Good shampoo and conditioner for hair loss

Hi, hello, I'm assuming you've stumbled upon this page because you may be experiencing hair thinning or possibly even significant hair loss. First things first, don't freak—it's totally understandable and valid why you may be—but take a deep breath and know that 50 percent of women and 70 percent of men will experience notable hair loss in their life, meaning that not only is it extremely common, but also, you're not alone. And you know what else? It also means that there are some awesome treatments and products that can significantly help those who are struggling with it (thanks, science). A good starting point? Shampoo for thinning hair.

But hold up—before you consider these shampoos as a definitive cure for hair loss, I'd be remiss not to warn you that there are no tried-and-true shampoos that are clinically proven to cause hair regrowth. But before you're all like, "Um, you just said shampoo for hair thinning will help, WTF?!" Well—depending on the reason you're experiencing thinning—specific shampoos can (a) minimize the appearance of hair loss (hi, volumizing agents), and (b) aid in treating scalp conditions that are at the ~root~ of your hair loss problem (hi, dandruff, dry skin, and psoriasis). And because, like with all medical-related situations, it's best to consult the pros for some answers, that's exactly what we did:

Meet the experts:

  • Dr. Mona Gohara, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist in Hamden, Connecticut, Vice President of the Women's Dermatologic Society, and Associate Clinical Professor at Yale. Her areas of expertise include medical and surgical dermatology and skin of color.
  • Dr. Dominic Burg is a trichologist and chief scientist at Evolis Professional. His expertise includes hair cycles and how they are impacted by inflammation and age-related diseases. Burg has talked to Cosmo in the past about hair loss in young women.

Now if you want some product recs without all of the wonderful knowledge—which, like, you should absolutely also check out—here's a sneak peek:

Our top picks for the best shampoo for thinning hair in 2022:

Now, for the science...

Do shampoos work for thinning hair?

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but because shampoos are not clinically proven to cause hair growth, we have to get a little more technical with what we mean by "works." If you're hoping a shampoo will electrify your hair follicle and speed up your hair growth, then no, shampoos for thinning hair don't work. In reality, nothing that sits on your scalp for 30 seconds will do anything to make your hair grow faster. But—but!—if your hair loss is due to scalp conditions such as dryness, dandruff, or psoriasis, then yes, a shampoo may help create a healthier, more hospitable environment for your hair to grow.

Trust me, if shampoos could magically regrow hair that has been lost, $$ procedures, like hair transplants, wouldn't be in the picture. The best they can do is temporarily add volume to your thin hair or potentially treat or calm down scalp conditions that may be contributing to your thinning hair.

How to choose the best shampoo for thinning hair

Figure out how much hair you're losing

If you're worried about thinning hair, see a dermatologist immediately—they can cocktail prescription topicals, prescribe oral medications, and even inject your scalp with cortisone to slow down shedding and inflammation. And before you freak, remember that "you lose about 50 to 100 hairs every day, which is about 0.001 percent of your hair,” Burg has told Cosmo. It's not until you notice that amount "double or tripling," says Burg, that you'll need to take action and see a dermatologist—and that's especially true if you're dealing with bald spots, a sudden receding hairline, or a vast difference in hair density.

Evaluate your age, genetics, and lifestyle changes

First off, Gohara explains that everyone's hair thins naturally with age: "If you consider everyone's hair densities in their thirties, forties, fifties, and so on, you'll see that it doesn't look the same as it did in their teens and twenties." She says you must consider genetics, explaining that when and how quickly your hair will thin is genetically predetermined, just like your eye and hair color.

And then, Gohara explains that there are many other issues that can organically cause hair thinning: Stress (hi, Covid-19 related hair loss), dieting or lack of nutrition, hormonal changes, post-pregnancy, and even over-processing the hair. This type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium—a ~fancy~ way of saying temporary hair loss—and if you correct the issue at its core (i.e., proper nutrition, less stress, seeing a doctor), the hair loss will gradually stop after a period of time.

If you establish that genetics—or any of the above reasons—are the cause of your thinning hair, the best that these shampoos can do is add volume, which in turn can essentially "mask" or minimize the appearance of hair loss by adding fullness and body to the hair. So look for formulas that specifically say "thickening" or "volumizing" on the bottles.

Determine if you have a scalp condition

Reason #780 to go see a dermatologist: There are a ton of inflammatory scalp conditions that can contribute to hair thinning and hair loss, such as dandruff, dryness, psoriasis, and more. If you have dandruff, an over-the-counter dandruff shampoo containing the active ingredient ketoconazole will help kill the dandruff-causing yeast on your scalp. If you have an irritated, dry scalp, a scalp-oil treatment, a moisturizing and gentle shampoo, and a soothing scalp serum should be your go-to's. As for a shampoo specifically for thinning hair, look for a gentle, moisturizing, and anti-inflammatory formula that can potentially aid in healing your scalp.

How do you treat thinning hair with shampoo?

Before self-diagnosing the cause of your hair loss, talk to a dermatologist or trichologist first pls, K? Gohara says that when she treats patients for hair loss, she views her approach as a "treatment ladder." The first step is to determine the root cause, and then "make sure your scalp is in the best, and healthiest, condition as possible," noting that this is where shampoo comes in: "These shampoos can hydrate dry scalps, ensure good cuticle health, and clear any clogged hair follicles."

Gohara compares shampoo to a coach on an athletic team: "The coach can't play for the team, however they can offer advice and support. It's the same for shampoo—shampoo can't grow the hair back, but it can create the best and most optimal environment for healthy and nourished hair." And if over-the-counter treatments don't work, you move up the ladder and work with your dermatologist to determine if oral medication, procedures, or even a hair transplant can be an option. Science has come a long way, and there are many solutions for hair loss today, so as frustrating as it can be, don't think all hope is lost.

The 17 best shampoos for thinning hair in 2022:

So, yeah, we've established that the only way to really treat hair loss is to see a dermatologist or trichologist who can hook you up with a prescription-strength, in-office treatment plan. BUT, that doesn’t mean you can’t kickstart your journey to thicker, healthier hair while waiting for that doctor’s appointment. Step one? Make sure your scalp and hair are as strong and healthy as possible by using one of these 17 expert-approved shampoos—all of which can help volumize and strengthen even the weakest of strands. Get ready for some holy-wow hair below.

What shampoo and conditioner will help with hair loss?

For thinning hair, Amy Forman Taub, MD, FAAD, founder of Advanced Dermatology in Chicago, recommends KeraFactor shampoo and conditioner. Other shampoos that might help are ones that exfoliate the scalp with salicylic acid and promote scalp circulation.

What shampoo is best for hair regrowth?

14 of the best hair growth shampoos.
Pantene Pro-V Miracles Grow Strong Shampoo. ... .
Mane 'n Tail Original Shampoo. ... .
Redken Extreme Shampoo. ... .
Nanogen Women 7-in-1 Thickening Treatment Shampoo. ... .
Umberto Giannini Grow Long Root Stimulating Shampoo. ... .
Noughty Get Set Grow Thickening Shampoo. ... .
Absolute Collagen Thickening Shampoo..