How to tell if someone blocked your number on samsung

Call goes straight to voicemail without ringing? Wondering if someone blocked your number on Android? But how do you know if someone blocked your number on Android?

Choosing which people have access to you is much easier than ever before. You can easily cut off communication with anyone at will.

With the block feature, you can stop calls from spammers, telemarketers, and other people who might try to reach you. This feature is very handy and can save you a lot of stress and time.

While blocking a number on your Android phone can be very beneficial, being on the other end of a blacklist can be frustrating.

It can be very sad to realize that you might have been blocked but it is always a good idea to ensure that you have truly been blocked before making any conclusions.

Sometimes, your number might not even be blocked. The person might have switched off their device or might be having a poor connection at the time.

It’s quite difficult to tell if someone blocked your number on Android. However, there are clues that point you in the right direction.

In this article, we will discuss 5 find tips to find out if someone has blocked your number on Android. Stay with us!

Find If Someone Has Blocked Your Number on Android Phone

There is no notification that informs you that you have been blocked. You usually find out you have been blocked when you have been unable to reach a contact by phone call or text message.

You might hear an unusual ring pattern or your phone call might be sent directly to voicemail. These signs aren’t exactly set in stone and sometimes, the contact’s phone might be switched off or busy.

You Might Be Blocked By Accident

A simple way to find out if you have been blocked is to ask the person. You can do so in person or send an email or a direct message on social media.

Text messages won’t work because a block prevents texts from reaching the recipient. In some cases, sending a text message can provide some clues whether you’ve been blocked (see next section).

Sometimes, the block might even be accidental. By simply asking the person you can find out if they’ve blocked your number.

If you’ve been blocked by mistake, the person can remove you from the blacklist by following these steps:

  • Open the Contacts app.
  • Go to the Settings tab and open the Blocked Numbers list.
  • Delete your number from the list.

If you cannot ask the person or you hear nothing back, you can try the other tips below.

Send a Text Message

If you want to know if someone blocked your number without calling, you’re going to send a text message to the person you think may have blocked you.

Although this method is more efficient to know if someone blocked you on iMessage, it can give you some clues.

Since iMessage is not available on Android, you’re going to use WhatsApp for this method, assuming that person is on WhatsApp.

After sending a text message on WhatsApp, you’ll typically see one of three notifications: “one check mark“, “two check marks“, or “two blue check marks” right underneath your message.

  • One check mark means that the WhatsApp message has been successfully sent.
  • Two check marks mean the message has been received but not yet read by the recipient.
  • When these two check marks turn blue, it means that the recipient has read the message.

If you send a message to someone who has blocked you, it will always show one check mark (a sign that a message has been sent) but will never show a second checkmark (a sign that the message has been delivered).

Call From Another Phone

If you’ve been unable to reach a number for a while and you suspect that you’ve been blocked, you can try calling from another phone.

First, call with your own number, and immediately after, call with the other number. If the call goes through but yours can’t, it means that you’ve been blocked.

Check Suggested Contacts

You can check if you have been blocked by deleting the contact in question and then checking to see if the contact appears as a suggested contact. If it does appear as a suggested contact, you’ve not been blocked.

Follow the steps below to check:

  • Open the Phone or Dialler app on your device.
  • Go to the Contacts tab and search for the contact you are going to delete.

Select the contact you want to deleteSelect the Contact You Want to Delete. Screenshot: Chizara Ibeakanma/Gotechtor

  • Select the contact and then click on the three-dot menu at the top-right corner of your screen.

Click on the menu buttonMenu Button in Contacts Tab. Screenshot: Chizara Ibeakanma/Gotechtor

  • Click on Delete to delete the contact.

Select DeleteClick on Delete. Screenshot: Chizara Ibeakanma/Gotechtor

  • Close the Dialler (or Phone) app and reopen it.
  • In the search bar, type in the name of the contact you deleted.

Search for the contactSearch for the Contact. Screenshot: Chizara Ibeakanma/Gotechtor

If the contact doesn’t show up as a suggested contact, your number has been blocked.

Check How Fast You Get to Voicemail

Usually, when you dial a number, you get about five to fifteen rings before getting directed to voicemail. If the number is switched off or on another call, you will be directed to voicemail immediately.

However, if you try to call a number that has blocked you, the response will be much different. The call will ring once and then get directed to voicemail. You would be able to send a voice note but it won’t deliver to the contact.

Also, if you get a pre-recorded message that says the number is “unavailable”, it is very likely that your number has been blocked.

Turn Off Caller ID

Turning off caller ID or masking your number before calling can help you bypass a block and reach the contact you want to call. There are two ways to hide your number on Android.

Use *67

Typing in *67 just before the number you are trying to call and then calling it will hide your own phone number on the person’s phone. If the call goes through and rings normally, it means the person blocked your number.

It is unlikely, however, for the person to pick up a call from an unknown number. So, you can settle for checking the number of rings you get.

Hide Your Number in Phone Settings

You can also turn off your caller ID manually in your phone settings. Follow these steps to do so:

  • Open the Phone app on your device.
  • Click on the three-dot menu at the top-right corner of your screen to load the dropdown menu.
  • Click on Settings.
  • Go to the Calls tab.
  • Go to Additional Settings and tap on Caller ID.
  • In the dialogue box that pops up, select Hide Number.

You can now try calling the person to see if your call will go through.

Final Thoughts on Someone Blocked Your Number on Android

Having your number blocked on Android can be frustrating and put you in a desperate situation.

However, in your search to find out if you’ve been blocked, do not harass people with calls or repeatedly try to reach them via other channels. You can try the tips below to find out if you have been blocked.

  • Ask the Person directly or via email
  • Use another phone to call the person
  • Check for suggested contact
  • Turn off Caller ID before calling the person

If you find out that they’ve blocked you, my advice is to move on. That person is sending you a clear message: they want you to leave them alone. Out of respect for yourself and that person, move on with your life.

If you have any other ideas or suggestions, don’t hesitate to suggest them in the comment section below.

How do you tell if someone blocked your number from texting Samsung?

If an Android user has blocked you, Lavelle says, “your text messages will go through as usual; they just won't be delivered to the Android user.” It's the same as an iPhone, but without the “delivered” notification (or lack thereof) to clue you in.

Can you tell if someone blocked your texts?

Try sending a text message However, if a person has blocked you, you won't see either notification. Instead, there will just be a blank space beneath your text. It's worth noting that being blocked is not the only reason why you might not see a notification.

What happens when a number is blocked on Samsung?

Basically, when you block a number on your Android or iPhone, you won't receive regular phone calls from it. That is, the calls from the blocked number will be declined automatically. On some networks, the calls are sent to Voicemail but don't worry, you won't receive voicemail notifications either.

How do you know if someone blocks your number?

Count the rings before voicemail It's a normal call when you call a person and hear the usual number of rings before getting voicemail. But if the person has blocked you, here's the big indicator. You only hear a single ring before being diverted to voicemail. There are a few caveats.