Triwizard champions read harry potter books fictionhunt

Author Notes:

Well this is the introductory chapter of the story and 1st chapter of book "The Philosopher's Stone" (wait for some time) will follow soon. I was getting very frustrated studying for the exams and what's the best way to release the tension of mind.

As said earlier it will be Harry/Fleur pairing. The first book is mainly friendship b/w them but will touch the romantic aspect also. Harry is somewhat emotionally abused and will be definitely Ronald's bashing. Very minor changes in the original text of book such as fleur not admiring Bill's but Harry's presence before 3rd task while meeting the families and some others. Now let's start the story shall we?


The afternoon sun was making a brilliant scene on the surface of black lake. The small waves hitting the boulder placed just at the shore were producing a very soothing sound. On the boulder was sitting a messy-black haired wizard in deep thought. Harry Potter, the said wizard, was a very unusual wizard. He had survived the killing curse at the age of one, saved the Philosopher Stone from Voldemort in his first year at Hogwarts, killed a basilisk in his second year, repealed about a hundred dementors in his third year and was now the Triwizard Champion, having won the Triwizard Tournament, as of two days ago. To think of the tournament was very painful for harry as Cedric Diggory, his fellow Hogwarts champion, became first causality of the war (actually 2nd) that was about to come. So he thought about what happened this morning.


Harry had just been discharged by madam pomfrey from infirmary and was walking with Ron and Hermione towards the great hall for breakfast when Cornelius Fudge, who was the minister, strode into the hall with Amelia Bones, Rufus Scrimgeour, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Nymphadora Tonks and Percy weatherby ...umm.. Weasley. Every head turned and watched them approaching Dumbledore. Harry was confused because fudge was still denying the rebirth of Voldemort.

"What is the meaning of this Dumbledore?" boomed Fudge.

"I don't know what you are talking about Cornelius." Replied Dumbledore calmly.

"Read this letter. It arrived in a flash of flame about half an hour ago along with these 7 books which are sealed." said fudge angrily.

Dumbledore glanced at the books and was shocked to find the book was about harry. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" the title read. Dumbledore frowned and started to read the strange letter. As soon as he started reading there was a blinding flash of gold light and the letter started to read itself loudly(1).

Dear Minister, Dumbledore and any other people present,

I shall not disclose my identity as it will not solve anything. So I'll come straight to the point. We've sent you 7 books from future from Harry Potter's perception; four books are of the events that already had happened while the other three are of future. You see Voldemort was raised from death at the end of third task. Yes, minister it really happened. The ministry tried to deny the knowledge of his return from public and launched a smear campaign against Dumbledore and Harry Potter. Voldemort was provided with a full year to rebuild his forces while ministry did nothing. So the second war was the reign of even greater terror. We won in the end but the price was simply too high to bear. Because of death of many prominent wizards and destruction of economy the magical community never recovered from the war. Small wannabe dark lords created so much havoc that the muggles are now aware of magical world. They by themselves have eradicated over half of wizards and witches of Britain. We tried but could not send these books earlier than this as more power will be required that we do not have available. If our calculations are correct then then you should receive this package shortly after the third task.

So to have a better chance at future we have provided you with these books and now it's in your hand to ensure a bright future.

Good Luck

Your well wishers

P.S. – There is a list of wards along with this letter that should be casted on Hogwarts before you can start reading the books. Some wards can be used to protect Hogwarts if you cast them.

P.P.S – The letter is written in my blood and so everything written is true. Still you can check it rather easily by verifying it by Department of Mysteries.

Shocked silence was met to the words of letter. Most were in awe of the whole thing, while the slythriens were looking at them with disgust. They didn't like potter after all. One person that was not sitting at slythrien table was Ron Weasley who was seething with jealously. 'Why always harry gets all the fame and name. I'll show that attention seeking bastard. I'll not be in his shadows any longer. '

Hermione who has noticed the slip of emotions on Ron's face ignored him in favour of concentrating on harry who looked rather pale. It was in this daze that harry passed the great hall to his dorm.


Harry was tired from all the attention being on him. And now those damned books would plaster all his home life on the front page. He could easily see the headlines that will garner him more attention. "Harry Potter abused by muggle relatives" or for all he know he can be the next dark lord.

He sat there thinking about his already shaky friendship with Ron and realised that Ron was just a very jealous person who will abandon you when you need him the most. No doubt Ron was okay and joking most of the time and doesn't think before speaking, gets jealous very easily and is very lazy. He had lost count of how many times Ron had upset Hermione. He thought about those times when he sided with Ron even though Hermione was right every time. He think back on his life and could not find any reason to be Ron's friend other than that he was his first friend.

The sound of a twig snapping brought him back to present. He spun around and pointed his wand at the newcomer who startled him and he came face to face with Fleur Delacour who looked somewhat apologetic for disturbing him.

"I didn't know anyone was here. Sorry to disturb you 'Arry." Said Fleur.

"Well not many know about this spot as it's well hidden. I come here often to relax. Would you like to join Fleur and I could do with some pleasant company." Replied harry smoothly.

"If it's not too much trouble" replied Fleur while blushing slightly. 'I could not believe it; I am blushing like a schoolgirl.'

They settled in a span of comfortable silence. Fleur was glancing in his direction again and again as if she could not decide on something.

"You are behaving normally; you're not affected by my allure." she stated this as if stating a fact.

He merely glanced at Fleur who looked very pretty with her hair shining in the faint sunlight. He couldn't help but look in her deep blue eyes which contained thousands of emotions. "It does affect me Fleur but I can ignore it. And I know you wouldn't appreciate talking to a drooling idiot who just shakes and nods at appropriate places."

"You know me very well then," teased Fleur slightly while giggling softly.

It was music to his ears and his earlier distress left him completely. He relaxed and replied, "No I don't know anything other than general information about you." Seeing her frowning slightly he added, "But I am not opposed to the idea of knowing each other."

His comment earned him a beautiful smile from Fleur. Fleur couldn't help but admire him. Admire his courage, strength, bravery and his noble character.

"Why were you sitting here all by yourself, where are your friends?" she asked curiously.

A distressed and pained look passed in his eyes and Fleur mentally cursed herself for bringing up the topic which was obviously a sore subject for him. "I'm sorry; you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." She said hesitating slightly.

Harry released a long sigh and solemnly told her of her never-existent friendship with Ron, how he felt about Hermione and about difficulty in making friends because of his blasted fame.

"I Understand" These words spoken by Fleur changed the course of future with a very great impact.

"What?" exclaimed harry bewildered slightly.

"I understand because I've the same difficulty in making friends. All ze girls get jealous because they think I'll steal their boyfriends while ze boys are rendered as stupid drooling idiots. That's why I've no friends now" replied Fleur solemnly. There was some hidden anguish in her tone.

"We are alike in that respect then, hated one day and loved another day. I'll be you friend Fleur that is if you'll have me.." replied harry.

"Zank you 'Arry," she replied while kissing his cheeks.

Harry who was blushing tomato red exclaimed more loudly than intended, "Your English has improved" his voice squeaking.

"Yeah well I'm planning to join Gringotts as a curse breaker." Said Fleur giggling at his reaction.

"We have plenty of time before the reading starts; we can share stories and get to know each other. You are staying for the reading then." Suggested harry.

"That's fine with me 'Arry and yes I'm staying and maybe you can tutor me in English." replied Fleur.

And so they started sharing stories and get to know each other. Fleur suggested harry to apologize to Hermione for his behavior and never to repeat it. Both were walking towards the great hall with slight blushes on their faces and sneaking glances towards each other. Harry had a feeling that Fleur will become something more than a friend or sister in the future unaware that the same thought was running in Fleur's head too.

1: it was just like a howler but with a dignified voice instead of screeching and doesn't explode.


So this concludes my opening chapter. It is longer as I felt it will make things easier to understand. PM me any mistakes I've made because English is not my first language.

Please review and tell me if it's satisfactory, or needs works. Suggestions are welcome but with no guarantee that I'll use them.

Next Chapter - 1 - The Boy Who Lived

Signing Out
