How long does business information group background check take

Pre-employment screening, also known as PES screening, involves the verification of data on a potential employee's resume that relates to the candidate's job performance. By doing so, you know who you are recruiting!

Why conduct pre-employment screening?

Research has shown that 71% of all CVs contain falsehoods, which have either been deliberately or unwittingly included. Of this, 8 to 10% are complete lies purposely placed on CVs. If you are looking for new employees, you need to be sure that their CV information is accurate.

At Validata, we believe that people determine the success of the organisation. Honest employees strengthen the organisation and together deliver better results. Therefore it’s important to make the right hiring decision.

What is a pre-employment screening service?

During a pre-employment screening, certain details of an applicant are checked so that possible risks related to the job performance, come to the surface. Think for example of checking a diploma. Screening candidates, however, can be a complex and privacy-sensitive process and places more responsibilities on your HR department. For this reason, an organisation may choose to outsource this process and use a so-called pre-employment screening service, such as the one provided by Validata.

This means that Validata checks whether the candidate’s details are correct, for example by checking a diploma. We work together with trusted partners, including Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO), and we use digital integrations to quickly verify the information directly at the source. Conducting pre-employment screening with Validata allows you to focus on the success of your organisation.

The basis of employment screening

In our white paper, we discuss the basis of employment screening by answering the following questions:

1. What is employment screening?
2. Why is screening important?
3. Who being screened?
4. When do you start screening?
5. Where does the screening take place?
6. Which type suits your organisation?

Download the white paper

Pre-employment screening service of Validata

Validata is the market leader in the field of employment screening. Through our years of experience, we are well aware of the needs in different sectors. Moreover, we work with an innovative screening software, in which candidates can be registered 24/7. You only have to submit the candidate’s name and contact details. Validata will then contact the candidate taking the entire screening process off your hands. We ask the candidate to provide the necessary information to then start the verification process working together with our data partners.  Once the screening is fully complete, the employer and candidate will receive a final screening report of the pre-employment screening. In doing so, Validata ensures a fast, convenient and transparent process for both parties.

How does the screening process work?

Step 1: Log in

Fill in your personal username and password.

Step 2: Choose a screening profile

Select the correct screening profile for the candidate.

Step 3: Fill in the candidate’s details

The candidate’s name, email address, and cell phone number are requested.

Step 4: Candidate provides information

The candidate receives an email with their login details and goes through their screening.

Step 5: Screening is processed

Validata verifies the candidate’s input with its data partners.

Step 6: Screening is completed

Once the screening is completed, both candidate and client will receive a message that the screening report can be downloaded.

Why work with a pre-employment screening service?

  • Short turnaround time: A screening in the Netherlands is generally completed within 5 working days (apart from the application for the VOG and international diplomas).
  • Relieve your HR department: After a candidate has been registered in Validata’s system and the proper screening profile has been chosen, Validata takes all the work off your hands. This way your organisation can focus on their core business and you can be sure that your applicants meet the (sector) requirements.
  • A network of data suppliers: In order to get easy access to the right information, you need a broad network of data partners. A professional screening organisation like Validata has established trusted partnerships, so you don’t have to take on this challenge.
  • Comply with privacy laws and regulations: Pre-employment screening can be a privacy-sensitive process. By utilizing a pre-employment screening service, you can be sure that your data and that of your candidates is safeguarded according to the AVG guidelines.

Pre-employment background checks

A PES screening consists of several background checks. Validata offers various pre employment screening profiles that are tailor-made for each sector. These screening profiles can include, the following checks:

Identity check

Validata checks the authenticity of the identity document, both on a national and an international level.

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Education check

Validata checks diplomas attained at the highest level of education. Training or course certificates or diplomas from private institutions cannot be verified.

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Work experience check

Validata checks the work experience of a (potential) employee. An appointed referee or HR department is approached to verify the period of employment, stated position, and employer.

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Statement of integrity

Validata provides a statement with integrity questions about any ongoing criminal cases and secondary functions and activities. This statement must be answered truthfully and signed by the (potential) employee.

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VOG check (certificate of conduct)

Validata assists with the application for the Dutch certificate of conduct.

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Criminal record background check

Validata assists with the international application for a Background check or Criminal record.

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Credit check

Validata checks information about possible ongoing payment issues, companies by name and address, civil law decisions and registration in the guardianship register.

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BIG registration check

Validata checks whether the (potential) employee is currently registered in the BIG register and can, as an extra validation, ask for proof of registration.

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Company check

Validata checks the registration at the Chamber of Commerce and performs a creditworthiness test via data suppliers Dun & Bradstreet and Graydon.

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VAT number validation

Validata checks the validity of the VAT number and or the status of a company as it is registered with the Chamber of Commerce (CoC).

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PEP-check, Sanction list, and Adverse media check

Validata checks the registration in a Political Exposed Persons list (PEP list) or sanctions list. In addition, Validata checks whether a (potential) employee is negatively mentioned in (international) media sources.

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