When can i drink alcohol after wisdom tooth extraction reddit

Nobody would blame you if getting your tooth pulled makes you want to have a drink. But don't go reaching in the fridge or the alcohol cabinet just yet. Alcohol can have adverse effects on your healing time that simply aren't worth it, no matter how tasty the beverage. We'll let you know why, and for how long, you'll want to abstain to ensure you have a successful recovery you can smile about.

Tooth extractions involve removing a tooth from its socket in the bone. You might need a tooth extraction for various reasons, including infection, injury, or to make room in your mouth for orthodontic treatment. Wisdom teeth removal is a specific type of tooth extraction that involves your third molars. All tooth extractions fall into two categories:

  • Simple extractions usually involveremoving a tooth that's visible in your mouth. General dentists commonly perform these procedures by numbing the tooth and surrounding gum tissue before loosening and removing it from the mouth.
  • Surgical extractions occur when a tooth has broken at the gumline or failed to erupt, such as an impacted wisdom tooth. Oral surgeons typically perform these procedures; however, general dentists can as well. During the surgical extraction, the dental professional makes a small incision into your gum to remove the tooth.

Can You Have Alcohol After a Tooth Extraction?

We hate to be the bearers of bad news, but the answer is no. After you get your tooth removed, a blood clot must form in the extraction area until granulation tissue forms, which can take a week or more. If the blood isn't able to clot, you could get something called a dry socket. This painful condition slows your recovery process. It could require more follow-up visits with your dental professional and can leave you in extreme discomfort with pain radiating from your mouth and throughout your face.

Learn more about dry socket prevention.

So How Long Should You Wait to Have a Drink?

It's best to avoid alcohol after getting a tooth pulled for as long as your dentist or oral surgeon recommends. The safest bet would be to wait about 7-10 days while the wound heals. Choose to drink water instead; staying hydrated is important during the healing process.

You should also consider any medications you are taking for pain before consuming alcohol. Mixing pain relief medications — both prescribed and over-the-counter — with alcohol is dangerous and can cause adverse effects. It's best to wait until you no longer require any pain relief medications before resuming alcohol use.

Post-Operative Tips

There are other steps you can take to make sure your recovery goes smoothly:

  • Rest for at least 24 hours after the extraction.
  • Leave the gauze your dentist placed in your mouth for a few hours to allow the blood clot to form. Then you can change it as often as needed.
  • Place an ice bag near the surgical area to reduce swelling.
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth vigorously so you don't dislodge your clot.
  • Don't use straws for 24 hours and avoid spitting.
  • Don't smoke or use any tobacco products for at least three days following the procedure.
  • Eat nutritious, soft foods to promote healing.

If you have any concerning symptoms after your procedure, such as vomiting, severe pain, or heavy bleeding, call your dentist as soon as possible.

Learn more about tooth extraction healing time.

It's best to avoid drinking alcohol after a tooth extraction, as tempting as it may be. Take care of yourself, and you'll heal up before you know it. By following these steps, as well as the aftercare instructions provided by your dentist, you'll be on your way to a fully healed and healthy mouth you can smile about. We'll "cheers" to that.

June 19, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — tomballdentists @ 2:19 am

When can i drink alcohol after wisdom tooth extraction reddit
Your dentist strives to ensure your teeth serve you for a lifetime; however, there might come a point when they recommend having one removed. It’s not uncommon to need wisdom tooth extractions or the removal of damaged teeth. No matter the reason, you’re going to have a short recovery ahead of you. To help pass the time or relax after a long day, you might want to reach for a bottle of wine or your favorite alcoholic drink, but your dentist will suggest you wait a few days after having your tooth removed. Consuming alcohol after a tooth extraction can lead to unnecessary complications that may prolong your recovery.

Risks of Alcohol After a Tooth Extraction

After your dentist removes your tooth, a blood clot will need to develop at the extraction site to allow granulation tissue to form. Typically, this process takes about 1 week. If the clot doesn’t form or is dislodged too soon, it can lead to a painful condition called dry socket, which can make your recovery slow and painful. You can avoid dry socket and other complications by skipping your glass of wine with dinner. Alcohol can hinder your body’s natural healing process while also increasing the risk of infection.

Your dentist will suggest avoiding alcohol for at least 7 to 10 days after your extraction to allow your tissue to heal. Instead, they will recommend drinking plenty of water. You’ll stay hydrated to aid the healing process.

If you’re taking any prescribed or over-the-counter pain relievers, they can have adverse reactions when mixed with alcohol. You’ll need to wait a little longer until after you’ve stopped taking certain pain relief medications to have a drink.

Enjoy a Stress-Free Recovery

Besides cutting alcohol from your day and drinking plenty of water, your dentist has a few additional tips to make your recovery easier:

  • Rest for at least 24 hours after your tooth extraction.
  • Bite on gauze for a few hours after your procedure to allow a clot to form. Change the gauze as needed.
  • Apply a cold compress to the outside of your mouth near the surgical site to reduce swelling, pain, and bruising.
  • Do not rinse your mouth vigorously to prevent dislodging the clot.
  • Don’t drink through a straw for at least 24 hours.
  • Avoid spitting for at least 24 hours.
  • Don’t smoke or use tobacco for at least 3 days.
  • Eat nutritious, soft foods until your pain subsides.
  • Maintain your oral hygiene routine.
  • Follow your dentist’s aftercare instructions.

Your dentist will explain the entire procedure and recovery during your initial consultation. If you have any questions after your extraction, don’t hesitate to contact their office.

About Dr. James D. Geer

Dr. Geer earned his dental degree from the University of Texas at Houston and continued his training in oral surgery. He focuses on the surgical removal of wisdom teeth. As a member of the American Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry, he has the qualifications you can trust. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation.

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How long until after wisdom teeth can you drink alcohol?

Your dentist will suggest avoiding alcohol for at least 7 to 10 days after your extraction to allow your tissue to heal. Instead, they will recommend drinking plenty of water. You'll stay hydrated to aid the healing process.

How long after getting wisdom teeth out Can I drink alcohol Reddit?

After having your wisdom teeth extracted, it's best to wait for 48-72 hours before drinking alcohol, beer, or wine.

Will I get dry socket if I drink alcohol?

Drinking alcohol can increase the chances of developing a dry socket. When a tooth is extracted, a blood clot is formed in the area from where the tooth is removed. The blood clot covers the nerves and stops bacteria from forming. Alcohol can stop blood clot formation or can dislodge it, which can cause a dry socket.