When is the best time to drink matcha tea

As you probably know by now, matcha green tea comes with a host of perks ranging from boosting the immune system to helping you manage stress. The compounds present in this amazing tea offer our minds and bodies plenty of reasons to whisk up a cup of green goodness. But as many members of our community are hoping to achieve not just “good,” but optimal physical and mental health, we frequently get questions about not just if or how one should drink matcha, but the best times to do so. 

When is the best time of day to drink matcha? 

As it happens, timing can be an important factor when it comes to getting the most bang for your matcha buck. But the best times to drink your matcha are dependent on why you’re drinking it in the first place, and what you hope to get out of it. 

If you’re drinking matcha…

For the energy boost, try…


If you’re looking for the best time of day to drink matcha green tea to take advantage of the energy boost it provides, consider having a cup in the mid-morning. Extensive research has shown that human cortisol levels (the hormone that makes us feel awake and alert) spike as soon as we wake up. Drinking caffeine while cortisol is already high will have only a minor effect on energy and alertness, so it’s best to wait until cortisol levels naturally dip a bit. This is typically around 9:30am.

After eating lunch

We all dread that mid-afternoon crash, but getting ahead of it with the gentle boost of matcha green tea after lunch can keep you going strong all the way up to the end of your workday, and without the sugary snack or coffee you may reach for otherwise. Matcha post-meal can also aid digestion.

When is the best time to drink matcha tea

For the metabolism-enhancing effects, try…

Between meals

If you’re hoping to take advantage of the calorie-burning effects, between meals is the best time to drink matcha powder. That way, you aren’t consuming caffeine on an empty stomach, which can prove bothersome for many individuals, but you’re also setting your body up to metabolize the next food it gets efficiently. 

15-30 minutes before a workout 

If you’re wondering the best time to drink matcha green tea for weight loss, 15-30 minutes before a workout is the way to go. Timing your tea consumption like this will increase the fat-burning potential of any workout you choose to do, helping you to make the most of whatever time you take out of your day to move your body and break a sweat. 

For it’s antioxidant and nutrient properties…

On an empty stomach

This is the best way to make sure you’re absorbing the maximum amount of nutrients in matcha. Note that adding cow’s milk or any milk with added calcium can counteract the absorption of many vitamins and minerals in matcha green tea, so this is not the best time to drink a matcha latte. Instead, drink matcha green tea on its own or with coconut or hemp milk.

As a calming ritual, try… 


If you are hoping that your matcha tea will give you a grounding and centering ritual to incorporate into your day, try drinking it in the morning before the rest of the world has reached you and taken control of your day. Enjoy the slow and simple process of making matcha, and sip it while sitting quietly or performing another self-care ritual. 


If by lunchtime you find yourself overwhelmed or worried about keeping up with all of your work, take some time out for a self-care ritual. Slowly prepare your matcha, centering yourself with the feeling of the tools in your hands. As you sip the tea, mentally begin the day anew, giving yourself a second chance each day to have the day you want to have. 

Keep in mind that all of these notes on timing assume you’re drinking top-grade, organic matcha like Yang + Yin Health matcha and that you aren’t consuming it in a form that’s full of added sugar and/or dairy products, as these could negate some benefits. 

Ready to start optimizing? 

Start with a fresh tin of Yang + Yin matcha green tea powder, which you can find here!

Can you drink matcha tea on an empty stomach?

Do not drink your Matcha very early in the morning. Avoid drinking Matcha on an empty stomach. It can lead to stomach upset. Don't drink Matcha tea at the same time as your main meals, as it can reduce the absorption of vitamin B1 in your body, which lead to a condition named Beriberi.

Is it OK to drink matcha at night?

So they advise against drinking Matcha at night as the caffeine could keep you awake. Caffeine prevents a rise in melatonin levels which is the sleep hormone. The melatonin levels determine the natural time to fall asleep and wake up. Caffeine remains in your body for 4-7 hours.

What happens if you drink matcha everyday?

Drinking matcha every day results in a noticeable mood boost, optimized all-day energy, and potential benefits like weight loss, heart health, lower blood pressure, metabolism balance, and even totes cancer-fighting properties.

When should I drink Matcha green tea for weight loss?

Studies suggest that the best time to drink green tea is in the morning and before the workout session. Swapping your cup of coffee with green tea is the best way to kick start your day. Like coffee, green tea also contains some amount of caffeine and L-theanine.