Can you see who viewed your tiktok if they don t have an account

TikTok profile view history

You can turn on Profile view history in your settings to see which accounts on TikTok have viewed your profile. Only accounts that have also turned on this feature and have viewed your profile in the past 30 days will appear in your profile view history.If you visit another account's profile page and they've also turned on this setting, they'll be able to see that you visited their profile.

Note: You must be 16 years of age or older and have fewer than 5,000 followers to have access to this feature.

How to turn Profile view history on or off

You can turn your Profile view history on or off in your privacy settings or on your Profile views page. Turning off profile view history means you will not be able to see who has viewed your profile, and others would not be able to see that you've viewed theirs too.

To turn Profile view history on or off in your settings:
1. In your TikTok app, tap Profile in the bottom right.
2. Tap the 3-line menu icon in the top right to go to your settings.
3. Tap Settings and Privacy.
4. Tap Privacy, then tap Profile views.
5. Tap the toggle icon next to Profile view history to turn on or off. Please note, the setting is off by default.

To turn Profile view history on or off from your Profile views page:
1. In your TikTok app, tap Inbox at the bottom.
2. Tap the notification that someone has viewed your profile.
3. On your Profile views page, tap the Settings icon in the top right.
4. Tap the toggle icon next to Profile view history to turn on or off.

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Eager to know who has been visiting and viewing your TikTok profile of late? You can now easily do so using TikTok's profile views feature.

Profile views were removed in 2020 but made a comeback in February 2022. In this article, you'll learn all you need to know about TikTok's profile views feature and how to enable and disable it on your account.

How TikTok Profile Views Work

Anyone on TikTok can view your public profile, but with profile views enabled, you can view the history of all your profile viewers in the past 30 days. That is, provided they've also enabled Profile views on their accounts.

Profile views are a two-way street where you can snoop on others, and they can equally snoop on you. Thankfully, only you or someone with access to your account can see your profile views activity.

Although the profile views history doesn't directly show you the frequency of visits and how recent they were, you can still glean these from their profile visits activity. This is possible because TikTok updates the records and ranks visits by recency.

For instance, if you've only had three profile visits in the past 30 days and User A is the third visitor within this period, they'll be listed first.

Hand holding phone TikTok logo

If a fourth person, User D, visits within the same period, they'll relegate User A to the second position and become number one, until another visitor relegates them to the second position.

So, by a visitor's changing rankings, you can tell the frequency of their visits to your profile.

Note that a username only appears once on the list irrespective of how many times they visit within 30 days.

TikTok currently doesn't send a notification about your profile views like LinkedIn does. You'll have to check it manually.

The only way to prevent others from viewing your profile is by blocking them outright, or by turning off the profile views functionality.

If you turn off profile views, you'll disappear from other users' profile views history. This is handy if you don't want a person to know that you viewed their profile.

However, note that if you turn it on again before 30 days elapses, you'll reappear on their profile views history report. Interestingly, you can turn profile views on/off as many times as you want.

How to Enable Profile Views on TikTok

Here's how to enable Profile views so that you can see who has viewed your TikTok profile.

  1. Open TikTok and tap on Profile in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
  2. Go to the top-right corner of your screen and tap on the eye icon next to the menu button.
  3. Now, tap the Turn on button, and you're all set.

To disable profile views, simply navigate to the profile views settings (Profile > Eye icon > Settings gear) and turn off the option.

How to See Who Has Viewed Your TikTok Profile

Once profile views are enabled, you can now see who has viewed your TikTok profile, provided they've also enabled profile views.

To see who has viewed your TikTok profile in the last 30 days:

  1. Open the TikTok app.
  2. Tap on Profile.
  3. Then tap on the eye icon to see your profile viewers.

Note that it may take a few days for TikTok to update your profile views history. So, check back in two to three days intervals. The page will be blank if no one has viewed your profile yet.

Know For Sure Who Has Viewed Your TikTok Profile

TikTok is one of the largest social platforms, it should therefore not come as a surprise that someone has viewed your profile, accidentally or intentionally.

However, in some cases and under certain circumstances, you may want to know who has viewed your TikTok profile. If you're a creator, your profile views can give you insight into the kind of audience you're attracting.

Can you see who viewed your TikTok if they don't have an account 2022?

There isn't a feature to see the individual users who viewed your TikTok content.

How do I find someone on TikTok without an account?

Yes, you can search for someone on TikTok using their phone number. You can accomplish this by typing the phone number of the person you're looking for into the app's search field. Their profile will appear in the results if they have a TikTok account.

How can I see who looks at my TikTok?

How to tell who's viewed your TikTok profile.
Open TikTok and head to your profile page by tapping it in the bottom-right corner..
Tap the eye icon in the top-right, then select Turn on..
You'll be given a list of everyone that's looked at your profile in the last 30 days..