What is 1/10 of a penny

Using money as an introduction to fractions not only helps with the grasp of fractions, but it also gives you a quick idea of how many coins of each type are needed to reach one dollar.

What is 1/10 of a penny

One Penny = 1% = 1/100

Transcript: There100 pennies in a dollar. So one penny will be 1/100th of a dollar. As you have more pennies, the fraction's numerator will get bigger, but the denominator will always stay 100.

What is 1/10 of a penny

50 Cents = 50% = 1/2

Transcript: Two half dollars add up to a dollar because they are worth 50 cents each. 50 x 2 = 100.

What is 1/10 of a penny

ONE QUARTER = 25% = 1/4

Transcript: 4 quarters will give you a dollar, so a quarter is 1/4th of a dollar. If you had 3 quarters you would have three fourths of a dollar.

What is 1/10 of a penny

ONE DIME = 10% = 1/10

Transcript: A dime is 1/10 of a dollar because you need ten of them to equal the 100 cents that make up a dollar.

What is 1/10 of a penny

ONE NICKEL = 1/20 = 5%

Transcript: EA nickel is 1/20 of a dollar because it takes 20 of them to make a dollar.

What is 1/10 of a penny

TRY IT Match the Fraction to the Coin

Transcript: Enter the content of the slide 06 audio here.

Lesson 1: Introduction to Decimals

What are decimals?

A decimal is another way to write a fraction. You can think of a decimal as a part of a whole number. It is less than 1 whole thing, but more than 0.

You may not realize it, but you see decimals a lot in real life. One of the most common examples is money.

What is 1/10 of a penny

Do you recognize these coins? We have a quarter, a dime, and two pennies. You could write each of these as a decimal. That's because each coin is worth less than a whole dollar.

Click through the slideshow to learn how decimals work.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    This is a dollar. A dollar represents a whole number. It is equal to 1.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    We could also write that as 1.00. In other words, 1 = 1.00.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    1.00 is a decimal. Here, it means we have 1 dollar and 0 cents.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    As you may already know, there are 100 pennies in a dollar. This means 100 pennies equals 1.00.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    One penny is part of a dollar. More specifically, it's 1 cent. We could also write that as a decimal: 0.01.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Let's look at a few more decimals. 9 cents is 0.09 of a dollar.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    A quarter, or 25 cents, is 0.25 of a dollar. Any time you have part of a whole, you can write it as a decimal.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Let's look at another example. This pitcher holds 1 liter of water. Right now it's full.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    We could write this as a decimal: 1.00 liters.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    The pitcher is split into 10 parts. This means each part is equal to 0.10 liters.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    As the day goes on, the pitcher gets emptier. Now it has 0.70 liters. That's because we used up 0.30 liters.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Now it has 0.50 liters, or half a liter.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Now it has 0.20 liters. Even though we have less than one liter, we have more than zero liters, so we can write it as a decimal.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

Reading decimals

As you saw on the last page, decimals look a lot like a regular numbers, with a few important differences. First, all decimals have a decimal point (.). The decimal point looks like a period. Any number to the left of the decimal point is a whole number. The numbers to the right are like a fraction—they're less than 1 whole but more than 0.

For example, let's take a look at this decimal.


9 is on the left of the decimal point, so we have 9 whole things. 6 is on the right, so we also have 6 parts of a whole.

We see written decimals all the time in real life. For example, you might know that the average body temperature is 98.6 degrees. Or you might tune in to a radio station like 97.5. But do you know how to read these decimals out loud?

Click through the slideshow to learn how to read decimals.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Let's try reading this decimal: 9.6.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    First, we'll read the number to the left of the decimal point. That's nine.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Next, we'll read the decimal point. Usually, you'll just say "point".

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Finally, we'll read any number to the right of the decimal point. That's six.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    So, we'd read 9.6 like this: nine point six.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    But you could also read it like this: nine and six-tenths.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    When you read decimal numbers, each place to the right of the decimal point has a special name.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    The place immediately to the right of the decimal point is the tenths place.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Here, the decimal means we have .6, or six-tenths, of a whole.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    You might remember from Introduction to Fractions that six-tenths is just another way of saying 6/10.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    So 9.6 means we have 9 whole things and 6/10, or six-tenths, of another thing.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Since we have nine and six-tenths, the word "and" replaces the decimal point.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Let's try another example. How would you read this decimal? 0.25.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    We can read 0.25 as zero point two five...

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    We can read 0.25 as zero point two five...or leave out the zero and just say point two five.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    But we could also read it like this: twenty five-hundredths.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Let's look at our decimal places again. 2 is in the tenths place, so we have two-tenths.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Next is the hundredths place. In this example, 5 is in the hundredths place, so we have five-hundredths.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    When we read this number aloud, we'll say the 2 and 5 together as "twenty-five".

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    We'll also say the decimal place that is farthest to the right. In our example, that's the hundredths place.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    So we'll read 0.25 as twenty five-hundredths.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    This is just another way of writing 25/100.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    To figure out how many hundredths we had total, we could have added these numbers: two-tenths and five-hundredths.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    2 tenths is the same as 0.20, or twenty-hundredths.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    0.20 plus 0.05 equals 0.25, or twenty five-hundredths.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

Try This!

Try reading the decimals below aloud.

What is 1/10 of a penny

Decimals and money

What if you had to read this decimal out loud?

What is 1/10 of a penny

Even though we use decimals when we use money, we read them slightly differently. Instead of three point two three, or three and twenty three-hundredths, we'll say three dollars and twenty-three cents.

You could also read it like this: "three twenty three". To save time, most people leave out the decimal point when talking about money. How about $5.99? That would be five dollars and ninety-nine cents, or five ninety-nine.

Remember, these rules only work with money. They can't be used to read other decimals.

Try This!

Try reading these dollar amounts.

What is 1/10 of a penny

Comparing decimals

Let's imagine you're shopping for a new water pitcher. You find two you like—one holds 0.7 gallons, while the other holds 0.5 gallons. Do you know which pitcher is larger? Click the arrows to find out.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    To find out which pitcher holds more, you could simply compare the decimals to see which is larger.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    7 is larger than 5, so 0.7 is larger than 0.5. The larger the number to the right of the decimal point, the larger the decimal.

How about these two decimals:

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Again, you'll simply compare the numbers to the right of the decimal point.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    74 is larger than 72, so 0.74 is larger than 0.72.

Now let's compare these decimals:

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Since the whole number, 1, is the same for both decimals, we'll compare the numbers to the right of the decimal point.

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    If you thought .2 was larger than than .19, you were right!

  • What is 1/10 of a penny

    Remember, 1.2 could also be written as 1.20.
    20 is larger than 19, so 1.20 is larger than 1.19.


What is a 1/10 penny called?

A mill of this kind is a coin, worth one-tenth of a penny.

What is one tenth the value?

One tenth is the same as one out of ten parts. It is a common fraction that means the same as 10% or 0.1.

What is 1/10th of a dollar?

One tenth of one dollar would be 10 cents, or one dime.

How much is a fraction of a penny?
