Why do you have to wear a retainer forever

Why do you have to wear a retainer forever

The retainer prevents your teeth from shifting back to their original positions. Not wearing your retainer after Invisalign braces will eventually affect your teeth look. It can damage your overall dental health.

It is essential to wear a retainer once you’re done with your Invisalign treatment because the retainer prevents noticeable changes in your teeth to maintain your smile. 

How long do you have to wear your retainer after Invisalign?

Even though Invisalign moves teeth differently from traditional braces, the result of the treatment is still the same. In addition, you need to wear retainers after any teeth straightening treatment. Your teeth are partly held in place by the surrounding jawbone, but during and after Invisalign treatment, your jawbone softened so that teeth can move into their final positions.

After this process, it is essential to wear an orthodontic retainer. You don’t have to wear your retainer forever. You only have to water it until the new bone is deposited to keep your teeth in place. It takes about 9 to 12 months for your body to build up enough bone to stabilize teeth; hence you have to wear the retainer at least for 9-12 or as your dentist suggests.

What Can You Expect wearing a retainer after 12 Months?

After 12 months of wearing a retainer, you should have enough new bone around your teeth to keep them in a stable position. Therefore,  you don’t have to wear a retainer as frequently to maintain your smile. 

However, your teeth won’t move much once the jawbone regains new bone. But they can still slightly move forward and inward, but it will not make any difference in your smile. 

Lastly, if you face any problem with your retainer, it is best to consult your dentist for proper treatment. 

Why do you have to wear a retainer forever

The vast majority of people who receive orthodontic treatment will need to wear a retainer after their teeth are straightened and the orthodontia is removed.

These devices are custom made for your smile and typically involve metal wires and plastic—it might sound uncomfortable, but since it’s made for your unique smile, retainers are comfortable when worn properly!

However, many people don’t realize that they need to wear their retainer for much longer than expected. Depending on your unique case, most orthodontists recommend wearing these devices full-time for approximately one year after your orthodontic treatment is complete.

But do you need to wear your retainer forever? The answer may surprise you.

Yes, Because Your Teeth Will Shift!

Your teeth are vulnerable to shifting throughout your lifetime. Forces naturally exerted by the jaw when chewing and the aging process can cause the teeth to shift forward in the mouth, towards your lips.

This effect is amplified if you’ve received orthodontic treatment, as teeth can shift back to their original positions in the mouth. In order to maintain your newly-straightened teeth, you must wear your retainer for an indefinite amount of time after your treatment [1].

Don’t Worry, You Don’t Have to Wear Them 24/7

Generally, most orthodontists will recommend wearing your retainers nightly once your year or other specified time of wearing your retainers full-time is up. So while you won’t have to wear them during the day forever, you can and should still wear them every night to help maintain the alignment of your smile for the rest of your life [2].

Make Your Retainer Use Part of Your Oral Care Routine

It sounds like a big commitment to wear your retainer every night, but consider the consequences of not wearing your retainer.

For too many adults, having to invest in orthodontia again is an unfortunate reality of not wearing their retainer. For many, they had braces as a teenager but neglected to wear their retainer, forcing them to consider orthodontic treatment again as an adult.

It can feel difficult to get into a routine of wearing your retainer, especially if you haven’t worn it in a while. But the best way to commit to your straight smile is by incorporating your retainer use into your nightly oral care routine [3]. Keep your retainer case by your toothbrush to remind you to wear it!

Don’t Forget About Your Retainer!

It can be tempting to think that you’re finally done with orthodontic appliances, especially if your treatment was lengthy. But wearing your retainer is the best way to keep your smile straight and prevent the need for future treatment. Even if you wear your retainer only a few nights a week, it’s better than not at all. Stay invested in your beautiful new smile by wearing your retainer regularly!

1. https://cao-aco.org/long-need-wear-retainer-braces/
2. https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default?id=retainers-keep-teeth-from-
3. https://www.aaoinfo.org/blog/parent-s-guide-post/post-treatment/


Why do you have to wear a retainer forever

Article Name

Do I Really Need to Wear My Retainer Forever? (And Why)


Depending on your unique case, most orthodontists recommend wearing these devices full-time for approximately one year after your orthodontic treatment is complete. But do you need to wear your retainer forever? The answer may surprise you.


Alexandria Dental Health Studio