Icd 10 code for major depressive disorder recurrent severe

ICD-Code F33.1 is a billable ICD-10 code used for healthcare diagnosis reimbursement of Major depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Moderate. Its corresponding ICD-9 code is 296.3.

Billable: Yes

ICD-9 Code Transition: 296.3

Code F33.1 is the diagnosis code used for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Recurrent, Moderate. It is a mental disorder characterized by a pervasive and persistent low mood that is accompanied by low self-esteem and by a loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities.

Other Synonyms Include:

  • Depression, major, recurrent, moderate
  • Major depression, recurrent, moderate
  • Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, moderate w anxious stress
  • Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, moderate w catatonia
  • Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, moderate w mixed features
  • Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, moderate w peripartum onset
  • Major depressive disorder, recurrent episode, moderate w seasonal pattern
  • Moderate recurrent major depression
  • Recurrent moderate major depressive disorder co-occurrent with anxiety
  • Recurrent moderate major depressive disorder co-occurrent with catatonia
  • Recurrent moderate major depressive disorder, peripartum onset
  • Recurrent moderate mixed major depressive disorder
  • Recurrent seasonal moderate major depressive disorder

General ICD-10 Information

ICD (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health problems) is now on its 10th revision. ICD-10 codes are the byproduct of that revision. This medical classification list is generated by the World Health Organization (WHO), and is used to help healthcare providers identify and code health conditions.

ICD-10 is required for use by physicians and healthcare providers under the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act (HIPAA) and will replace all ICD-9 code sets.

Many more new diagnoses can be tracked using ICD-10 than with ICD-9. Some expanded code sets, like ICD-10-CM, have over 70,000 codes.

Icd 10 code for major depressive disorder recurrent severe

F33.2 - Major depressive disorder, recurrent severe without psychotic features is a topic covered in the ICD-10-CM.

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F33.2 - Major depressive disorder, recurrent severe without psychotic features

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F33.2 - Major depressive disorder, recurrent severe without psychotic features

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113 Suicide prevention

For technical reasons, unfortunately our crisis telephone numbers (113 and 0800 - 0113) is only accessible for people calling from within the Netherlands. If you are not currently in the Netherlands, but you need help, you can reach us through chat (www.113.nl). 

You can also visit this website or this website.

Who we are

113 Suicide Prevention is the national Dutch suicide prevention centre, financed mainly by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (Ministerie van VWS). Our organization has been active as an independent care provider since September 2009. We employ psychologists and psychiatrists and a large group of fully trained volunteers who allow us provide round-the-clock confidential support through chats and phone calls. 113 works in close cooperation with the mental health institutes' crisis centres. Together, these professionals are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week across the Netherlands for crisis dialogues and psychological treatments.

Mental health services

Our mental health services include:

  • Crisis chat (a direct opportunity to talk online to a trained volunteer)
  • Crisis telephone (a direct opportunity to talk to a trained volunteer by phone and, if necessary, to a professional)
  • Chat therapy (a maximum of 8 online chat dialogues with a professional)
  • Self-help course (an independent online course aimed at reducing suicidal tendencies)
  • Self-tests (questionnaires to fill in and to offer an indication of the severity of your troubles and symptoms (an anxiety and depression test and a test that measures suicidal tendencies)
  • Consultation by telephone for other professionals, next of kin or friends about somebody in need (the opportunity to pose a brief question to a professional in a session lasting a maximum of ten minutes)

Training academy

In addition, we support clients with our training services aimed at both professionals working in mental health care (GGZ professionals) and people who are facing suicide in their professional practice or personal environment. In our gatekeepers' training programme our clients learn how to identify signs of suicidal thoughts, to address those and how to refer to professional help.  

Center of expertise

Besides our mental health services, 113 acts as a change agent and centre of expertise: it leads the National Suicide Prevention Agenda (Landelijke Agenda Suïcide Preventie) and establishes Suicide Prevention Action NETworks (SUPRANET Care, SUPRAnEt Community).  Activities in these domains include:  

  • The development and dissemination of training opportunities for medical staff, other professionals and gatekeepers in society;
  • Tracking the implementation and sharing of evidence-based best practice of suicide prevention within large healthcare institutions, using standardized monitoring instruments and methods;
  • Implementation of multilevel multimodal suicide prevention measures in 8 regions, reaching 2.5 million inhabitants, in line with the European Alliance Against Depression (Optimizing Suicide Prevention Interventions OSPI);
  • Data-driven quality and safety improvement projects in a network currently numbering 14 mental health hospitals.

International orientation

113 has a strong international orientation through participation in the European Alliance Against Suicide and our role in the International Zero Suicide Movement.
We are continuously developing our work by researching the effectiveness and reach of our menthal health services together with our partners, the VU University of Amsterdam and the mental health institution GGZ inGeest. Together we have initiated SURE-NL, a scientific consortium aimed at lifesaving suicide research. 113 has been invited to contribute to major scientific conferences worldwide (Rome, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Boston, Atlanta, London and Ghent). 

Leaflet 113 Suicide Prevention

What is the ICD

2 Recurrent depressive disorder, current episode severe without psychotic symptoms. A disorder characterized by repeated episodes of depression, the current episode being severe without psychotic symptoms, as in F32. 2, and without any history of mania.

What is the DSM 5 code for Major depressive disorder recurrent severe?

F33 Major depressive disorder, recurrent A recurrent depressive disorder is characterized by repeated episodes of depression without any history of independent episodes of mood elevation and increased energy or mania.

What does diagnosis code F33 9 mean?

ICD-10 code: F33. 9 Recurrent depressive disorder, unspecified.

What is diagnosis code F33 4?

ICD-10 code: F33. 4 Recurrent depressive disorder, currently in remission.