Is days of our lives preempted today

At the penthouse, John and Kristen sipped beers and talked about his fight with Marlena. "Doc wants to kick you out of the house, and I have a problem with that," John said. Kristen reminded John that he had not welcomed her. John explained that his stance on Kristen had softened.

"How so?" Kristen asked. "This whole idea that you are solely here to suck Brady back in, I don't see that. But it's all the Doc sees," John explained. Kristen confirmed that Marlena had been cold to her. John explained that Marlena was worried about Kristen's closeness to Brady.

"[Marlena] warned me that my schemes would never work," Kristen said. "That's so unfair," John muttered. John argued that Marlena wanted Kristen out of the penthouse because Marlena did not understand why Brady had broken up with Chloe. "And now that he has, [Marlena] thinks that you're getting too close to Brady, and he's in danger of falling for you all over again," John said. "What do you think?" Kristen asked. "I think you belong with your daughter," John said. Kristen asked John if that meant that he believed Kristen belonged with Brady.

"Whoa, I didn't say that," John stressed. John explained that he and Marlena had a fundamental difference of opinion about Kristen. "Which is?" Kristen asked. "She thinks you're a really bad person. And I don't," John said. Kristen smiled. "You don't think I'm a bad person?" Kristen asked. John said no.

"I really don't think Doc does, either. It's just that when it comes to you and Brady, I think her view is a little, I don't know, colored by our romantic past," John said. "Or maybe she thinks that your view of me is colored by our romantic past," Kristen said. John shrugged. "I remember who you were when I first met you, Kristen Blake. For crying out loud, you were a social worker," John said with a chuckle.

"You made a difference in a lot of people's lives. And see, that's not the work of a bad person," John said. "That was a long time ago," Kristen whispered. John admitted that he had been suspicious of Kristen's motives, but his suspicions had faded. "I see her, the other Kristen, the good Kristen. The Kristen that I fell in love with," John said. John talked about how the Kristen he had known had been called to serve God.

"You were always looking out for other people," John said. John reminded Kristen that she had been one of the first people to have realized that Marlena had been possessed. "It was a very scary time," Kristen said. John credited Kristen with having helped him save Marlena from the devil. With a chuckle, John noted that it was ironic that Marlena believed Kristen had evil intentions when it had been Kristen that had saved Marlena from the devil.

"You were a real friend to her, Kristen. And honestly, I just can't understand why she can't find it in her heart to be a friend to you now," John said. Kristen averted her eyes. "Maybe she still can't see past my mistakes," Kristen whispered. "What she needs to see is how much you love your daughter," John countered. John argued that Brady had moved Kristen into the house so that Rachel could be with her mother.

"Brady and I already see that you're not only a good mother, but you're a really good person," John said. "No, I'm not," Kristen said with tears in her eyes. John asked Kristen what she meant. "What did you do?" John asked.

At DiMera Enterprises, Stefan and Chloe worked in the boardroom. Stefan thanked Chloe for her help. "I didn't want supply chain issues to keep E.J. from his mother's service," Chloe said. When Stefan jokingly asked Chloe if she had anything better to do, she sighed. Stefan asked what Chloe had missed.

"Brady and I were supposed to be in New York tonight. He got us tickets to one of my all-time favorite operas. They don't perform it that often. So, it was special," Chloe said. "You were really looking forward to it," Stefan said. Chloe nodded yes. "Until Brady dumped me for your sister," Chloe grumbled.

"Brady hurt you. You're allowed to be upset. But I was under the impression that you were getting over it," Stefan said. Chloe explained that though Brady had justified his actions as a parent, she believed that Brady had lied about his feelings for Kristen all along. "I'm sorry. It seems to be wearing very heavily on you," Stefan said. Stefan promised that Chloe would forget Brady by New Year's Eve. As Stefan and Chloe kissed, his computer beeped with a message from shipping.

"Crisis averted. Now if I hurry, I can make Susan's memorial," Stefan said. "I'm sure E.J. would appreciate that. I'd be happy to go with you," Chloe said. Stefan gratefully accepted Chloe's offer, and they left for the service.

In the square, Brady complained to Eric about how Eric had missed the photo shoot. When Eric quit his job, Brady asked what he could do to fix the situation. "There's nothing you can fix, Brady. I just don't want to work with Nicole," Eric whispered. "I know it is a lot of hours to work with your girlfriend--" Brady started. "She's not my girlfriend!" Eric yelled. Eric explained that he and Nicole had broken up.

"I'm not sure we were ever back together," Eric added. "Things aren't easy for you two right now, especially now that Jada is pregnant," Brady said. Brady rambled on about the challenges for Eric and Nicole. "Stop!" Eric yelled. Eric told Brady that Nicole had talked Jada into having an abortion. After a moment, Brady slapped a comforting hand on Eric's back.

"I'm sorry. I had no idea what you were dealing with," Brady said. "It's all right. Thank you," Eric whispered. Brady told Eric that he needed to say something as a big brother. "Was Nicole wrong in talking to Jada about her pregnancy? Yeah, probably. But from everything you've told me, it sounds like Jada made the decision that was best for her," Brady said. Brady advised Eric that it would be unfair to blame Nicole for Jada's decision.

"The decision about the abortion, it was up to Jada. But let's not forget that Nicole went behind my back and gave Jada this whole speech about single motherhood and how hard it would be. But that doesn't really matter anymore," Eric said. Eric noted that he and Nicole were not good for one another.

"You remembered why it didn't work out [before]," Brady said. Eric told Brady that Nicole had tracked him down at Sloan's apartment. "She laid into me for sleeping with Sloan," Eric said. "I'm sorry, what?" Brady countered. Eric explained that Sloan had served as his attorney, and one thing had led to another. Brady warned Eric about Sloan's reputation.

"Did you hear what she did to Paulina and Chanel?" Brady asked. "That's real classy coming from a guy who is shacking up with Kristen DiMera," Eric countered. Defensive, Brady stressed that he was not sleeping with Kristen. "But you are living with her," Eric countered. Brady argued that the situation was about parenting.

"That's exactly how it started last time," Eric said. Eric reminded Brady of when Kristen had convinced Brady to move into the Kiriakis mansion during Kristen's pregnancy. "She manipulated you. She wormed her way into your house and then into your bed," Eric argued. Brady stressed that he would never sleep with Kristen again.

"You're still attracted to [Kristen]," Eric said. "I'm attracted to vodka, too, all right? But I manage to control myself because I know the road leads to disaster," Brady countered. Eric warned Brady that it was only a matter of time before Brady reconciled with Kristen. "I'm not going to go anywhere near her, not after what she did," Brady said.

"What did she do to you?" Eric asked. Before Brady could answer, Chloe and Stefan walked into the square. Chloe attempted to direct Stefan away from Brady, but Stefan walked over. "Can I get those tickets?" Stefan asked Brady. "What?" Brady said. Stefan reminded Brady about the opera tickets. "I was thinking we could exchange them for another performance. Perhaps Valentine's Day," Stefan said. Annoyed, Eric attempted to shut Stefan down, but Stefan continued.

"Do you have any idea how much this night meant to her?" Stefan yelled. "I care about her more than you know," Brady said. Chloe shifted uncomfortably as she watched her two paramours argue. "So much so that you tossed her aside for my sister?" Stefan said. "That isn't what happened," Brady countered. Stefan argued that Chloe was finally with someone who treated her with respect.

"We're going now," Chloe said. "No, hang on. Unlike Brady, I'm going to make sure that you make it to this opera," Stefan said. Brady argued that as a DiMera, Stefan could fly in the opera company for a private show. With a shake of his head, Stefan told Brady that he had blown it. "You had the most wonderful woman on the planet. And you threw her aside like she's garbage. At least now she is with a real man," Stefan said. Brady punched Stefan.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Chloe yelled. "He's out of control, that's what's wrong with him. Just like his brother," Stefan said. "Leave him out of it," Brady said. "You're both rageaholic jerks who think nothing of assaulting people," Stefan said. When Stefan noted that he should call the cops, Brady held out his phone. "Call the cops, Stefan," Brady said. Chloe urged Stefan to leave with her instead.

"My brother declined to press charges against Eric. Guess I could do the same for poor Brady here. Besides, a jail sentence is temporary compared to the time you're going to spend thinking about what a fool you were to let her go," Stefan said. Stefan and Chloe walked away. Brady fought back tears, and he let out a sigh. "You okay?" Eric asked. Brady said that it drove him crazy to see Chloe with Stefan. "If you love her so much, why did you give Chloe up?" Eric asked. Worried, Eric demanded to know the truth.

"Why would you move this psycho [Kristen] into our parents' home?" Eric yelled. "Because I didn't have a choice!" Brady blurted out. Brady explained that Kristen had blackmailed him. "[Kristen] forced me to break up with Chloe and move her in," Brady whispered.

At the edge of the square, Stefan apologized to Chloe. "I shouldn't have provoked him like that," Stefan said. Stefan told Chloe that he hated the way that Brady had treated her. Stefan suggested that they head home for the reception.

At the church, E.J. refused to start Susan's memorial service until Johnny returned. "I saw him outside. He said he wouldn't come in with me, because he was looking for a woman," Marlena said. "What woman?" E.J. asked. Sister Mary Moira noted that Johnny had walked out on his conversation with her to pursue a woman.

"This woman Johnny ran after must have been pretty important or pretty beautiful," Nicole said with a chuckle. E.J. asked if anyone had more information about the woman. "All [Johnny] said to me was he called after her and she didn't turn around, so he never had a chance to talk to her," Marlena said. "This is disconcerting," Sister Mary Moira said. Sister Mary Moira demanded that the priest start the service. Underneath the altar, the clock on Ava's bomb counted down.

"We are not starting this ceremony until my son walks through that door," E.J. said. Tripp walked into the church. Tripp said, "This is the son of a bitch who killed my mom." Nicole intervened, and she stressed that E.J. had not killed Ava. "Her death was an accident. She drove off the road," Nicole said. "With E.J. in hot pursuit. He hated my mom. You wanted her gone, permanently. So, you forced her to crash," Tripp argued. E.J. countered that the accusation was ludicrous because Susan had been in the car, too.

"I wanted Ava to stop!" E.J. said. "That's the truth," Nicole agreed. "Save it! The last person I want to hear from is the tramp who slept with my mom's boyfriend behind her back," Tripp said. Upset, E.J. yelled at Tripp not to disparage Nicole. "You are to blame for all of this, you selfish, sadistic bastard. I mean, none of this would have happened if you hadn't ordered my mom to leave town," Tripp argued. E.J. countered that Ava had escalated the situation when she had kidnapped Susan.

"No, E.J., you escalated it by kidnapping me," Tripp said. E.J. looked across the room at everyone. Tripp argued that E.J. had ordered his kidnapping to avoid paying the ransom. "You cheaped out on your own mother, you bullied mine, and now they're both dead!" Tripp yelled. Sister Mary Moira asked for everyone to be civil so that they could start the service.

Outside the church, Johnny recognized Ava in her disguise. "How is this possible? They said nobody could survive that crash," Johnny said. "Guess I'm hard to kill," Ava said with a shrug. "If you survived the crash, does that mean my grandma's alive too?" Johnny asked. "I'm afraid not," Ava said. Ava explained that she had jumped from the car, but Susan had not. Concerned, Johnny asked Ava why she was at the service in disguise.

"I'm here because I wanted to pay my respects to your grandmother," Ava lied. "I can't believe that you have any interest in honoring my grandmother, considering what you did to her," Johnny said. Ava admitted that she was sorry that Susan had been collateral damage. "But it is a war that [E.J.] started when he tried to make me leave town," Ava stressed. Ava reminded Johnny that he had been upset with E.J.'s order, as well.

"I was pretty upset when I found out that my dad kicked you out. Now, I'm starting to think he might have done the right thing," Johnny said. Johnny argued that Ava had started the war when she had faked her marriage to Jake. "You said that you understood that and that it didn't matter because Jake wanted to marry me," Ava said. "I was wrong," Johnny said. Johnny argued that Ava had lied and stolen from the family. "I was wrong to defend you," Johnny said. Ava asked Johnny why his feelings had changed.

"That was before you killed my grandmother!" Johnny screamed. "Susan is dead, but I didn't kill her," Ava argued. Johnny laughed ruefully. "I bet you didn't kidnap her, either," Johnny countered. Ava admitted she had kidnapped Susan to teach E.J. a lesson. "So, you used an innocent woman as a weapon?" Johnny asked. "E.J. DiMera, he disrespected me. He needed to pay," Ava argued. Johnny reminded Ava that E.J. had paid the ransom.

"And then my grandmother showed up at the airfield, and you dragged her off. Why? You got exactly what you wanted. Why couldn't you just leave?" Johnny asked. Ava explained that E.J. had failed to pay the money, but Johnny disagreed. "First, he had to kidnap Tripp," Ava yelled. Johnny took a step back, speechless. "I'm guessing [E.J.] left that part out," Ava said. "Is he all right?" Johnny asked. Ava explained that Steve had rescued Tripp.

"So, you see, I'm not the only one who dragged an innocent person into this," Ava said. Johnny asked Ava why she had kept Susan after Tripp had been set free. "What happened on the road that night?" Johnny asked. Johnny accused Ava of intentionally crashing the car in order to hurt his father.

Sister Mary Moira exited the church. "We were all wondering where you were," Sister Mary Moira said. "I just ran into an old friend," Johnny said. Annoyed, Sister Mary Moira argued that the fate of her sister's soul was more important than Johnny's conversation. When Sister Mary Moira mentioned that Tripp had entered the church, Ava's face went pale.

Inside the church, E.J. and Tripp continued to argue. "We are going to pay respects to my mother, and you are going to get the hell out of here," E.J. growled. Tripp sat in a pew and refused to leave. Beneath the altar, the timer on the bomb counted down.

"Why should I let this monster grieve for his mother when he took my mother from me?" Tripp said. Angry, E.J. grabbed Tripp's arm, and he attempted to pull Tripp out of the pew. Ava ran into the church. "Tripp! You need to come with me right now," Ava said. E.J., Nicole, and Marlena gaped at the sight of Ava in her disguise. "Mom?" Tripp said. Tripp ran into his mother's arms.

"We've got to get out of here," Ava said. Ava grabbed Tripp's hand, and she pulled him toward the exit. E.J. ordered Nicole to call the police. Tripp resisted leaving. Johnny walked in. "I'm assuming this is the mystery woman you were searching for earlier?" E.J. asked Johnny. Johnny said yes. As E.J. grabbed Ava's arm, Tripp yelled at him to let go. "I can handle E.J., Tripp. Just please go," Ava said. Tripp refused to leave his mother. "There is a bomb!" Ava yelled. Ava lifted the fabric on the altar to show everyone the bomb. The timer was down to six seconds. "Run!" Ava screamed. The bomb exploded.

Where can I see Days of Our Lives today?

The show has made a historic move from NBC to Peacock.

Why did Days of Our Lives not play today?

The show isn't being canceled, but it is being moved off the air and onto NBC's streaming platform, Peacock. The 56-year-old show will release new episodes exclusively on Peacock weekdays at 6 a.m. Eastern Time. That means you'll need a Peacock subscription to watch the show starting Monday, Sept. 12.

Is Days of Our Lives preempted July 12 2022?

Published July 12, 2022 • Updated on July 12, 2022 at 2:49 pm. "Days of Our Lives" was preempted Tuesday, July 12 for an NBC News Special Report on the hearing into the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan.

Is Days of Our Lives pre

On Peacock, "Days of Our Lives" will never be pre-empted for news or sports, something that happened 16 times in the last year on NBC.