Mortgage calculator with extra principal payments excel

How do I calculate extra mortgage payment in Excel?

How to make a loan amortization schedule with extra payments in Excel.
InterestRate - C2 (annual interest rate).
LoanTerm - C3 (loan term in years).
PaymentsPerYear - C4 (number of payments per year).
LoanAmount - C5 (total loan amount).
ExtraPayment - C6 (extra payment per period).

How much do I save by paying extra principal?

You decide to make an additional $300 payment toward principal every month to pay off your home faster. By adding $300 to your monthly payment, you'll save just over $64,000 in interest and pay off your home over 11 years sooner.

What happens if I pay 2 extra mortgage payments a year?

Making additional principal payments will shorten the length of your mortgage term and allow you to build equity faster. Because your balance is being paid down faster, you'll have fewer total payments to make, in-turn leading to more savings.

How many years off my mortgage if I pay extra?

Adding Extra Each Month A 30 year mortgage (360 months) can be reduced to about 24 years (279 months) – this represents a savings of 6 years!