What is the closest over the counter drug to phentermine

1 Best Phentermine Alternative Over The Counter: OTC Phen Pills

Phentermine is the most commonly prescribed weight loss pill in the United States, if not the world.

It is a weight loss medication that can help obese or overweight people lose weight quickly. However, several natural weight loss supplements are available that can produce similar weight loss results to Phentermine and are available over the counter, prescription-free.

Which Phentermine alternatives are best? What will OTC Phentermine weight loss supplement work for you and help you reduce your body weight? Our Phentermine diet pill guide will list the 3 best Phentermine over the counter brands for 2022

At a Glance: Best Phentermine Alternatives 2022

  1. PHENQ - Editors Choice
  3. PHEN24

Phentermine: What Is It and Who Is It For?

Phentermine is a diet pill that supports weight loss by suppressing appetite. However, in the countries where it's available (United States, Canada, Australia, etc..), doctors normally only prescribe it to overweight or obese adults who have a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or higher.

It may also be available to people who have a slightly lower BMI, but only if they are afflicted with at least one weight-related medical condition. However, this bending of the rules has very little flexibility. Regardless of the presence of associated medical conditions, you cannot get a Phentermine prescription if your BMI is lower than 27.

Phentermine has been around since the 1950s and sometimes combined with other weight loss medications (phentermine-topiramate) to produce new medicines for losing weight. Qsymia and Contrave are examples.

Fenfluramine/phentermine was combined to produce fen-phen in 1994.

Phendimetrazine is chemical class morpholine used for appetite suppression and reducing calorie intake.

There are also generic Phentermine weight loss pills:

  • Adipex (Adipex-P) - probably the best known
  • Duromine - In Australia
  • Acxion fentermina - Latin, Spanish Speaking countries

The regular Phentermine dosage is 37.5mg. However, you will often see it written as Phentermine 375 or Phen375.

The 3 Best OTC Alternatives to Phentermine

Here are the premium OTC Phentermine Substitutes for 2022. All of the following weight loss supplements are available to order directly from the manufacturer. They are all covered by a comprehensive money-back refund policy (check website). They are also naturally formulated and can be purchased restriction-free in all countries.

PhenQ - Appetite Suppressant & Fat Burner

2 Best Phentermine Alternative Over The Counter: OTC Phen Pills

Click here for pricing and special offers on PhenQ

If you are looking for a diet pill that's safer than Phentermine and provides guaranteed weight loss results, make PhenQ your first port of call. It's already done the job for more than 190,000 other people, and the manufacturer offers a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Unlike Phentermine, PhenQ doesn't only take away hunger. It delivers a ship-load of other weight loss benefits as well.

PhenQ is arguably the world's leading over-the-counter Phentermine alternative. It can rival the weight loss results of prescription medication.

In common with all the other top OTC alternatives to Phentermine diet pills, one of the things PhenQ does is boost metabolism. Doing this helps you burn more calories and store fat than normal throughout your day, regardless of your level of physical activity.

PhenQ also boosts energy and enhances mood, so you don't need to worry about your diet causing fatigue or getting you down.

PhenQ is the first diet pill to contain a-Lacys Reset. It's an exciting proprietary ingredient that suppresses appetite and improves fat loss while also helping you add to your muscle mass to help keep your metabolism high. It can also prevent weight gain while burning fat.

If losing weight quickly, safely, and permanently is high on your agenda, PhenQ should be high on your list of weight loss pills.

PhenQ cost - $69.99

PhenQ Ingredients

  • a-Lacys Reset
  • Nopal Cactus Fiber
  • Capsimax
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Chromium Picolinate
  • L-Carnitine Fumarate
  • Calcium Carbonate

PhenGold - Natural Weight Loss Supplement

3 Best Phentermine Alternative Over The Counter: OTC Phen Pills

Click here for pricing and special offers on Phen Gold

If you don't like taking pills or often forget and miss a dose, PhenGold may be one of the best OTC Phentermine alternatives to choose. You only need to take one capsule a day. The best time to take it is first thing in the morning. It's straightforward to make taking this supplement a regular part of your day.

Like PhenQ, PhenGold is an OTC Phentermine substitute that does a lot more than suppress appetite. The formulation of natural ingredients it provides delivers a phenomenal metabolism boost.

PhenGold also increases mental focus and helps invigorate your body, so you don't have to worry about your diet making you feel tired and out of sorts.

Thousands of dieters have used this supplement to lose weight more effectively. In addition, it had excellent customer reviews and a 100-day money-back guarantee.

So, PhenGold - a natural fat burner and appetite suppressant are another of our Phentermine alternatives.

PhenGold cost - $59.99

PhenGold Ingredients

  • Green Tea Extract
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Cayenne Pepper
  • Rhodiola Root
  • Green Coffee Bean Extract
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • L-Tyrosine
  • L-Theanine
  • DMAE Bitartrate
  • BioPerine

Phen24 - Night Time Fat Burner

4 Best Phentermine Alternative Over The Counter: OTC Phen Pills

Click here for pricing and special offers on Phen24

Do you want a Phentermine alternative that helps you burn fat night and day? If so, Phen24 could be your perfect weight loss partner, and, unlike the weight loss drug, it can stay with you every step of the way. With no known side effects, you can continue using Phen24 as long as you need to.

Unlike the other top OTC Phentermine substitutes, Phen24 is a 2-step system that delivers a double-whammy of weight loss benefits.

The dual action weight loss supplements consist of two bottles of fat-burning pills, one for use during the day and another during the night.

Phen24 Day stamps on your hunger to save you from daytime cravings. It also boosts metabolism to help you burn extra calories and lose body weight, and provides energy, so you don't have to worry about daytime fatigue.

Phen24 Night controls hunger too, but it won't give you extra energy. Instead, it provides hops extract to help you relax and enjoy better quality sleep.

Phen24 Night boosts metabolism, too, so you can burn extra calories and body fat during the night.

If you often have a problem sleeping or regularly wake up feeling hungry during the night, Phen24 could be your dream diet pill, and it even has a 60-day money-back guarantee.

So, Phen24 is a great natural weight loss supplement and the third place of our Phentermine alternatives.

Phen24 Cost - $74.99

Phen24 Ingredients

Daytime Formula

  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Copper
  • Iodine
  • Caffeine
  • Guarana
  • L-Phenylalanine
  • Cayenne Powder

Night Formula

  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Calcium D-Pantothenate
  • Pyridoxine
  • Thiamine
  • Chromium
  • Biotin
  • Molybdenum
  • Glucomannan
  • Griffonia Extract
  • Choline Bitartrate
  • Green Tea
  • Hops

Other Phentermine Alternative Brands That Didn't Make the Top Products List

A few other Phen pill brands didn't quite make the grade.

  • Phen375
  • PhenAprin
  • Phena-Lean
  • Phentaslim

How Do Phentermine Diet Pills Help Weight Loss

Unlike the best OTC Phentermine alternatives is only an appetite suppressant. At best, all it does is help you to stick to a low-calorie diet without being bombarded with cravings for food.

Phentermine suppresses appetite by triggering a stress response that forces your body into a state of fight or flight.

Fight or flight is a normal response to danger. It produces many chemical changes in the body that are designed to help you survive. Unfortunately, one of the things it does is deactivate hunger. The last thing you need in a dangerous situation is hunger distracting you and slowing you down.

Higher blood pressure is another aspect of fight or flight. In a dangerous situation, higher blood pressure can be beneficial, but it strains your body. It's not something you want over an extended period.


Phentermine tricks your body into maintaining fight or flight for hours at a time. This can result in headaches, chest pains, fatigue, confusion, and difficulty breathing. It also puts unnecessary strain on the heart and cardiovascular system.

None of the best natural alternatives to Phentermine work by causing a stress response. They use alternative methods to suppress appetite without side effects safely.

Phentermine Side Effects and Warnings

Phentermine is one of the most popular weight loss diet pills globally. So, if you are trying to lose weight, there's a good chance you've already heard of it.

There's an equally good chance you may be aware of its reputation for being hard to obtain and possible side effects. That may be the reason why you are presently reading an article about the best Phentermine alternatives.

There are several other reasons people search for natural over-the-counter (OTC) alternatives to Phentermine. It's not just the side effects that generate the demand.

In many countries, Phentermine isn't legally available. Even in countries where it is a prescription option, such as Canada and the USA, you need to be significantly overweight to get hold of the drug, and, if you can, it's only available short-term. Three months maximum. That's it. If you are overweight enough to get a prescription, you will need help for a lot longer than that.

Despite the stories that make Phentermine sound like the Holy Grail of weight loss, your excess weight is likely to be pretty slow to go, even with a good diet and exercise plan. If you do begin making progress, it's going to feel like a kick in the teeth when further access to the drug is denied.

However, one of the problems Phentermine presents is a threat of addiction. It becomes easier to understand why doctors don't prescribe it for long when you know that.

The addictive nature of Phentermine is also part of the reason it's banned in so many parts of the world. That's not the only reason, though.

Phentermine also presents a risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, and strokes. So, not surprisingly, many regulatory bodies consider the medication far too dangerous to use.

As the name suggests, Phentermine is a form of amphetamine. If you are familiar with the abilities of amphetamine (aka speed), you will realize the relationship explains the prescribed weight loss medication's addictive nature.

Even when it's available, Phentermine is anything but a magic pill. If the things you've heard about it suggest otherwise, the things you have heard are wrong.

As with any other diet pills, prescription-only or OTC, you need to use Phentermine alongside diet and exercise. Even then, there are no guarantees it will work. Doctors often stop prescribing the drug due to a lack of results.

How Natural Alternatives Compare to Phentermine

One of the most significant advantages natural OTC Phentermine substitutes have over the drug is suppressing appetite without the need for fight or flight.

Most weight loss supplements available without prescription are naturally formulated to buy in-store or online.

Their ability to help you avoid hunger without side effects is one of the main reasons all the top Phentermine alternatives have become so popular.

Instead of causing a stress response, the ingredients in these natural weight loss supplements increase satiety, causing your stomach to feel comfortably full.

The other advantage of all the best natural alternatives to Phentermine share is their greater versatility.

Why settle for a weight loss pill that only suppresses appetite when you can have one that does this and an awful lot more?

Ingredients that Suppress Appetite Safer than Phentermine

There is no shortage of natural ingredients that can suppress appetite. However, some natural hunger busters work better than others, and specific options can support weight loss in additional ways as well.

Nopal Cactus Extract

Also known as prickly pear, the nopal cactus has a long history of being used as a food and an appetite suppressant.

The cactus' flesh is high in fiber and rich in amino acids. As a result, it's a key ingredient in New Mexican cuisine.

Many years ago, Indian tribe members chew pieces of nopal during long hunting trips because they were aware of its ability to subdue hunger. This is an ability diet pill manufacturers are still exploiting to this day.

Nopal's function as a fat blocker is a more recent discovery. Still, research shows it can be suitable for limiting the number of calories your body can absorb from the fat present in food.


Glucomannan is a popular appetite suppressing ingredient that comes from the roots of the konjac plant. Its notable abilities in this area are due to its highly absorbent nature.

Glucomannan fiber can soak up 50 times its weight in water. It does this rapidly, causing the natural fibers to expand and take on a jelly-like state.

When you take supplements that contain adequate amounts of glucomannan and drink sufficient water, it provides you with a belly full of jelly that increases satiety, reducing your desire to eat.

The relationship between glucomannan and appetite has been explored in numerous studies. There's plenty of evidence to show that it works. Collectively, the available data shows, you need to take a full gram of glucomannan per dose. Phen24 Night provides this, so its reputation as a nighttime hunger suppressant is no surprise.


Cayenne pepper provides capsaicin. It's the compound that offers the chili pepper with its heat. It's a trendy diet pill ingredient that helps you lose weight faster by boosting metabolism, increasing thermogenesis, and reducing the desire to eat.

Many good diet pills list cayenne among the key ingredients. The Capsimax version is prevalent because it utilizes a unique slow-release technology that makes it less likely to cause heartburn or upset stomach.

Capsaicin's ability to control hunger and increase energy expenditure is well studied, and there is plenty of evidence that shows that it works.


Caffeine is a popular diet-pill ingredient that supports several ways of fat loss and fat burning. First, its ability to stimulate the central nervous system makes it suitable for increasing mental focus and boosting energy levels.

Caffeine also suppresses appetite. However, it's not a particularly big gun in this regard. Instead, it has far greater value as a metabolism booster.


Chromium is a mineral that can support weight loss by influencing insulin levels. Its ability to do this allows it to protect against blood sugar crashes that can trigger cravings for sugar and carbs.

After a meal, blood sugar levels may rise rapidly and become too high. When this happens, the liver secretes insulin to bring the sugar level in the blood back down.

Insulin is very efficient at lowering blood sugar levels. Unfortunately, sometimes it's too efficient and causes blood sugar levels to crash. The brain responds to this situation by initiating cravings for sugar and carbs because these high-energy foods are so good for bringing blood sugar levels back up.

This is not a good situation. If you have just eaten, your body does not require more food. The aforementioned battle between blood sugar and insulin will only encourage you to overeat.

Chromium's ability to regulate insulin and prevent this scenario gives it great potential as a weight loss aid.

Green Coffee Bean

Green coffee beans provide chlorogenic acid. Like chromium, the chlorogenic acid in green coffee bean extracts is good for regulating insulin and preventing cravings for sugar and carbs.

It works in much the same way as green tea extract and is worthy of inclusion in many Phentermine replacements.

Phentermine Alternatives - The Bottom Line

Phentermine is a prescription diet pill that can suppress appetite. However, it doesn't work for all, and the benefits it provides often come at a price. People who cannot obtain the medication or don't want to risk the side effects are better off using a good OTC Phentermine alternative.

The best Phentermine alternative over the counter are not only safer to use, but they also help you to lose weight rapidly by providing support in multiple ways, such as increasing metabolism and reducing the absorption of dietary fats. They are also suitable for long-term use and benefit from money-back guarantees.

Our top choice, PhenQ, is the best Phentermine alternative in the USA, Canada and Australia, and many other countries across the world.

What drug is similar to phentermine?

Many people who want to lose weight choose a phentermine alternative over the prescription medication. Adipex and Lomaira are two of the best known phentermine alternatives. Both are available on the market and can be purchased online. In the United States, Adipex is the most common brand of phentermine diet pills.

What can I take besides phentermine to lose weight?

Most prescription weight-loss drugs work by making you feel less hungry or fuller. Some do both. The exception is orlistat..
Bupropion-naltrexone (Contrave).
Liraglutide (Saxenda).
Orlistat (Xenical, Alli).
Phentermine-topiramate (Qsymia).
Semaglutide (Wegovy).
Setmelanotide (Imcivree).

What natural supplement is similar to phentermine?

Are there any natural alternatives to appetite suppressant prescription drugs like phentermine?.
Caralluma fimbriata..
Griffonia simplicifolia..
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