Missed period on birth control never happened before reddit

Missed period on birth control never happened before reddit

Been on the pill and have been sexually active. Recently, I had spotted two days on a roll but did not have a period. My last period was occurred Oct. 6. Should I be worried that I may be pregnant? I did take a test three days ago and both came out negative but I haven’t been late a week… extremely stressed about this.

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Missed period on birth control never happened before reddit

level 1

Birth control thins your endometrium which means your "period" can be lighter (and lighter flow tends to take longer to come out) or even disappear altogether. No cause for concern as long as you take your BC correctly and your tests are negative. Make sure to start your new pack on time, don't sit around waiting to bleed!

level 2

Thank you for you for your response! Extremely nervous rn. I have continued to take my pill despite this event and will take your advice. Just never had this happen before. I might take more test just to ease my stress. Thank you again!

level 1

the pill can let your period ✨ disappear ✨ and if you took two tests and they were negative you don't have to worry about being pregnant! If you're still unsure, take another test or go to your gynaecologist.

level 2

I’m just super worried cause I feel like I’m having cramps but no period. I took the tests prior to when I was suppose to have my period. Don’t have any other common symptoms that can relate to pregnancy besides the spotting and cramps. Just worried

level 1

What was the time period between sex and taking your test?

level 2

Honestly couldn’t answer that. We’ve been active at least once every week since my last period which started Oct. 6th. Took the test on Thursday. My flo app said I was ovulating between the 21st through the 25th or so. Of course being stupid, no protection but we’ve been doing the withdrawal method along with me on bc.

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Missed period on birth control never happened before reddit

A place to discuss birth control methods.

Posted by9 months ago


Missed period on birth control never happened before reddit

I'm not pregnant, I haven't had sex in 2 years. Haven't dated at all during Covid.

Sooooo what gives?

I feel fine. I'm no more stressed than usual.

When should I see a doctor?

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Missed period on birth control never happened before reddit

level 1

Hey I’m in healthcare - if your last period was 3 months ago that’s the time to start getting things checked out. It’s not an emergency and can wait a few weeks if you’re unable to see a provider right away. It can be normal to have some variation in cycle and I don’t usually investigate if it’s been less than 3 months since last period - more often than not it’s stress causing an irregularity and it normalizes by the next cycle. But if it is more than 3 months or you frequently skip your period or have very irregular cycles it’s worth getting checked for things like PCOS, thyroid issues, nutritional issues etc. Also worth repeating preg tests if you haven’t already. Also if you’re on some forms of birth control it may even be normal not to bleed every month. Edit: read the no sex in 2 years part! I get paranoid about missing pregnancy in my patients so I always double check everyone no matter what their story is haha!

level 2

This right here OP. Their advice is the best and sound.

I'm currently ~170 days into my missed period. I went to a new OB/GYN as a new patient. In my personal experience, I miss periods anytime I stressed or depressed during the time when my normal cycle should start. I frequently didn't have a period during exams or tests in college.

Just recently I was diagnosed with PCOS and I'm on medication (non-birth control) to regulate my periods. They did a range of blood tests to check my hormones and the unbalance there and an ultrasound to check my ovaries to confirm the diagnoses. They also did a urine test even though I'm sterilized. I don't take offense to it, they doctor just wants to be able to say they checked and covered all potential questions that could change the outcome.

level 2

OP please don’t get huffy or insulted if they require a pregnancy test. Just do it, then everyone knows you’re not pregnant.

level 2

I’m an obgyn MD

3 months/3 missed cycles is the definition for secondary amenorrhea and merits a checkup with an obgyn MD/DO

level 2

Yeah i think she is getting a pregnancy test anyway, because people lie

level 2

I was severely deficient in b12… it took some specialist to check- primary care & gyno didn’t care oddly enough to run a panel… they blamed it on birth control… but I hadn’t had a period in a couple years-sooo…

Also, b12 is not on the standard vitamin/mineral test… nor was primary going to test for it for another couple years… because no one gets b12 deficiency… & some previous test was still technically in the normal range (just barely)…

My recommendation make sure that b12 & calcium are included on that test… usually b12, calcium & D go hand in hand with deficiencies…

level 2

Lots of good advice here… also worth noting that “stress” for your body in not necessarily the same as stress in your life. There are a lot of things that can cause physical stresses to your internal systems that you may or may not think of as “stress”. For example, covid vaccination or an illness.

level 2

Listen to this person please, OP.

level 2

· 9 mo. ago · edited 9 mo. agoBasically Eleanor Shellstrop

Also nutrition can affect your menstrual cycle even if you don’t feel stressed.

You don’t mention your age - while late 40s/early 50s is the typical age for menopause, it can happen earlier if there are other hormonal factors or cancer at play.

See your doctor to get some tests done to check what’s going on - especially with your hormones and endocrine system.

level 2

I went over a year. I’m fine now. But I wanna say it was close to two years.

level 2

Sounds like I really need to see a new obgyn. I have had irregular periods for years, and every time I start to get concerned, my dr just recommends birth control pills. I did ask for a thyroid screening, and all my bloodwork came back normal, but once again, my period is 3 months over due and I'm not pregnant.

level 2

Well, you've just inspired me to go get checked... I have a mirena, and basically get either no bleeding or light bleeding that lasts for a day. It's completely random. Before the mirena, maybe a period every 2-3 months. Some years, maybe 1 every 6. I couldn't even tell you how many times I had it last year... But it's a very small number. At least 1! I still have hormone cycles though.

level 2

If you tell them you're widowed and severely depressed, it's more likely (in my experience) that they'll believe you about the no sex...

level 2

Came here to say this. 3 months is what I was told by my Dr. Polysistic ovaries over here o/

level 2

My irregular period was the impetus for getting me tested for thyroid issues. I went to the Obgyn at my school’s campus doctor office— she was a GP with an obgyn specialty— and she said most doctors wouldn’t usually test someone that young, but hypothyroid runs in my family. I got my diagnosis at 19, after every other doctor just giving me birth control to make my periods regular…. I owe that woman so much thanks for being willing to listen to a depressed, worried, stressed kid and asking the right questions instead of brushing off my concerns.

12ys later, Ive found out I don’t actually have irregular periods. Instead I have an extra long cycle that I’ve been tracking for years using one of the apps. I average 36 days, and that’s just my normal.