Human resources administration department of social services

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Human resources administration department of social services

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Human resources administration department of social services

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About: NYC Human Resources Administration

  • Name:NYC Human Resources Administration


    The New York City Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS) is dedicated to fighting poverty and income inequality by providing New Yorkers in need with essential benefits such as Food Assistance and Emergency Rental Assistance.

    As the largest local social services agency in the country, HRA helps over 3 million New Yorkers through the administration of more than 12 major public assistance programs, with more than 14,000 employees and an operating budget of $9.7 billion.

    Provider Address:Check Website for Locations,

    [Business]: Check Website for Locations, , , , , , ,

Service/Program Provided

Additional Information

  • Last Update:8/31/2016 2:48 PM

Travel Information

  • Public Transportation:No


  • Disability Accessible:No

    Overnight Access:No

What does NYC Human Resources Administration do?

The New York City Human Resources Administration/Department of Social Services (HRA/DSS) is dedicated to fighting poverty and income inequality by providing New Yorkers in need with essential benefits such as Food Assistance and Emergency Rental Assistance.

How do I contact access to NYC HRA?

Call the Human Resources Administration (HRA) information line at 718-557-1399. For SCRIE/DRIE: Call 3-1-1. For Medicaid Renewal: Call the HRA Medicaid Helpline at 888-692-6116. Welcome to ACCESS HRA online support.

Who runs HRA NYC?

Its regulations are compiled in title 68 of the New York City Rules. The current Commissioner of HRA is Gary Jenkins, who was appointed to the position by Mayor Eric Adams. HRA is the largest city social services agency in the United States. ... New York City Human Resources Administration..

Which functions comes under the Human Resources Administration HRA )?

Let's dive right in..
Human resource planning..
Recruitment and selection..
Performance management..
Learning and development..
Career planning..
Function evaluation..
Industrial relations..