Immediate resignation letter sample for family reasons

Sometimes it is necessary to resign from a job when a life change happens to an immediate family member. Emotions usually run high when someone close to you needs so much help that you need to leave your job.If family demands exhaust you, you may run the risk of submitting a rushed or disorganized resignation letter. You also do not want to wait until the family reasons become so demanding that you cannot give two weeks’ notice. Make sure to write a professional and clear resignation letter so employers know whether your situation is temporary or long-term.Use the resignation letter for family reasons templates and advice to compose a document that clearly communicates your situation to your employer. There are a number of formatting options available, so pick the one that best suits your needs.

Below is Sarah McDonald’s formal resignation. Sarah is leaving her job because her mom has a terminal illness that requires constant care. While she is feeling a lot of emotions about her sick mother and loss of income, she does a great job of keeping her composure in the resignation message.

Dear Allan,

Please accept this letter as my formal notice of resignation. I am resigning from my position as a supply chain manager at Wholesale Organic Foods because my mother requires around-the-clock care for a terminal illness. I am following the terms of our contract and providing two weeks’ notice. With this in mind, my last day at Wholesale Organic Foods will be October 25th.

It has been an honor to work with such a talented team at Wholesale Organic Foods. For the past four years, I have learned so much about sourcing and procuring the best organic products for our passionate customers, as well as about decreasing transport time and negotiating costs with vendors. I will take this knowledge with me in my next position, and I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity.

I intend to spend my remaining time here training Sarah, another supply chain manager, about my core distribution networks and communication with other departments. In addition, I can work with the department assistant to handle key invoicing and billing for key accounts while you find a transition.

I am open to working Wholesale Organic Foods in the future, once my family no longer needs my assistance. In that case, I will be in touch to see if there is an opening at the store.

Thank you again for the opportunity, and I appreciate everything I leaned from you.

Respectfully yours,

Sarah McDonald

How To Write a Resignation Letter for Family Reasons

A resignation for family reasons is a sensitive topic, and this letter aims to communicate a few key things. First, the note informs employers that you are leaving the organization because of a family matter that interferes with your employment. The second purpose is to thank your employer for training you and providing mentorship. Finally, it tells employers that you are willing to train the next employee and help with a smooth transition.

This is not the time for coyness or indirect language. The first sentence should clearly convey that you plan to resign. Then, state your last day of work. If you are unsure how much notice you need to provide, refer to your contract or employee agreement.

After that, you should express sincere gratitude for your time in the position. Even if your job causes you undue stress, it is important to keep that frustration out of the resignation letter. Mention projects and assistance the reader — your boss — provided you with during your tenure. The resignation letter for family reasons template focuses on positive moments and training the employee received at the job.

Finish by coming up with a plan to train other colleagues and complete any core tasks before your end date. Identify and name any colleagues you plan to train, and indicate projects that you will finish. What this section does is provide a clear path for an organized transition. To stay on good terms and get a positive reference, the person resigning should remain proactive with getting everyone else up to speed.

What To Avoid in Your Resignation Letter for Family Reasons

Even though family can cause undue stress, it is important not to get emotional and burn a bridge in your letter. Regardless of how supportive your employer is of your life outside of work or what other criticisms you have about your job, a resignation letter is not the time to express your grievances. Focus on the positive aspects of the position, and leave the door open for future employment or a professional reference. Read your letter to a trusted acquaintance or confidant make sure it doesn’t sound overly emotional.

You do not have to detail the specifics of your family situation, and it is your right to keep that information private. Too much personal detail can come across as unprofessional and even emotionally manipulative, so stick to straightforward and neutral information. Remember that this letter will go into an official file, so save personal expressions for face-to-face meetings or other more private communication.

How To Follow Up After Sending Your Resignation Letter for Family Reasons

Resigning for family reasons is understandable but still requires communication with an employer. It is a good idea to have a conversation with your supervisors before you send the letter so they can start developing a transition plan.

It is important to speak with your boss about your resignation. If your supervisor doesn’t reach out to you within two business days, schedule a meeting to go over transition procedures. You want the changeover to go smoothly for co-workers so you can keep your reputation intact.

While there is no need to tell your colleagues your exact reasons for resigning, you can let them know that you are leaving and that you are open to future communication. They may also have less questions about your resignation if they hear it from you, and someone might volunteer to act as a reference in the future.

Top 5 Resignation Letter for Family Reasons Writing Takeaways

1. Start off with the news that you are leaving

This resignation letter makes its point in the first paragraph. Now is not the time for ambiguity, so make sure you clearly state you are leaving the position.

2. Go over your employee contract

Staying on good terms with your employer is important, and you can do this by following the terms of your employment agreement. Make sure you resign within a timeframe that matches your contract. Directly address those terms in your resignation letter for family reasons to clear up any confusion.

3. Thank your boss for the opportunity

Even if you have mixed feelings about your boss, now is not the time to express them. Thank your supervisor for the time you have worked together in a sincere manner. If you have a hard time formulating positive language, use a simple line to thank your boss for his or her time.

4. Provide initial details for the transition, and follow through with meetings

Leaving a position is difficult for your boss and anyone under you. It is your responsibility to leave your role on a high note, and you can do this with a proactive approach.

5. Copyedit your resignation letter for spelling and grammatical errors

Your resignation letter is one of the last documents your boss sees from you. Make sure the letter is free from typos and grammar mistakes.

How do I write a resignation letter due to family reasons?

Here are six steps you can follow to write your resignation letter for family reasons:.
Start with a direct opener. ... .
Provide the details you're comfortable sharing. ... .
Maintain a professional tone. ... .
Indicate how you plan to help your employer prepare before you leave. ... .
End on a positive note. ... .
Proofread your document..

What is the best reason to resign immediately?

Illness or Family Issues. Personal or family illnesses are both legitimate reasons to quit a job, and sometimes a sudden illness can be an excuse to leave a position.

How do you write an immediate resignation letter?

Immediate resignation letter template Dear [Mr./Ms./Mrs. Surname], I am writing to give my formal notice for immediate resignation from [company name] as of the [date of departure]. I sincerely apologize for not being able to provide notice, but due to [reason for leaving], I must resign immediately.

How do you politely resign quickly?

How to resign professionally.
Follow the resignation rules of your company. Check your contract or your employee manual for the expected notice period, be it two weeks, a month, or more. ... .
Resign face-to-face. ... .
Be gracious. ... .
Keep it positive. ... .
Maintain the status quo until your very last day. ... .
Secure good recommendations..

Can you give personal reason for resignation?

You can simply say, “I am resigning for personal reasons,” or “I am resigning because of a family problem that requires all of my time.” If you want to go into more detail (for example, to say you are leaving to be a stay-at-home parent, or because of family illness), you can explain.