Google wake me up in 10 minutes

I regularly wake up moments before my alarm clock rings, no matter what time I set it for. Does this mean I have supernatural powers?

Tom Stephens, Sydney Australia

  • I'm a musician & have been able to do the same thing for years; I suspect that you have a VERY strong sense of timing - the same thing that might allow you to make a pretty accurate guess at the time of day without a watch. Have you ever considered taking up the drums?

    Tom Attah, Farnborough UK

  • The reason why you wake up moments before your alarm clock goes off, is because you are woken up by a mechanical or electrical "click". This "click" tends to occurr on some alarm clocks just before the bell rings or buzzer sounds, thus to you the person waking up, it appears that you wake up just before the main bell/buzzer.
  • Your clock possibly makes a slight noise a little while before it goes off, which wakes you up although you're not aware of hearing it. You say your clock rings, suggesting a traditional mechanical alarm clock - these are more likely to do this since the alarm is triggered by a cam dropping into a notch in a rotating wheel, and if the notch is worn the cam may drop into it in stages, making one or more little clicks on the way. If your clock is fully electronic, however, it shouldn't make such noises, so perhaps you do have supernatural powers which ought to be investigated further.

    Robert Hanstock, Pangbourne England

  • Yes, you seem to have a super-human capability to wake up in the morning, I fight with my alarm clock for at least 10 rounds before I am able to perform the same miracle.
  • Both myself and several of my friends also have this skill. I even do it when I've forgotten to set my alarm. One morning recently I awoke a minute after my alarm should have gone off. I awoke from a dream in which I was watching an opera. The soloist was singing the chorus of 'Nessum Dorma', (sp.) literally translated as 'No Sleep!'. Coincidence or Karma?

    Raymond Lashley, Reading UK

  • In response to two of the answers. I experience the same phenomenon almost every morning - waking anything from 10 minutes to two minutes before my alarm. In fact, I'm often aware that I've over-slept if my alarm hasn't gone off, without looking at the time. However, I've used electronic alarms for many years - such as a clock radio or my mobile phone alarm. None makes a noise prior to going off.
  • I also 'suffer' from this; in fact I usually wake up a good five or 10 minutes before the appointed time. I don't think there's anything supernatural about it; just a basic subconscious awareness of setting the alarm, combined with being a light sleeper and the underlying stress of the knowledge that one must, eventually, get out of bed. In fact, the effect can be replicated by simply writing what time you want to get up on a piece of paper and placing it under your pillow... although actually, this last detail is probably unnecessary; merely externalizing in some concrete form your decision to get up at a cetain hour is enough to work its magic on your unconscious brain. I've tried this and it works, although I wouldn't advise anyone to rely on it on the morning of that important job interview.
  • Waking up before the alarm clock rings has nothing to do with a the alarm clock making a noise beforehand. This is an action your subconcious mind makes and is well known amoungst hypnotists, hypnotherapists, etc. Everyone has a kind of internal clock which seems to have developed in the subconcious mind through a long association with clocks. However, although not entirely accurate, some people have a better sense of time than others. Whereas people live their day to day lives using mainly their conscious mind, the subconscious mind becomes more alert and domineering when a person is in deep relaxation. This happens during hypnosis but also every night during sleep. Waking up just before the alarm clock goes off is therefore very common and no indication that you have supernatural powers. Without realising, by setting the alarm clock to a certain time you have registered in your subconscious mind the time that you have to wake up the next day. The following morning, the subconscious mind (which has actually been active all night) may serve as its own alarm clock, at or around the time impressed in your mind. In fact, if you make sure that the time you need to get up is firmly instilled in your mind you can do away with your annoying alarm clock.

    Aidan McGivern, Edinburgh Scotland

  • Or you're just used to waking up at that time. I do this regularly, with an electronic clock, and also wake when I haven't set it. It is strange when I change the time and still wake up just before it though...
  • I suspect the first answer is more correct. I have never worn a watch but can generally tell the time to within ten minutes. I also wake before my alarm and can normally tell myself to wake at a given time before I go to sleep. I think the click concept comes from radiation from mobile phones giving you warning before it rings. I tend to wake about 5 - 10 minutes before my alarm goes off.
  • I believe that, were you to not set the alarm any given morning, you would wake up around the same time. You're not super-human, because if you were, you wouldn't need to sleep.
  • Isn't it the same mechanism as waking up on the tube just as it pulls into your station? Or tapping your forehead, say, six times if you need to be up at six for something important? I often wake up at the right time even if I forget to set my alarm, so the brain must be busy Out There even though the body is still dormant. (But then again, if you and I are the only people with these supernatural powers perhaps we should work it up into a music hall act...)
  • I do something completely different and a bit more annoying: I wake up about half an hour before my alarm is due to go off and then lie awake for 25 minutes or so before going back to sleep just moments prior to the alarm sounding. Is there something wrong with me?!
  • I agree with Kiki. I once read in a children's book that banging your head on the pillow the appropriate number of times (eg 6 for 6am) will wake you, and I can confirm this works for me. But as, like the questioner, I unfailingly wake immediately before my clock radio goes off, I rarely need this technique these days.

    Kate Fearnley, Edinburgh Scotland

  • It's all in the subconscious as most respondents have said: your subconscious is "awake" all the time and remembers the need to wake at a certain time and the reason you generally do so without actually seeing the clockface just before waking is that we can all gauge when awake the passing of "x" hours. This can probably be proved by noting that a young child who can tell the time would probably not waken up just before the alarm other than by pure chance.

    Iain Kennedy, Falkirk Stirlingshire

  • I read a study which claimed that this common phenomenon is closely linked with the consumption of large amounts of soya-based foods.Apparently, soya has tremendous properties as a promoter of subconscious activity, making them spill over into consciousness, as in this case.

    Steve Sloan, Aberdeen Scotland

  • I have a digital alarm, no sound, I cannot even see it. I awake minutes before the alarm, but only in the summer when shadows from the almost endless daylight make patterns on the walls. In the almost endless nights of winter only the alarm makes me awake with regularity.

    Jane Jean-Jaques, Bethel, USA

  • I don't know about supernatural powers, but for sure it means that you have 5 minutes less of sleep.

    Pablo, Bariloche Argentina

  • It's all to do with your "body-clock" which exists somehow inside us all, probably, as many people have mentioned, in the subconcious. Your body becomes used to routine. For example, if you eat at a certain hour of the day, every day, your body becomes used to taking in food at this particular time, therefore, if you don't eat at that time on a specific day, your body will make you feel hungry around about this time. Similarly, if you have a regular sleep pattern, your body becomes used to waking up a a specific time every morning.

    Spyder Webb, Liverpool England

  • I have this super power also. But more interesting is that this power may be genetic and gain strength when passed down. Example: My daughters 1yr and 2yr olds get up hours before any alarm clock goes off. Their children may not need to sleep at all!

    Dan Zwick, Saratoga Springs, NY USA

  • It's your body clock. The reason you wake up on the tube just as the train pulls into your station is that your "body clock" (or subconcious mind or whatever) knows almost exactly how long it takes for your train to get from A to B, most likely because you take the same route every day. It's the same thing that goes a bit batty when you travel, causing jet lag after crossing various time zones, or having had too much sleep. This happens to me on the daytime flight from South Africa to the UK which leaves Cape Town at 07h00 and arrives in London at 19h00. You sleep the night before, only to wake up at 05h00, rush to the airport get on the plane, and sleep for a further 6 or 7 hours, depending on how boring the in-flight movies are. After about 11 hours, you arrive in London in the evening, go back to sleep a few hours later and spend the whole night tossing, turning and waking up with a start every five minutes, thinking you're going mad. You wake the following morning exhausted, moody and unable to get through the day because you've slept 3 times (approx 24 hours on and off) in less than 2 days, on top of which, an hour has been added to your day. Pure misery. What those flying to and from Oz and South East Asia must go through, I can not imagine...

    Lindi, Durban South Africa

  • If I tell myself I have to be awake let's say, in eight hours, i.e. 7 a.m. I inform myself that 7 a.m. is the time to wake up - in eight hours time or, 480 minutes time. This I repeat twice or so. This has a success rate of about 80% waking within five minutes of the "dedicated" time. The other 20% failure rate results in my other half nagging me for making us late. So supernatural powers 80% of the time I think.

    Butch Marshall, Newak England

  • A similar occurrence happens to me, I wake-up before my alarm, although I also seem to wake-up a minute or so before I get a phone call or a message on my mobile. It could be radiation as another suggested, but it is definitely interesting.

    isaac, newcastle australia


    kieran schreiber, london United Kingdom

  • Hello there! I can assure you that this no super-natural power and you're not different from other people. You wake up before your alarm clock because you either have the motivation for the next day ahead, or your stress hormones are set high as you know you need to be up at a certain time. Usually you will wake up 2-5 times through the night as the hormone keeps itself up-to-date. This is like your own timer inside of your head. This is an amazing fact that hardly anyone knows about! Isn't it crazy how your body has synchronised to time made by man? I think it is :)

    Jack Black, Newcastle, England

  • I prefer an alternative explanation based on Rupert Sheldrake's theory of morphic resonance, and its implications for our understanding of the physiology of memory. According to the theory, every living thing resonates with other similar living things, and with itself, though morphic fields, which do not depend on space or time. There is growing body of data from experiments in which a subject's emotional response is measured by means of measuring the electrical conductivity of his/her skin (similar to lie detector test), in response to being shown either emotionally provocative or mild and tranquil images on a computer screen in a random sequence. The results are statistically significant and show that the subject tends to react slightly before the provocative images are actually shown, but not at all when the mild and tranquil images are shown. There can be no explanation of this in terms of "hearing" any click inside the computer, because there is no such click, and if fact, in most of these experiments, the subject's reaction is observed at a time before the computer has even determined which image to display. There can also be no explanation in terms of patterns or timing or body-clocks, which is the basis of most explanations in this thread on the alarm clock phenomenon. So I think that in the case of the alarm-clock anticipation phenomenon we are able to "remember" the future imminent and emotionally provocative event of the alarm clock buzzing. I think the annoying sound of the alarm clock is unnatural but the ability to anticipate it is neither unnatural nor supernatural; it is simply not part of what we currently understand in the fields of biology or physics. Sheldrake and others have designed and run many scientific experiments to verify various predictions that are implied by the theory of morphic resonance, and I invite everyone to look at the details, especially if you are sceptical. I am currently designing experiments to test this alarm-clock anticipation phenomenon and hope to publish results later this year. It is clear that in order to rule out all explanations based on pattern or body-clock type explanations, the subjects would not be allowed to set the alarm themselves or know when it was going to go off. They should also be subjected to alarms at different times of the day and night, and at varying levels of alarm clock "annoyingness" to test if there is a positive correlation based on the magnitude of the imminent disturbance.

    Michael Fairweather, London UK

  • Some of these are very interesting answers but I wish people would not relate it only to habit. I am a student and without an alarm I can sleep until midday or even 1pm. When I do need to set an alarm for one reason or another I still wake up 2 minutes before it every time, even though it's only occasional and always set for different times. It is very spooky but demonstrates wonderfully the power of the human brain.
  • You have a very good biological clock that keeps track of time. Because of this it knows when to use the stress hormones to wake you up in time.
  • The click thoery makes some sense, but only addresses alarm clocks. But what about mobile phones? I just sprang awake split seconds before I got a phone call. That couldn't possibly be related to body temperature or body rhythm - the timing of a phone call is essentially random. It feels similar to those times when you think of someone, and they suddenly enter the room, call to the door, or call your phone. We could all be super-human, but incapable of tapping into our brain's true capability.

    Mark Coleman, Dublin Ireland

  • Two reasons. The first is that, like others here have pointed out, your body/subconscious does possess what may be called an internal clock. However, it seems unlikely that this would work on occasions when you've set your alarm at an unusual time, and in fact if you kept note of this you would probably find that on those occasions you are indeed far less likely to wake up just before it goes off. The second reason is something called "confirmation bias". It's a thing we're all prone to as humans, and it's basically a kind of selective filtering of experiences that conform to a special pattern or theory. In this particular case, it means you're less likely to take much notice when you don't wake up just before your alarm. So even though it is most likely a real pattern that you do often wake up just before your alarm (more often than you'd expect just by chance), you probably end up overestimating how frequently this happens to you, because you just remember all the times when it did happen, and not the times when it didn't. The "click theory", as noted, clearly doesn't cover the load as the phenomenon occurs with mobile phones and digital alarm clocks as well, and as you can also wake up a few minutes beforehand, i.e. before any noise would have been made.

    Ruben van Bergen, Nijmegen The Netherlands

  • I have experienced this all my life, and have been often curious. It sure feels somehow superhuman. As a boy, I'd wake to deliver newspapers at 5 am, not a minute before or after. I had a flip down digital clock; I thought maybe the loud click was it. But waking on a precise time continued into adulthood - usually one minute - not two - before my alarm went off. I thought I was subconsciously looking at my clock at night; but from time to time I'd turn my clock away from view...I still woke up on THE minute. I'm writing this now because I just Googled the subject. Because 30 minutes ago it happened again, quite explicitly: It's Monday morning, I got back from Vegas late last evening (off slept all weekend). I usually get up at 5 but set my smartphone alarm 15 minutes later and knocked out. Just now, in the middle of a distinct dream, that familiar sense interrupted my dream, and I half woke, thinking "it must be after 5, but before the alarm at 5:15". I woke, reached for my smartphone--which I had not placed in its usual visible cradle but was turned off completely--and turned it on: 5:00 exactly. It happens all the time like that. Almost spooky, but not because I'm used to it. Whatever it is, it is not external cues or stimulus; and it's not subconscious viewing of any clock. It comes from within, with still-surprising accuracy.

    Mark W, California United States

  • I consider both Aiden McGiven & Butch Marshal to be on the right paths. Apologies to those below as I did not read on much further. No one really seems to of hit it on the head, and I cant explain exactly, however I'll suggest something that you try (when non-toxicated in any way) and for the most of you I think you may find it works. It is to do with the sub conscious and generally proves to a degree that mind over mater is possible! "to a degree"..... When you go to bed and your unwound from the day, lay on your back. Look at the clock at make a mental note of the time. Lay out straight and place your hands either across your chest or by your side. Spend a couple of minutes just unwinding. If you don't find it easy or relaxing in this position, don't worry. its just for two minutes. Calm your breathing and clear your mind of general thought and worries. Close your eyes and imagine something calming like the night sky. As you breath feel your breath, drawing it in from the fresh nights atmosphere, as you breath out imagine you are seeing the cool steam being exhaled and dispersing into the night. You need to awaken in 6 hours say. Gently raise your hand and place a finger just above your brow on your fore head, approximately the bindi position. now tell your self that you have to awake in 6 hours and tap the position where you finger has rested once for each hour, counting the the hours or the time, ie 1, o'clock, 2 o'clock etc. until you reach the hour on which you wish to awake. Be definitive about the last tap, like your being taught how to do your job properly. "You will be here at 8 o'clock, you will do this to the best of your ability" Once you've self programmed you can feel free to roll over and go to sleep and do so in any position you find comfortable, you do need a good night's sleep. If you find this works please let me know. I think you can use this method of self programming to do anything you want. Remember: "You can have anything you want, you've just got to want it enough. If you don't get, you obviously didn't want enough" Just be careful what you ask for hey!

    Ivan, Camelford Cornwall, UK

  • The same thing happens to me, which is lucky because my alarm hardly ever works. But in the holidays, when I don't set an alarm, I still get up at five, so it can't be a click.
  • It's actually just scientific. Well done people were right about the internal clock but it is not some mystical subconscious trick of the brain. It is your biological clock or carcadian rhythm. Simply put, if you wake up at a routine time then your body releases hormones at that time which induce wakefulness. It also controls when you become tired, what time you are most mentally alert, and even when you are most strong. This is just another evolutionary wonder. Yay science and reasoning!
  • I would encourage anyone to e-mail me. I wrote a paper on the alarm-clock phenomenon years ago, as I was planning to be a dream researcher. The study was originally performed by the parapsychologist A.E.H. Bleksley in Witwaterstrand, South Africa. He had several "hits" as they are called within his total number of trials. This caught the eye of one professor van Vurrde who went to Africa and performed a follow-up study that actually produce more hits with around the same number of trials. Much more I can share so please do e-mail me. -Mark Edwards

    Mark Edwards, Aurora, Ohio USA

  • Honestly, our lives go faster as we grow older. If you dry your alarm clock for 8:30 A.M. This year and everyday you plan to wake up at 8:30 A.M. You will notice that you start to wake up earlier than 8:30. Our life goes by faster as we get older. Time is just an illusion created by us humans and our body is not linked I that in anyway. Our bodies are aging without us realizing it. Well... That's my theory anyways.

    Karla, Springfield, Maryland USA

  • Why has no one mentioned that this regular phenomenon also works with other things? Every time I put something in the microwave for lengthy time period and go to check on it I'm never more than 4-6 seconds away from the clock going off. I am not counting and in most instances I am completely distracted and watching a movie, when heading to the microwave I have no intention for it to be done I'm just simply checking how much time is left until it is done. You may also rule out never noticing when this does not happen as I only check once and it's spot on every time.

    Gamer Guy Age 26, I don't know United States of America

  • I googled this because I wanted to find the scientific reason why this happens-it seems so spooky! Whenever I go to bed (night time/afternoon whenever) I tell myself when I want to wake up, and I always do! It it is not just close, but exactly to my watch/clock or whatever I looked at for time before sleeping! My watch/clock may not even be accurate to precise time,but I still wake up even out of a dream to what the watch says?I feel it is my subconscious, because if I had to guess one minute while awake, I would not be very accurate!

    Debbie, Auckland New Zealand

  • Not supernatural. It's quite natural to anticipate something uncomfortable that is about to happen in the future by waking so one is not shocked by it, if one is primed to be awake around that time anyway. It happens to me often. This morning I set two alarms for 6.30. I woke at 6.09 then one alarm went off by mistake at 6.11 and the other went off at 6.30. Both quite silent machines. I am usually an extremely heavy sleeper needing 2 alarms to wake me not within reach of the bed or I just turn them off in my sleep without even remembering I've done it but recently I have been priming myself to get out of bed early every morning and have been managing it with the help of alarms. I have also had experience a certain periods of my life of wanting to wake and then waking each morning unaided at the same time and also of waking unaided at various unusual set times for really important one-off events. Aren't we wonderful creatures!
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Did Google remove the timer?

None of these appear to be going anywhere. And, in case you're wondering, Google Search's built-in metronome is still alive and ticking — thank goodness.

Where is the Google timer?

Open your phone's Clock app . At the bottom, tap Timer. Enter how long you want the timer to run.

Does Google have a timer?

Google's handy timer and stopwatch that you can use right from Search have returned.

How do you count 5 minutes?

Each number on the clock represents 5 minutes, so you can count by 5s to 7: 1 is 5 minutes, 2, is 10 minutes, 3 is 15 minutes, 4 is 20 minutes, 5 is 25 minutes, 6 is 30 minutes, and 7 is 35 minutes. Each dash represents 1 minute. So, start at 35 and count on by 1s to get the minutes: 35, 36, 37.