Is coffee good to drink while pregnant

FRIDAY, Feb. 12, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- Too much coffee during pregnancy could lead to kids with behavior problems later on.

That's the key takeaway from new research that examined 9,000 brain scans from 9- and 10-year-olds as part of the largest long-term study of brain development and child health.

"The goalposts are moved by caffeine, and there are subtle, but real changes in behavioral outcomes in most kids who were exposed to caffeine in utero," said study author John Foxe. He is director of the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience at the University of Rochester in Rochester, N.Y.

"This may not make a meaningful difference in the behaviors of some kids, but for those who are vulnerable in other ways, it may flip them over the threshold," Foxe added.

For years, pregnant women have been told to limit their caffeine intake to lower their risk for miscarriage or preterm birth, but this new study suggests that pregnant women who consume any coffee may be more likely to have kids with behavioral issues later in life.

Brain scans of kids whose mothers consumed caffeine during pregnancy showed changes in pathways that could lead to behavioral problems later on, including attention difficulties and hyperactivity. The changes tracked with higher scores on checklists for problem behaviors seen among kids whose moms reported drinking coffee while pregnant.

Most of the behavioral issues seen in the kids were minor, but noticeable, Foxe said. Other risks for developing behavioral issues include family history and some social and economic factors, he added.

While it's known the fetus can't break down caffeine when it crosses the placenta, Foxe said exactly how or at what point in pregnancy caffeine leads to these changes is not fully understood.

The study did not find any changes in the children's intelligence or thinking ability.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists offers advice on coffee and caffeine during pregnancy.

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Starting the day with a hot cup of caffeinated coffee or tea may sound divine to some, but it could have negative impacts for the children of people who are pregnant, according to a new study.

Children who were exposed to small amounts of caffeine before birth were found on average to be shorter than the children of people who did not consume caffeine while pregnant, according to the study published Monday in JAMA Network Open.

Children of parents who consumed caffeine while they were in the womb were shown to be shorter in stature at age 4 than those whose parents did not — and the gap widened each year through age 8, according to lead author Dr. Jessica Gleason, a perinatal epidemiologist.

“To be clear, these are not huge differences in height, but there are these small differences in height among the children of people who consumed caffeine during pregnancy,” said Gleason, who is a research fellow at Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists currently recommends limiting caffeine consumption to less than 200 milligrams per day while pregnant.

Is coffee good to drink while pregnant

Pregnant woman drinking coffee. Aerial close up view.

Dejan_Dundjerski/iStockphoto/Getty Images

Caffeine consumption not safe during pregnancy, new study says. Some experts disagree

For context, a mug of caffeinated tea typically has about 75 milligrams of caffeine, a mug of instant coffee has about 100 milligrams and a mug of filtered coffee has about 140 milligrams, according to the Cleveland Clinic. And even chocolate has about 31 milligrams of caffeine.

But the differences found in the most recent study were found even in the children of parents who drank less than half a cup of coffee per day while pregnant — well below the current guidelines, Gleason said.

It’s not clear whether this study effectively shows causation between maternal caffeine consumption and child height, according to Dr. Gavin Pereira, a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Curtin University in Australia. Pereira was not involved in the study.

“The correlation observed in this study can be explained by the existence of a common cause of both caffeine consumption and growth restriction e.g., poverty, stress, and dietary factors,” said Pereira in a statement to the Science Media Centre.

Is coffee good to drink while pregnant

Even small amounts of caffeine may impact a fetus in utero, accoring to the study.

Maksym/Adobe Stock

Why the concern over smaller stature?

If shorter height in early childhood were to persist into adulthood, there would be a chance those children could face the risk of poor cardiometabolic outcomes, such as heart disease and diabetes, which are associated with smaller stature.

Is coffee good to drink while pregnant

Consuming caffeine is routine for many of us — this expert explains a few things we should know about it.

Bryan Thomas/Getty Images

When to stop drinking caffeine to get a good night's sleep

But there is still no way to know if the difference would persist into adulthood, and studies like this that focus on population outcomes are no reason for individual families to panic, Gleason said.

These population-level trends should instead be taken together with other research for organizations to reassess their recommendations, Gleason said.

In the past, there were inconsistent studies regarding whether consuming caffeine during pregnancy impacted the fetus, but the evidence has come together in recent years, Gleason said.

A 2015 meta-analysis that reviewed all of the existing research found there is a dose response association between consumption of caffeine and smaller birth size. And a 2020 study revealed there is no safe level of caffeine for a developing fetus.

How to cut back

Even without the panic that Gleason cautioned against, some people might want to cut back on caffeine — and then find that it’s easier said than done.

Remember, caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, energy drinks and shots, as well as cocoa and chocolate. It’s also present in fortified snack foods, some energy bars and even some pain medications. (For a more extensive list of caffeine content from various sources, check the chart from the Center for Science in the Public Interest.)

Is coffee good to drink while pregnant


The caffeine 'detox': How and why to cut back on your daily fix

A 2016 Johns Hopkins University study found that it was helpful when individuals identified situations or moods in which they are most likely to crave caffeine so they could avoid situations that trigger cravings, especially during the first few weeks of modifying caffeine use. Caffeine drinkers could also have a plan for when cravings occur, like taking a five-minute relaxation break involving deep-breathing exercises.

Remember to always discuss any major lifestyle or dietary changes with your health care provider first, as changes may affect your mood or medical conditions.

Is it OK to drink coffee while pregnant?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women limit their caffeine consumption to less than 200 mg (about two, six-ounce cups) per day.

How does caffeine affect a fetus?

The researchers noted that caffeine is believed to cause blood vessels in the uterus and placenta to constrict, which could reduce the blood supply to the fetus and inhibit growth.