Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken

Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken

At Allen’s Camera we take all types of identification photos. From every countries passport photos, visa photos, green card photos, and concealed weapons photos we can do them all. We have most countries and types programed into our computer, but would always reccomend you bring the specifications for the images with you.

Canadian Passport Photos

We do Canadian passport photos as well and also recommend you bring the requirements with you. We have to put our stamp on some, and not others, and need this information from you.

We can also do digital photos if you just need a digital file we can do that as well.

Do you need to replace your Canadian passport or get the new one? It's going to be easy: the passport application process takes only about 10 days.

Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken

Along with your application, you will need to provide 2 identical Canada passport photos. To cut the time it takes to collect and submit the necessary documents, and to be completely satisfied with your portrait in the passport, we suggest you read the detailed information about the rules, requirements and tips that are applicable to passport photos in Canada.

Table of contents

  • Canada passport photo requirements
  • Canada passport photo online
  • Where can I get my Canada passport photo taken near me?
  • What is a typical Canada passport photo price?
  • How to print out a digital Canada passport photo?
  • A stamp or signature on the back of the Canadian passport photo
  • Is it allowed to edit a Canada passport photo in Photoshop?
  • What to do if my Canada passport photo is rejected?
  • Links

Canada passport photo requirements

The most distinctive feature of Canadian passport photos is their size. The required Canada passport photo size is 50 mm wide x 70 mm long.

This is a larger format than in most countries: for example, in the U.S. required passport photo dimensions are 2x2 inches (51x51 mm), and, for example, in the UK and Australia this size is 35x45 mm. That's why it can be a hard task to get a Canada passport photo outside of the country: not all offline photo shops have this option.

The Canada passport photo background should be white or light-coloured. Face expression must be neutral with eyes clearly seen.

Photo required for a Canada visa should be 35x45 mm.

Learn more about Canada passport photo requirements here.

Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken

Canada passport photo online

The fastest to get your Canada photo IDis to use specialized online soft. Visafoto instantly converts any portrait to a professional passport photo: it sets the right size, adjusts the background, fixes tilted head and improves quality. This way you can get a photo for any ID, be it a passport, a visa, a driving license, etc.

Just upload your portrait taken on any background from the distance of 1,5-2 meters from the face. Select the type of ID you need a photo for and enjoy a professional result! You will get a file in two versions: a digital one is for online submissions and another one for printing.

Note, Visafoto.com has been doing Canada passport photo since November 2013 and we have made many thousands of 5x7 Canadian passport photos that were successfully accepted by the Canadian authorities.

Get your Canada passport or Canada visa photo online.

Take an image with a smartphone or camera against any background, upload it here and instantly get a professional photo for your visa, passport or ID.


Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken


Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken

So let's have a look at some examples. Your original photo should look like this:

Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken

After resizing, you will get a photo for online submission and 4 photos for printing:

Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken

Where can i get a canadian passport photo taken

Where can I get my Canada passport photo taken near me?

If getting a passport photo online at Visafoto in a couple of seconds from a selfie is not your way, then there are several main options of getting the Canada passport photo offline:

  • Pharmacies and retail chains (Shoppers drug mart, Jean Coutu, etc);
  • Local camera shops.

Note that typically camera shops don't provide digital versions of photos, which are needed to submit electronic applications. Or they may be provided for an additional fee, often doubling the cost of the photo.

What is a typical Canada passport photo price?

Online. A Canada passport picturethat you can get on Visafoto.com costs $7 US dollars. You can print it multiple times (like $0.30 CAD per 2-4 printed photo cards). Along with a printable template you will get a digital Canada passport photo to submit your passport or visa application online.

Retail chains. Canadian pharmacies and convenience stores have about the same rates for passport photos. On average, it is $13 CAD for two Canada ID pictures. Typically no digital version is included. Here is a brief price list:

  • Shoppers Drug Mart: $19.99 CAD for a set of passport photos
  • Jean Coutu: $13.80 CAD for a set of passport photos
  • Walmart: a set of Canada passport photos costs $15.99 CAD.

How to print out a digital Canada passport photo?

Along with your passport application you must submit two printed photographs. Visafoto provides customers with a template for printing on 4x6” paper (that's a standard postcard size). If you have a printer allowing you to make a color printing, then just use this file to get your photo cards.

What if you don't have a printer? Many pharmacies, post offices and retail stores all over Canada offer printing services. But watch out: if you bring them a flash stick with an image file to print your, they can refuse to print it at a regular price, and will charge about the same price as if you were taking your passport photo at theirs. But there is a lifehack: order your prints online instead. You can order prints online for as low as $0.39 CAD and pick them up at the nearest store.

A stamp or signature on the back of the Canadian passport photo

According to Canada passport photo rules, on the back of 1 photo there must be a stamp or written information showing the date the photo was taken, name and complete address of the photo studio.

You can just put a signature of the person who took the photo (the original photographer) or someone else who knows you and can confirm your identity. Having done thousands of Canada passport photos online, our clients used this method and had their photos successfully accepted.

Is it allowed to edit a Canada passport photo in Photoshop?

Artificial changing of the appearance (such as hair, eye color, etc.) is strictly prohibited. However, it's allowed to alter the background and overall quality of the picture.

What to do if my Canada passport photo is rejected?

That can happen if your photo does not meet the criteria of format, quality or dress code. If you purchased your photo on Visafoto, the probability of an error is very small: the service takes into account all the necessary details. But if it does happen, be sure to write to our technical support. We will replace the photo free of charge or refund the full amount of the service.


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  • Canada passport photo requirements
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  • Official Canada visa and temporary resident visa photo information
  • Canada passport photo requirements
  • Canada visa photo information in detail
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Can CVS do Canadian passport photos?

CVS for Canadian citizenship photos You can have a passport photo taken with the pharmacy's photo service for $16.99.

How do I get a Canadian passport photo in the US?

When getting a Canadian Photo in the USA it is best to use a professional photo service that can comply with the passport's 50 mm X 70 mm (2 in X 2 3/4 in) specifications. Passport photos from other countries might not be compliant such as the non compliant 2 in x 2 in US passport photo.

Where can I get photos for a Canadian passport?

Select your local Walmart store to take your photo! Pay online and get your passport photo taken in store. Once you arrive present your order confirmation email to the associate, who will then take your photo and process your order.

Can you get a Canadian passport photo online?

Photos must be printed on plain, high quality photographic paper. You can choose to print the photos with color printer, or print it online.