend’s list. This will keep them from sending you annoying messages.

So here’s how you can directly unfriend someone through Messenger.

  1. First, you have to open the Messenger app on your phone.
  2. Tap on the “People” tab in the bottom right corner.
  3. Go to the contact list by clicking on the top-right icon.
  4. Navigate to the person you wish to remove from Messenger.
  5. Click on the said person to open their profile. 
  6. In the chat, you’ll find the “View Profile” option, click on that.

  7. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  8. Just below their name, you’ll find the “View Profile on Facebook” button, tap on that.

  9. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  10. On their Facebook profile, click on the Friends button and choose the “Unfriend” option.
  11. Confirm the operation

Congratulations, you have successfully unfriended a contact on Facebook.

How to stop messenger from an automatic sync

One way to stop adding non-friends to Messenger is by disabling the automatic sync. The sync option essentially syncs all your phone contacts with the Messenger app, so you can interact with them via the app. 

So if you just want to keep your Facebook friends on the Messenger contact list disabling the automatic sync is the way to go. Here’s how you can stop Messenger from automatically syncing with your phone contacts.

  1. Open the Messenger app on your mobile phone.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top left corner
  3. Scroll down to find the “Phone Contacts” option and then tap on it.

  4. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  5. Here click on the “Upload Contacts” button

  6. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them
  7. If the sync option is turned on you can just turn it off by clicking on the “Turn Off” button on the screen.

  8. How to stop seeing someone on messenger without blocking them

How to mute a contact on Messenger

Sometimes you just get annoyed by people sending annoying messages or memes on Messenger. So you might not really want to find how to remove someone from Messenger without blocking them, but in this case, just mute their conversation for a bit. If this is the case, here’s how you can mute a contacts conversation on Messenger.

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your phone and log into your account.
  2. Click on the specific contact you wish to mute.
  3. Tap on the contact icon at the top right corner of their profile
  4. Here you’ll find the option to mute the contact to get a break from that conversation.
  5. You can unmute this particular contact again later

Will the person know when they are removed on Messenger?

Once you have removed the contact on Messenger, you are probably wondering if the person will be notified about the removal. So this depends on whether you have blocked the contact or have unfriended them on Facebook.

If you have blocked the contact on Messenger the person won’t be able to find out from your profile or send a message to you once they get blocked. So that will intimate them that they are probably blocked by you.

If you have instead unfriended them on Facebook, they won’t be notified about the action. But when they visit your profile on Facebook the “Add Friend button will reappear” which is a hint that you might have unfriended them.

Overall, in neither of these cases, the Messenger app will directly send a message to the user telling them that contact has blocked or unfriended them.


The above methods basically will help you remove any contact from your Messenger. This entire process used to be comparatively easier in the earlier versions of Messenger, as there was a visible remove option for any contact in the contacts list.

We are not sure why Facebook decided to eliminate this feature. But in the present application, it is better to block a contact or unfriend them to stop receiving messages.

How do I stop seeing someone active on Messenger?

How To Turn Off Chat For One Person on Facebook Messenger.
Click on the Settings or Cog icon at the bottom of your Messenger chat box as shown below..
Click on "Turn Off Active Status" option..
Doing so will launch the "Active Status" window shown in the image below..

How do I stop receiving messages on Messenger without blocking or ignoring me?

From the menu, tap Privacy. Tap Message Delivery. Tap on the people you want to control messages for. Select where to deliver their messages or tap Don't receive requests to stop receiving their messages.