Lincoln financial group short term disability pregnancy

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In compliance with Federal Law, the Northwest School District administers all education programs, employment activities and admissions without discrimination against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age or disability.

With the excitement of planning for a baby, you may have not given much thought to your maternity leave plan.

Since there is no national policy for paid leave, only 11 percent of workers report compensation during maternity leave. However, 39 percent of workers are reportedly able to make arrangements to get paid for at least some of that time.1

As a result, many new parents return to work only a few weeks after the arrival of a baby because they can’t afford to be without a paycheck for long. This means many mothers (and fathers, too) are forced to deal with the challenges of post-pregnancy, sleep deprivation, and careers—all at once.

The following tips may help you understand your options regarding parental leave and, moreover, fulfill your new family responsibilities while protecting your future financial security.

Check in with HR

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) established a 12-week standard for unpaid leave with a job guarantee. FMLA ensures time off for pregnancy, adoption, prenatal and even foster care, but the law only applies to people who have worked for at least 12 months at companies with more than 50 employees “at the location or within 75 miles of the location.”2  

Clearly, there are very specific parameters involved, so it’s important to find out whether your company is subject to the FMLA.

As soon as you are comfortable telling people that you’re planning for a new arrival, set up a time to talk with your company’s human resources department, so you can understand the policy for paid versus unpaid leave.

Your HR department may also be able to help you take advantage of pre-tax benefits. Flexible savings accounts (FSA) and dependent care programs are two benefits that can help you pay for medical expenses and childcare on a pre-tax basis, but you can only sign up for them during certain times of the year.

If you have a high-deductible health plan, you’re eligible for a health savings account (HSA), which could be an advantageous alternative. With a HSA, you can adjust your contribution throughout the year, limits are higher and funds can be rolled over to the next year.3  Consult with your HR department to understand all the options available to you.

Pool your leave

Most often, maternity leave will come from a combination of sick days, vacation and short-term disability (STD). Remember, however, that disability insurance only covers a portion of your salary, not your entire paycheck, so you might experience a salary reduction.

Some companies (and states) may make you use vacation and sick days before tapping into disability benefits. When possible, however, consider leaving a few sick days in reserve in case you or your child becomes ill soon after you return to work.

Save, and save some more

With the new expenses that coincide with this exciting time, budgeting for the new baby should be top of mind whether or not your job provides paid leave.

Figure out how much you’re going to spend each month, especially with regards to healthcare costs (and perhaps pad the budget a bit for additional items like diapers and formula). If your situation allows for it, consider saving before you’re planning for a baby so you can support yourself for a few months, while also protecting yourself for any unforeseen circumstances.

The birth of a child is one of life’s greatest joys, but it can also be one of the most challenging. Prepare now so you can spend those precious first weeks getting to know your baby while helping to secure the financial future of your growing family.

1“The Economics of Paid and Unpaid Leave.” Council of Economic Advisers. June 2014.

2“The Family and Medical Leave Act.” Department of Labor. April 26, 2016.

3LaMontagne, Christina. “My Employer Offers Both HSA and FSA...” Forbes. July 13, 2015.


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Short-term disability insurance

Short-term disability insurance can replace a portion of your regular income while you aren’t working due to childbirth, illness or injury. After all, your bills won’t stop just because you need to recover.

Coverage you need; support you deserve

  • We help you get back to work, with a vocational rehabilitation program that includes personalized plans to help you recover.
  • If you’re only able to do part of your job or work part time, you can receive partial benefits. When you combine your partial benefits and part-time earnings, you could receive up to 100% of your predisability earnings.
  • Your claim for many common diagnoses, including delivery, can be processed within 24 hours.
  • If your illness or injury lasts longer, and becomes a long-term disability, we’ll take care of the transition. You won’t have to deal with paperwork (if your short- and long-term disability plans are both from Lincoln).

How short-term disability income insurance works

Lisa signed up for short-term disability insurance when she became a full-time employee two years ago. Recently she learned she has a health condition that will prevent her from working for eight weeks.

Her policy has a maximum benefit of 60% of pay, up to $1,000 a week, and a maximum benefit duration of 13 weeks. Payments can begin after the seven-day elimination period. So Lisa’s benefits begin on the eighth day of her condition.

Sample benefit Statement

Lisa’s weekly pay$1000
Lisa’s maximum weekly benefit x 60%
Lisa’s weekly benefit $600
Lisa’s approved benefit duration x 7*
Lisa’s total short-term disability benefit (for seven weeks) $4,200

*Lisa’s plan includes a seven-day elimination period, so her benefit duration is seven weeks.

Explore your options

Insurance products (policy series GL1101) are issued by The Lincoln National Life Insurance Company (Fort Wayne, IN), which does not solicit business in New York, nor is it licensed to do so. In New York, insurance products (policy series GL111) are issued by Lincoln Life & Annuity Company of New York (Syracuse, NY). Both are Lincoln Financial Group® companies. Product availability and/or features may vary by state. Limitations and exclusions apply.

Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. Affiliates are separately responsible for their own financial and contractual obligations.

Does Texas offer short

The Texas Income Protection PlanSM (TIPP) offers short-term and long-term disability coverage that protects your income by paying a percentage of your paycheck if you become disabled and can't work due to a medical illness, injury, or pregnancy. Both plans are available to active employees.

Does Lincoln Financial send checks?

Once Lincoln Financial Group receives all necessary information to make a determination on your claim, a decision to approve or deny your claim will be made within 3 business days. Once your short-term disability claim is approved, Lincoln Financial Group will mail checks to your home on a bi-weekly basis.