What happens when you have an allergic reaction to medication

What to Look Out For

Medications are one of our most powerful weapons against germs and diseases. But sometimes when people take medications, they can have an allergic reaction. That’s when a drug causes the body’s immune systemThe system that protects your body from invading viruses, bacteria, and other microscopic threats. to overreact. When that happens, they may not be able to use the drug again without risking more serious consequences.

Any drug can cause an allergy. But some are more likely to than others. Antibiotics and certain painkillers are among the more common ones. The antibiotic penicillin is the drug most often reported to cause allergic reactions. About 10% of people in the U.S. have a penicillin allergy listed in their medical records.

But probably less than 1% of people are truly allergic to penicillin, says Dr. David Khan, an NIH-funded allergist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.

The most typical allergic reactions are skin rashes or hives. In rare cases, you can have a severe reaction called anaphylaxis. This can lead to lightheadedness, throat or tongue swelling, and difficulty breathing. Anaphylaxis can also lead to death if untreated.

Sometimes people mistake side effects of a drug for an allergy. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches are usually side effects. Everyone has different abilities to tolerate a drug’s side effects. It depends on how the drug works in your body. When you can’t handle a drug’s side effects, it’s called a drug sensitivity or intolerance.

Certain reactions may have causes other than the drug itself, too. One common example is getting a rash after taking an antibiotic. Sometimes the rash is actually caused by the infection being treated, not the drug.

Drug allergies may fade over time, Khan says. Nearly half of patients with a confirmed penicillin allergy lose it within five years, he says. After 10 years, about 80% will.

Being labeled with a drug allergy isn’t just a minor inconvenience. Alternatives to a drug may not be as good. They can be less effective or have a higher risk of side effects.

“Patients who have a penicillin allergy listed in their chart end up staying in the hospital longer,” Khan says. “They require more outpatient visits, more emergency room visits, and there’s even a higher rate of death in those patients.”

Some alternatives to penicillin can also spur the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Infections with such bacteria are hard to treat. And they can potentially be fatal.

An allergist can test whether you have a true drug allergy. In certain situations, they can perform skin testing. Your skin is pricked or injected with a needle to allow a tiny amount of the drug into your skin. If you’re allergic, the area quickly swells.

If skin testing is negative, the doctor may confirm it with an oral challenge. They will give you increasing doses of the drug and watch you for an allergic reaction.

Right now, the easiest antibiotic allergy to test for is penicillin allergy. Khan’s team is working on an allergy test for another widely used class of antibiotics, called cephalosporins.

If you think you may have a drug allergy, talk with your health care provider. They may recommend testing by a board-certified allergist. It’s important to get tested before you need the medication again. That can help avoid unnecessary delays in treatment.

Medication Allergies

A drug allergy is an allergic reaction to a medication. Symptoms can range from mild discomfort to life-threatening conditions. The most common cause of drug allergies is penicillin. Other antibiotics similar to penicillin also cause a large number of drug allergies.

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Medication Allergies
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What is a drug allergy?

A drug allergy is a form of bad physical reaction to a medication. There are different forms of allergic reactions to drugs, including immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reactions.

Immediate reactions (anaphylaxis) occur when the drug enters the body. The medication triggers a response by the immune system, and creates specific IgE antibodies (proteins made by the immune system to fight the drug). This is called “sensitization.”

When the medication is taken again, the IgE antibodies release large amounts of the chemical histamine, which try to rid the drug from the body. During a delayed reaction, immune cells help to fight the drug.

Symptoms and Causes

Which drugs most often cause an allergic reaction?

The most common cause of drug allergies is penicillin and other antibiotics similar to penicillin. Other drugs that can cause reactions (that do not involve IgE antibodies) include:

  • Sulfa drugs
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Non-steroidal agents (like aspirin and ibuprofen)
  • Contrast dye
  • Chemotherapy drugs

What are the symptoms of drug allergy?

Symptoms of allergic reactions can range from mild itching to life-threatening conditions. Many drugs can also cause side effects or intolerances such as an upset stomach. These symptoms do not always indicate a true allergy to a drug.

During an allergic reaction, histamine and other chemicals can cause symptoms that include:

  • Hives
  • Skin rash
  • Itchy skin or eyes
  • Congestion
  • Swelling in the mouth and throat

Symptoms of more serious reactions include:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Blueness of the skin
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Drop in blood pressure

Diagnosis and Tests

How are drug allergies diagnosed?

Drug allergies are diagnosed by a careful review of the patient's medical history and symptoms by a physician. If an allergy to an antibiotic such as penicillin is suspected, your allergist may do a skin test to confirm the allergy.

However, skin testing is not available for all drugs and in some cases could be dangerous. In special cases, your allergist may recommend a “challenge” (taking the medication again under medical supervision).

Because of the potential risk associated with a reaction — if you have had a severe, life-threatening, allergic-type reaction to a particular drug — your doctor may recommend the use of an alternative, equally effective medication.

Management and Treatment

How are drug allergies treated?

The primary concern when treating drug allergies is relieving the symptoms:

  • Common symptoms such as rash, hives, and itching can often be controlled with antihistamines and occasionally corticosteroids.
  • For coughing and lung congestion, bronchodilators (inhalers) may be prescribed.
  • For more serious, anaphylactic symptoms (life-threatening reactions, including difficulty breathing or loss of consciousness) epinephrine (adrenaline) is usually injected.

Desensitization is occasionally used for treatment of drug allergy, particularly when no testing is available or feasible. This technique is designed to allow your body to temporarily tolerate allergy-causing agents as long as you continue to use the medication.

For example, during penicillin desensitization, small amounts of penicillin are injected periodically at increasingly larger levels until your immune system learns to tolerate the drug. Desensitization procedures are not a cure for drug allergy.

Living With

Living with drug allergies

If you have a drug allergy, always inform your healthcare provider before undergoing any type of treatment, including dental care or surgical procedures.

It is also a good idea to either wear jewelry (bracelet or necklace) or carry a card that identifies your drug allergy. In cases of emergency, this type of identification could save your life.

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What happens when you have an allergic reaction to medication

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If the rash occurs, the medication should be stopped as soon as possible. The rash may persist for several days to weeks after you discontinue the medication, then it fades. Usually, the rash disappears from the top of the body first and the legs and feet last.

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Antihistamines to relieve mild symptoms such as rash, hives, and itching..
Bronchodilators such as albuterol to reduce asthma-like symptoms (moderate wheezing or cough).
Corticosteroids applied to the skin, given by mouth, or given through a vein (intravenously).
Epinephrine by injection to treat anaphylaxis..