The good the bad and the ugly card game

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Drinking Game is a card game that mashes together a few other games such as Bus Driver and Irish Poker. This game has multiple rounds and switches pace a lot, and the final round is a drinking round for only the loser of the game. The exact rules of this game differ depending who you ask but we’ll put our favorite rules to this game.


What You’ll Need

A full deck of cards and some drinks.

Once the deck is shuffled a dealer must be chosen. They won’t be doing any drinking themselves so this is a good role for the DD.

Phase 1

For the first round the dealer takes turns individually asking each player if the next card will be red or black, then flipping the card in front of them. If their guess was wrong they drink once, if it was right they give out a drink.

For the second round the dealer asks if the next card will be higher or lower than the first card. If the player guesses right then they give out 2 drinks, if they’re wrong they drink twice. (drinks given out can be split among multiple players).

For the third round the dealer asks if the next card will be between their two current cards or outside. If they’re right they give out 3 drinks if they’re wrong they take 3 drinks.

For the fourth and final guessing round the dealer asks what suit the next card will be. If they’re wrong they drink 4 and if they’re correct they give 4.

Phase 2

Now everyone should have 4 cards in front of them. The dealer shuffles all remaining cards into 3 piles. The “good” pile, the “bad” pile and the “ugly” pile.

The dealer takes turn flipping cards from each pile until all piles are depleted.

Whenever a good card is flipped anyone with a matching (number only) card gets to assign 1 sip.

Anytime a bad card is flipped anyone with a matching (number only) card must take a sip.

Whenever an ugly card is flipped anyone with a matching card must give that card away to another player.

At the end of this phase whoever has the most card loses. They must go on to the final “ride the bus” phase by themselves.

Phase 3

The dealer shuffles all the cards back into 1 pile. The only player who takes part in this round is the player who ended up with the most cards from the last round.

The dealer lays out 5 face down cards and 1 face up card. The players job is to guess if the next card will be higher or lower until they successfully flip every card in the row. Whenever the player is wrong they must drink equal to which card they messed up on. (1 drink for the first card, 2 for the second, 3 for the third, etc…) Then the dealer replaces all the cards flipped. The only way for the player to end the game is to get through all the cards or if the deck runs out.

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly drinking game can get pretty heavy especially if you lose and end up in the final round. So make sure you have a good place to sleep or a cab waiting. Please drink responsibly.


Players: 3-7

Initial Deal: 2 cards down, 1 up to each player, three down on the table.

Betting:Ante if desired.

After the initial three cards are dealt. High Card showing Bets. After each card is dealt the highest hand showing on the table begins the betting.

Play: The same as 7 card stud  with these modifications: After the fourth card is dealt, flip the first  of the table cards. This is The Good, and is all cards of the same rank  are wild (but The Good card itself is not shared). After the fifth card  is dealt, flip the second table card. This is The Bad, and all cards of  the same rank must be discarded. After the 6th card is dealt, flip the  last table card. This is The Ugly, and anyone who has an up card of the  same rank must fold.

Winner: High Hand

Variations: none


Deal 2 cards face down on each player and 3 cards face down on the table. Bet. Deal 2 cards face up on each player. Bet. Flip "The Good". This is a wild card. Bet. Deal 1 card face up on each player. Bet. Flip "The Bad". This card is a thorn card. Bet. Deal 1 more card face up on each player. Bet. Flip "The Ugly". This is a kill card. Bet. Deal 1 final card face down. Final bet. High hand wins the pot.

Note: The "Good", the "Bad" and the "Ugly" cards on the table, cannot be used by the players.

|   Community Cards: 3   |   Player Cards: 7   |   Betting Rounds: 6   |

The good the bad and the ugly card game