Solve the system of equations using matrices calculator

This online calculator will help you to solve a system of linear equations using inverse matrix method.

Using this online calculator, you will receive a detailed step-by-step solution to your problem, which will help you understand the algorithm how to solve system of linear equations using inverse matrix method.



Linear equations solver: Inverse matrix method

The number of equations in the system:

Change the names of the variables in the system

Fill the system of linear equations:

You can input only integer numbers, decimals or fractions in this online calculator (-2.4, 5/7, ...). More in-depth information read at these rules.

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Solve the system of equations using matrices calculator

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Solve the system of equations using matrices calculator
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The Linear Systems Calculator: The intuitive Matrix calculator

Linear Systems Calculator is another mathstools on line app to make matrix operations whose are

1) Jordan cannonical form calculation.

2) Characteristic Polinomial of matrix A..

3) Solve linear equations systems in the form Ax=b.

4) Several matrix operations as calculate inverse, determinants, eigenvalues, diagonalize, LU decomposition in matrix with real or complex values

5) Sum, multiply, divide Matrix.


Linear Systems Calculator is not restricted in dimensions.

1) Enter the coefficient matrix in the table labeled "Matrix A", note that in the right menu you can add rows and columns using the "Add Column" or delete the option "Delete column"
2) Enter the coefficients vector in the table labeled "Vector B", note that in the right menu you can add dimensions to this vector "Add Column" or delete the option "Delete column"


To solve the system of linear equations Ax = B, click the menu item "Solve Ax = B"

To calculate the determinant of the matrix A, click the menu option "Determinant"

To calculate the inverse of the matrix, click the menu option "Invert"

To calculate the the matrix A eigenvalues, basis of eigenvectors and the diagonal form click the menu option "Eigenvalues".
To calculate the Jordan canonical form click in "Jordan Form".
To calculate the LU factorization of A form click in "LU Decomposition".
To the matrix sum, click on button "Other Matrix", a new window will open to input other matrix to multiply, sum or divide by A.

Final comments

The Linear Systems Calculator uses the LU decomposition for some of the calculations.

The Linear Systems Calculator does not require installation of any kind, just a browser with javascript support.

Is it possible to solve a system of equations by matrix?

A system of equations can be solved using matrix multiplication. A is the coefficient matrix, X the variable matrix and B the constant matrix. The second method to find the solution for the system of equations is Row reduction or Gaussian Elimination. The augmented matrix for the linear equations is written.