What happens if you dont change your oil filter

What happens if you dont change your oil filter
What happens if you wait too long to change your oil? How bad can it be? We’ve all been in this position. Life gets in the way. You’re overwhelmed by work demands, family obligations, and a blizzard of small errands. One day, idling in rush hour traffic, you notice that reminder sticker in the corner of your windshield.

You’re overdue for an oil change.

It’s another task on your already long to-do list. You convince yourself to push it. Wait until next week, maybe next month, whenever life is more manageable. Plus, does oil really need to be changed every 3,000 miles? Putting it off couldn’t cause too much harm. Right?


Oil is the lifeblood of your vehicle. It lubricates and protects all those meticulously engineered moving parts in your car’s engine. Having it changed at regular intervals is one of the most economical ways to get reliability and peak performance out of the vehicle you rely on to carry you through life.

Bad things can happen if your oil isn't changed. The following are just a few of the ways delaying or skipping oil changes could cost you time and money.

A Voided Vehicle Warranty

One of the best perks of buying a new car is the peace-of-mind that comes with a warranty. However, failing to have your car serviced according to factory specifications could render the warranty null and void.

Our oil technicians at Firestone Complete Auto Care will make sure that your car is serviced with manufacturer-approved oil, keeping your car purring and its warranty intact. We keep detailed records of your maintenance history should you ever need to provide documentation at the dealership.

Poor Engine Performance

Along with lubrication, oil also keeps your car’s engine clean. Detergents, dispersants, and other additives transport dirt and debris into the fuel filter—which is replaced during an oil change. Once your filter becomes clogged, all this grime is forced to circulate back through the engine.

Smooth, clean oil gradually becomes dirty sludge. Your engine’s moving parts have to fight through this muck, forcing it to work harder. Your car might have less punch and torque. And the harder your engine has to work, the more gas it will guzzle. That means you could be stopping at the pump more often to fork over your hard-earned money.

Complete Engine Failure

Go long enough without an oil change, and it could eventually cost you your car. Once motor oil becomes sludge, it no longer draws heat from the engine. The engine might overheat and either blow a gasket or seize up.

The milky white exhaust of a blown head gasket will force you directly to the side of the road. Fixing a blown head gasket can be a costly repair, one that may not make sense for your car depending on its age and value. You may find yourself at the dealership, contending with the headache of sales and finance people.

If the heat doesn’t cause a gasket to blow, it will warp the parts in your engine. With the oil’s lubricating qualities neutralized, metal will be grinding against metal. The engine will seize. There is no fix for this. A seized engine usually has to be replaced, and it's not hard to imagine how much that costs. Again, such a repair cost could put you precariously close to having to buy a new car.

All these problems—voided warranties, poor performance, decreased fuel economy, and seized engines—are much harder on your time and money than scheduling an oil change at Firestone Complete Auto Care. Our technicians use the Pennzoil Platinum line of motor oils, providing your vehicle with cleaner pistons, better fuel economy and horsepower, unsurpassed wear protection, and excellent extreme temperature performance.

An ounce of prevention—or five to six quarts of motor oil—is worth a pound of cure. Check out our latest oil change coupons and stop by for a quick oil change today. We’ll make sure the coffee is fresh.

When you buy a vehicle, whether it’s new or used, you have the responsibility of keeping it running strong for as long as you own the car. If you don’t perform regular maintenance, you risk causing damage to some of your vehicle’s parts. You can replace them, but some will cost you more than you want to pay, namely your car’s engine.

It’s important to perform regular oil changes to keep the motor running as well as it did when you purchased it. Changing the oil is an essential part that you shouldn’t take lightly because if you fail to do it on time, you can have a costly disaster on your hands. Engineering explained discusses why oil changes are important.

What does oil do for your engine?

Mostly, the main job your motor’s oil has is to keep the moving parts of your engine lubricated, so they can run smoothly. The oil pump will send the oil through the filter where it will move on to the motor’s bearings, pistons, valve train and other parts of the engine. It then goes back to the oil pan where it will get recycled and pushed through the filter and the engine parts all over again.

But, that’s not exactly its only purpose. Engine oil has certain properties, within it, that provide the protection your motor needs. Without it, the metal parts will rub on other metal parts, damaging the engine as it goes.

What does the oil protect the engine from?

Your engine’s oil contains additives that will keep all the inner parts clean and friction-free while reducing air bubbling in the liquid. Motor oil has antioxidants to reduce oxidation, which causes the oil to breakdown and the motor to wear out faster. It also has detergents that prevent corrosion of the metal surfaces, and dispersants that bond to carbon deposits, and other debris, keeping them away from the motor and sending them into the filter where they will get trapped.

There’s also zinc, an anti-wearing agent. This mineral becomes a barrier preventing parts from wearing out too quickly, while foam inhibitors work to reduce bubbling within the oil. Otherwise, the oil pressure would lower and protection would diminish until parts started to breakdown and cease.

Firestone Auto Care calls the oil the “lifeblood of your vehicle”. Failing to change the oil and the filter on time means you’re running your motor with essentially dirty oil. Dirt and debris in an engine are normal, but it’s supposed to get cycled through the oil filter which will catch the contaminants and keep them there. If the filter is too full of debris, dirt and grime will pass through and get cycled back into the engine over and over until the oil and filter get changed. Contaminants in the oil will cause the motor’s moving parts to wear down, and they’ll ultimately break, damaging the engine.

Normally, the motor will burn off the small amount of lubricating oil that gets into the valve chambers. It’s not a problem until the engine burns off most, if not all, of that oil. Regular oil changes will ensure that never happens because you replenish the oil supply with fresh material long before that old oil would get used up. Also, the used oil will eventually turn to sludge, which is too thick to run through your engine. Without smooth oil running through your motor, you’ll end up with friction, which will slow down its performance.

Changing your oil on time is essential if you want to keep your vehicle running as long as you own it. It can also alert you to any potential problems brewing with your engine, that you weren’t aware of, especially if you haven’t been checking the oil level in between changes. In most cases, catching those issues early can save you a lot of money in the long run. Perform regular maintenance, because the cost of maintaining a car is much lower than the cost would be to repair extensive damage, especially if you could’ve avoided it.

How long can you go without changing your oil filter?

Usually, the mileage you can get from an oil filter is roughly 5 to 8 thousand miles. Some might recommend changing the oil filter every 10,000 miles, but that is a bit too long for most cars. Not so long ago, oil filters and oils were to be changed every 3,000 miles.

Can I use the same oil filter twice?

Disposable oil filters are not designed to last for more than one oil change. Almost all disposable oil filters will get clogged before they make it to the second change. They're meant to be used only once. Reusing a disposable oil filter from the previous oil change may cause a lot of damage.

Is changing oil filter necessary?

Many manufacturers recommend that the oil filter be replaced every second time you get your oil changed. So, if you're on a 3,000-mile cycle you'd change your filter every 6,000; if you're on a 6,000-mile cycle (as with most modern vehicles) you'd change out every 12,000.