14 is 20 of what number


  • p% of A = ?
  • p% of ? = A
  • ?% of A = B
  • fractions a/b = ?%
  • relative change
  • p% = ? number
  • (1 + p%) × n
  • (1 - p%) × n

20% of what missing number = 14?

Detailed calculations and the verification of the result

A brief introduction. Percent, p%

'Percent (%)' means 'out of one hundred':

20% = 20 'out of one hundred',

p% is read p 'percent',

p% = p/100 = p ÷ 100

20% = 20/100 = 20 ÷ 100 = 0.2

100% = 100/100 = 100 ÷ 100 = 1

What does it mean: Percentage of 20% of which number is equal to 14?

20% of what number = 14

... is equivalent to multiplying them:

20% × number = 14

Number calculation, finding the missing unknown number

Percentage of 20% of what number = 14?

Let y be the number that we have to calculate.

20% × y = 14 =>

y =

14 ÷ 20% =

14 ÷ (20 ÷ 100) =

(100 × 14) ÷ 20 =

1,400 ÷ 20 =


20% of 70 = 14

Proof of the calculations

How do we check the result?

We carry out the reverse operation:

If 20% × 70 = 14 =>

Divide the number 14 by the number 70...

... And see if we get as a result: 20%

A quick note:

Multiply a number by the fraction 100/100,
... and its value doesn't change.

100/100 = 100 ÷ 100 = 1

n/100 = n%, any number.

Calculate the percentage value: See if we get the percentage of 20%

We will prove below that the calculations are correct.

14 ÷ 70 =

0.2 =

0.2 × 100/100 =

(0.2 × 100)/100 =

20/100 =


The answer:

Percentage of 20% of what number = 14? 20% × ? = 14 20% of 70 = 14

The symbols used: % percent, ÷ division, × multiplication, = the equal sign, / the fraction bar, ≈ approximately the same. Writing numbers: comma ',' - as a thousands separator, point '.' as a decimal mark.

The latest 5 calculations: percentage of which numbers are equal to the other given values?

Online calculator: percentage of what number equals the given number?

Percentage of what number equals the other given value?

Calculated percentage of which number is equal to the given value?

  • p% of what missing number = the given number N?

Three examples of problems that can be solved out using the information in this section:

  • Problem 1:

  • 25% of the annual profit of a company was invested in buying some new equipment. The total amount invested in buying the new equipment was 100,000 dollars. What was the annual profit of the company?
  • Rewrite: 25% of the Profit means 100,000 dollars => 25% × Profit = 100,000 dollars => Profit = 100,000 ÷ 25% dollars = 100,000 ÷ 25/100 dollars = 100,000 × 100/25 dollars = 100,000 × 4 dollars = 400,000 dollars;
  • Problem 2:

  • A number of 20% of the students in the terminal year have enrolled into the swimming class. In total, 7 students have enrolled. How many students are in the terminal year?
  • Rewrite: 20% of the students means 7 students => 20% × Total number of students = 7 => The total number of students = 7 ÷ 20% = 7 ÷ 20/100 = 7 × 100/20 = 7 × 5 = 35;
  • Problem 3:

  • In the last elections 49% of community memebrs voted for the A Party, 32% for the B Party, and the rest for the C Party. 17,920 people voted for the B Party. How many members are in the community, all in all?
  • Rewrite: 32% of the total community members means 17,920 people => 32% × The total number of community members = 17,920 => The total number of community members = 17,920 ÷ 32% people = 17,920 ÷ 32/100 people = 17,920 × 100/32 people = 17,920/32 × 100 = 560 × 100 people = 56,000 people.

Problem: 14 is 20 percent of what number?


One way to calculate percentages is to use this general percentage formula:

If you know any two values of the formula, you can calculate the third one. In this example, you know the 'part' (14) and the 'percentage' (20%). So, you can find the 'whole'.

By replacing the given values in the formula, you get:


20 × whole = 14 × 100

Divide by 20 and get the whole:

whole = 14 × 100 = 70

14 is x percent of what chart

14 is 100 percent of 14
14 is 95 percent of 14.74
14 is 90 percent of 15.56
14 is 85 percent of 16.47
14 is 80 percent of 17.5
14 is 75 percent of 18.67
14 is 70 percent of 20
14 is 65 percent of 21.54
14 is 60 percent of 23.33
14 is 55 percent of 25.45
14 is 50 percent of 28
14 is 45 percent of 31.11
14 is 40 percent of 35
14 is 35 percent of 40
14 is 30 percent of 46.67
14 is 25 percent of 56
14 is 20 percent of 70
14 is 15 percent of 93.33
14 is 10 percent of 140
14 is 9 percent of 155.56
14 is 8 percent of 175
14 is 7 percent of 200
14 is 6 percent of 233.33
14 is 5 percent of 280
14 is 4 percent of 350
14 is 3 percent of 466.67
14 is 2 percent of 700
14 is 1 percent of 1400

Above, we have a grafical representation using strip diagrams (or percent bars) of 14 is x percent of what, where x ranges from 1 to 100%, for your reference.